6 (Their first work day together pt 2)

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Danielle rolled up the window to her car and her and Stefania stepped out of the car. They learned that they made a mistake of not changing their clothes because as soon as someone noticed they said that they  even match their clothing together. Danielle made daggers at everyone because she didn't want them to make Stefania uncomfortable since she was still getting used to some of them. Danielle and Stefania walked to hair and make up to get ready since they took their makeup from earlier off. The hair and make up crew was shocked at their matching outfits and knew that this was going to be a good ship in real life and on the show. They finished getting their hair and makeup done and went to get changed in their appropriate wardrobe and headed to set to get ready for their next scene.

Danielle and Stefania went to their places they need to be and waited for the director to yell action. They didn't start it for a while and while they were waiting Danielle was making funny faces to make Stefania laugh and it worked. That whole time they were recording their interaction with each other to see if they would work out together. Then they called action and they immediately got into the scene. Everyone saw their whole demeanor changed in a matter of seconds. Their scene started and everyone watched as they interacted and then their big kiss scene is what everyone was waiting for. Everyone's jaw dropped because they didn't expect what happened. They witnessed them having a full blown make out session. The director kind of didn't want to call cut but he did anyway. He called cut and right as he did they both walked off the set.

Danielle was walking towards all the other cast when Stefania jumped on her back. Danielle had to steady herself so that they didn't fall. While doing that Stefania was making it even harder because she literally danced around on her back. What they don't notice is that everyone is watching the video that they secretly recorded and will play later on at the season rap party. By the time that Danielle and Stefania made it to them the video ended and they were getting ready for the next scene that needed to be shot. Danielle put Stefania down and they both sat down to watch the next scene that they were shooting because they didn't really shoot the scenes in order. Danielle noticed that Stefania was getting a little tired so she told everyone that she was heading out, she picked Stefania up and she automatically wrapped her arms and legs around Danielle.

Danielle and Stefania made it home almost an hour later because Stefania didn't want to be put down. Danielle walked into the house and laid Stefania on the couch and went to grab a blanket to put over them and make sure the front door was locked and laid with Stefania on the couch and put on a movie for background noise.  Just as Danielle was about to fall asleep her doorbell ringer went off. She got up and it was all of her cast mates at the door. She let them in and told them to be quiet. They didn't get why until they walked into the living room. Everyone had a smirk on their face, Jaina took the spot that Danielle was sitting at and Stefania felt the presence and moved towards it but immediately left when she realized it wasn't Danielle. Danielle sat at the only available spot on the opposite side of Stefania and as soon as she sat down Stefania moved there and got comfortable. Moments later while they were talking Stefania started moving and everyone got quiet so that they didn't startle her but she didn't wake up she just moved to being completely on top of Danielle.

About an hour later Stefania woke up but was still on top of Danielle and heard everyone but she didn't wanna cause everyone to look at her so she just whispered in Danielle's ear since she already had her head in the crook of her neck. This caused Danielle to put all her attention on Stefania. Stefania sat up in Danielle's lap and adjusted the blanket because she really didn't have that much clothes on compared to what she had on when she first went to set. Stefania later got up and walked to Danielle's room to put on more appropriate clothing. She came back out and everyone was looking at what she was wearing because they knew that it wasn't Danielle's clothes, Stefania made her way to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. Everyone but Barrett and Jaina are confused on how she knew where everything was. Moments later everyone heard Italian music coming from the kitchen. Danielle was later called into the kitchen by Stefania to find where her pots and pans were so she can start cooking. 

After Danielle told Stefania where everything was she got kicked out of her own kitchen. Stefania's phone rang and Danielle picked it up and said Babe your phone it is Giacomo from Grey's Anatomy. Everyone's head snapped at that because they didn't expect it. Stefania came out of the kitchen to get her phone and said thanks Bella. Everyone noticed Danielle turning red at what Stefania called her because she still didn't know what she was saying. Stefania in the kitchen on the phone with her tv brother they talked on the phone for a little while Stefania was  cooking. Everyone could smell the food filling up the house, they all walked into the kitchen to see what she was cooking. Danielle walked up to her and put her arms around her waist to distract her. When she was distracted enough she tried to steal some of the food but Stefania smacked her so she couldn't get it.

Stefania pulled Danielle to the side to ask if her tv brother can come over for a little while since she still wasn't comfortable being at her house by herself. Danielle told her my house is your house. Stefania sent Giacomo the address of Danielle's house and he said he would be there in 15 to 20 minutes. 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door Stefania had just finished setting the table. She asked Danielle to get the door, right when she opened the door Giacomo recognized her from Station 19 when he guest starred on the one episode. Stefania came to the door a moment later and pulled him into a hug. Danielle immediately got jealous she didn't know why she already knew that he was married to someone else but she still didn't like his hands on her girl.

Danielle immediately pushed that thought out of her head since they just met not even three days ago. Danielle thought to herself that she needed to get everything together or everyone would notice the slight tension that Danielle now has towards Giacomo for no reason. About an hour went by and the dinner was amazing everyone complimented Stefania's cooking saying that they could get used to that. That is when Giacomo started saying that she does this all the time every Friday they would get together and have dinner like actual siblings would. He also said that people also mistake them as an old married couple because they fight like actual siblings but they know they are not actual siblings. They just clicked because they were the only people who spoke Italian on the set.

A/N: This was another successful chapter the next chapter is gonna be a little of a time skip but obviously there would be time where i add flashbacks of what happened in that time.

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