9 (Date Night)

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A couple days passed by, Danielle was trying to find out the perfect thing that they can do for the first date. To clear her mind she went on a run and in the midst of that run she stumbled upon a meadow. She thought it was the most perfect date she just had to figure out how she would convince Stefania to walk there since it was only a couple minutes from her house. She made the plans since she knew Stefania's schedule she knew what days she was free and when she wasn't. She didn't just want to assume so she asked Stefania when she would be free to have their date.

Danielle got a date set on when they will have their first date and she couldn't be happier. She plans it out but she doesn't tell Stefania wanting it to be a surprise. Danielle woke up the next day got ready and headed to the set everyone saw that she was extremely giddy and didn't know why. Danielle walked into her trailer and sat there for a while since Stefania didn't get there to later in the day. She got a knock and was slightly confused who was knocking since Stefania has a key. She opened the door to her friends Jaina and Barrett and she knew then it was a set up. She never liked when they came to talk to her together. They came in and locked the door and made her sit down.

Danielle, Barrett and Jaina were talking for a while when Danielle's trailer door opened and Danielle instantly regretted that they were there in that moment. Stefania walked in and Jaina and Barrett were shocked to say since they knew Danielle longer and they didn't have a key to her trailer confirmed there suspicions. Stefania was about to leave when Danielle stopped her, she didn't want her to leave no matter who was in her trailer. Danielle looked at the time and asked Stefania why she was here so early and said that she wasn't scheduled to be here until later. Right when Danielle said that she knew she fucked up since people don't know each other's schedules unless you tell them.

Danielle and Stefania had a lot of explaining to do. The first thing Barrett brought up was that they were matching. They didn't even plan that out at all it just happened. They had nothing to say about there matching clothes since it wasn't planned at all. Barrett then says something about Stefania having a key for Danielle's trailer. Danielle had nothing to say about that, that didn't incriminate them about there special kind of relationship.

Danielle got ready to head out of her trailer to get ready or got to hair and makeup and she had to fight the urge to kiss Stefania goodbye since her friends were still there. She left and texted Stefania a virtual kiss since she couldn't give her one in person. 30 minutes later Stefania heads to hair and makeup and  Barrett is in there with Jay and they stop talking when she gets in there. She doesn't think anything of it and just text Danielle so she wasn't bored since they were usually in hair and makeup at the same time. On top of that they weren't shooting any scenes together today so they would only see each other after at Danielle's.

It the the next day and they both wake up with a smile on there faces since this was the day of there very first date with each other. Danielle got up cleaned her house for when they came back and sat in. While Danielle was doing that Stefania was trying to find out what she would be wearing that night. Nothing was perfect for the night in her eyes even though they seen each other in sweats and no makeup. Why Stefania was so nervous she didn't know she was fine the whole time until the official day of their date. Hours later Stefania finished getting ready after trying on about 15 different outfits. Danielle already had what outfit she was gonna where beforehand so she could just relax and control her nerves.

Danielle headed over to Stefania's house to pick her up but before she picked Stefania up she got her flowers. Danielle pulled into her driveway 5 minutes later and shut her car off and walked to Stef's door. When Stefania opened her door to say she was beautiful was a completely an understatement. Danielle thought she was breath taking, she was staring they she didn't notice Stefania smirking at her. Danielle looked at Stefania moments later to catch a smirk playing at her lips and Danielle so badly just wanted to wipe that smirk off her face but she wanted to treat like a first date.

Stefania later said are you just going to watch me all night, or are we going on our date you still haven't told me about. Danielle pulled herself out of her wild thoughts and gave Stefania her flowers and guided her to the car and opened the door for her. This totally caught Stefania off guard because she never saw this side of Danielle. Danielle got in on the drivers side and started the car, and reversed the car out of Stefania's driveway. Stefania loved when Danielle reversed because since she has an older car she doesn't have a backup camera. This cause Danielle to put her arm in the back of Stefania's seat and look back to reverse.

They get to the location of their date and Danielle walks around to open up Stefania's door. She leads her to a trail get to the meadow. Stefania looks around and takes in her surroundings and immediately falls in love with it because she has never seen a place like this up close. Danielle watches Stefania walk around for a little while and then walks up to her. Stefania is crying at this point Danielle thought she did something wrong. She immediately apologizes, but Stefania stops her by kissing her and tells her that it is perfect. She tilde her that it reminds her of her mom since it was her favorite places to get away from the world.

They talked about any and everything the talked about family and work. The sun starts to set and they  lay on the grass and watch the sunset and look at the stars. As they are doing that a shooting star goes by and they both make a wish little do they know that they are both wishing for the same thing for their relationship to last forever. They get up and head to Danielle's car and make their way to Danielle's house and when they walk in the first thing that Stefania notices is the fort that is made in the living room. They both get rid of their shoes and retreat to their fort and cuddle up together to watch a movie.

Danielle puts the movie on the Stefania chooses to watch and the cuddle with Stefania's head on Danielle's chest. Moments later Danielle feels Stefania's breath getting even and grabs a throw blanket and put it on them and turns the movie off. Danielle snuggles more into Stefania and is out with the next few minutes and they wake up like that entangled in each other the next morning.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter next chapter would be like a family day. Meaning Danielle's family and their set family.

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