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This is going to be a 4 month time skip.

Danielle and Stefania have been getting closer and closer everyday that they hang around each other which is every day. Every one from both cast members have seen how close they have become they see the long looks that they give each other. They had multiple girls night outs and family hangouts with the cast members. Danielle's crush on Stefania has grown a lot since they met. They also had a lot of one on one time, to others they seem like they are on a date. There were times when they were out and someone had said that they make a cute couple. They really couldn't correct them since they had left as quickly as they said.

The cast and crew of Station 19 are still trying to get them together. They even have some of the Grey's Anatomy cast on it to help them out for when Stefania is working on the set of Greys and not on the Station 19 set. The main help that they had was from Jake Borelli on the live with Danielle was trying to learn Italian and he said that so you could speak to your girlfriend and she started to talk about how fast Stefania talks. While she was talking about that her friends were secretly on the live but as other people so that she wasn't suspicious. Once they heard that they knew that they had to do something before they started filming. They finished filming and as they ended the live someone knocked on her door and it was Stefania. She pulled her into a kiss she was slightly confused but that didn't stop her from kissing her back harder.

They both pulled back moments later and they were about to go settle on the couch when they heard a knock on the door Stefania answered it. Everyone was caught off guard because they didn't expect her to be there. When they walked inside Danielle was putting on a movie for her and Stefania but now it was for everyone who was there. Stefania walked back to Danielle's room to change out of her jeans into some of Danielle's sweats. Which went perfect since she was wearing a crop top. She walked out into the living room and sat on the floor in front of Danielle since there was no space on the chair. Danielle started playing with her hair which caused her to let out a low moan. This caused her to turn a  bright red and everyone else was caught off guard because Danielle didn't react at all she only smirked as if she knew what she was doing. What everyone doesn't know is how she puts Stefania to sleep any time she comes over. 

Moments later Danielle notices that Stefania is asleep and excuses herself to put Stefania in her bed to sleep. When she walked out that is when everyone started to talk about how they are going to get them together. Danielle walked out a couple minutes later with Stefania because she was not having it. She wanted to be around Danielle and that was what she was going to get. When everyone saw her come back out with Stefania she said that she wouldn't let me put her down. Danielle was sitting in the chair with Stefania in her lap with a blanket over them. They continued watching movies while Stefania was asleep in Danielle's arms. Every so often Danielle would put her hands on her but and smell Stefania's hair but play it off as she is checking if she is asleep or not. Danielle eventually fell asleep as well and that is when everyone started talking about them.

They both woke up a  couple of minutes later and they woke up to the doorbell. Stefania went to get the door and opened the door to Danielle's mom. She let her in and as they were walking in everyone heard Stefania and Danielle's mom talking and they heard that Stefania already met Danielle's mom. Danielle walks out of her room and walks to her living room after changing and sees her mom sitting there she was surprised because her mother usually calls. Danielle almost cried at the interaction between Stefania and her mom, they were cuddled up to each other. Danielle tried to be subtle but everyone sensed her coming in, Jaina came up to her and pulled her to the kitchen to talk in private. From where Danielle was standing she could still see Stefania and see that she is dosing off.  

Jaina was trying to get Danielle to tell her when Stefania met her mother but she wasn't saying anything. The next thing she knows is that Danielle is being called by her mom to tell her that Stefania was asleep so she brought her to her room and let her hug her pillow. When Danielle got out of earshot they all started talking about them. Danielle's mom admitted that she met Stefania 2 months ago. Everyone was shocked by this but  was more shocked that Stefania went to sleep on someone other than Danielle. Danielle's mom noticed the shocked face on everyone's faces and she asked what happened they told her how Stefania would not sleep if she realized that it wasn't Danielle around her. Danielle's mom said that she had just started getting used to her and even had called her mom when she had tried to wake her up.

A/N: What do you guys think about this Chapter sorry it took so long just been trying to figure out what to write about. Danielle was in the room for a while or was she you will find out next Chapter.

Also should I have Stefania's family come and visit her and her family sees how she interacts with Danielle? Yes or No.

Also I will be able to update more since I  don't have that much of a hectic schedule since i only go to school only two days out of the week.

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