4 (The Next Morning)

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Danielle comforted Stefania while she was going on about what just happened while she did that Jaina went to go see if Barrett was up. Which she wasn't well it look like she wasn't. Until she saw something move outside in Danielle's backyard and call the cops without alarming the intruder that she was calling anyone. After she did that she calmly walked to the living room to see Stefania asleep on Danielle's lap she went to them and told Danielle what happened but not loudly so that Stefania couldn't here her so Danielle carried her to her room and stayed there with her. A couple of minutes later is when Danielle heard police sirens outside and it startled Stefania awake. Danielle calmed her down and told her what was going on a let her take a shower in her bathroom and left out a long shirt and some shorts to change into.

She saw the cops making the arrest and came up to the guy and the guy was scared because he thought she was there by herself and he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity. Jaina saw the look in Danielle's eye like she was gonna kill him so she stepped in front of her so she couldn't do anything and possibly get arrested. Jaina told Danielle that you can't help her if you are locked up for murder. At that point in time Stefania had walked out of the room but in something completely different than what Danielle gave her since Danielle was shorter than her the leggings didn't go all the way down. Danielle really didn't think the about the outfit she just quickly grabbed something.

Stefania walked out and noticed that there was police cars outside and she got extremely nervous. Danielle noticed her nervous and walked her to the living room and sat her on the couch so she can break the news to her. After Danielle told Stefania what happened she started hyperventilating. Danielle noticed that here breathing was irregular and coached her through it to get her breathing back to normal. After about 15 minutes Stefania's breathing went back to normal. At that point Barrett had walked out the room and saw what was going on.

Barrett was completely and utterly confused because she did not remember anything that happened the night before she just saw the blonde comforting the brunette. What Barrett thought was that they secretly liked each other but when she found out what actually happened from Jains she was completely devastated. All of the girls decided that they could have a girls day and just chilled inside of the house all day to be there for Stefania through what had happened last night and again that morning.

The only thing that Danielle could think of was what if she were all alone at her own house then what would have happened. She was glad that she was there stop anything from going any further than where it went. She thought thank god I looked back and just didn't decide to just keep going. If something would have happened Danielle would have to been able to forgive herself. About an hour later she felt something touch her arm which broke her out of her trans. It was Stefania, she asked her what was going on in that beautiful head of hers which cause her to turn a light shade of pink.

Danielle just told her that she was glad that she turned around in time and that she blames herself. Stefania told her, Bambina none of this was your fault if anything you saved me from it escalating to something even worse. Danielle is still in denial because she felt like she could have done way more than she actually did. While Danielle was comforting Stefania, Barrett walked out and she was confused because she was so drunk the previous night and didn't remember anything that happened.  Barrett saw Jaina in Danielle's kitchen and walked in there unnoticed by the two women on the living room couch. Barrett just mouthed to her about what was going on. After she found out what was going on she felt bad for Stefania, and felt that it was ultimately her fault since she was the one to ask her because she knew that Danielle wouldn't.

Danielle didn't leave Stefania's side all day unless either had to use the bathroom and even then they would stand by the door because they didn't want to be too far. At this point it was just Danielle and Stefania because Jaina and Barrett had left about an hour ago. But she was completely fine with having Stefania with her she knew she would rather have company than to be by herself. In that time they got to know each other, their likes and dislikes, they even played two truths and a lie, to get even more information out of each other. After there game they decided that they should have a sleep over with the girls so Danielle took Stefania back to her place so she could get a bag for her clothes that she would need and just in case they decided to something on her way out her room she heard Danielle laughing, she was utterly surprised that Jeff let anyone she just met play with her since she is protective of Stefania. Stefania walked in and Jeff noticed her and ran to her.

After deciding in her head Danielle told Stefania that if she wanted to bring Jeff she could since she had enough yard for her to run around in. The trio then got into the car and drove to Danielle's house in a comfortable silence until they got to Danielle house. They pulled up to her house and saw Barrett and Jaina outside her house waiting. They get into the house and set up the living room for a major sleep over. They brought snacks and moved furniture around. They all sat in a circle and played never have i ever but with a twist. They had a bottle of vodka and shot glasses, the first question was asked by Barrett. The first question was never have i ever been to a nude beach, Jaina and Stefania took a shot. This information left both Danielle and Barrett stunned. There were many questions asked to get to know each other the very last question is never have i ever been with a woman, both Stefania and Danielle took a shot. They all fell asleep 20 minutes later with Stefania laying on Danielle's chest.

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