The Beginning

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(This is a rewrite so... enjoy)

Greenland was getting ready for his first day of his junior year in high school. He really didn't want to go, but he knew he didn't have a choice.

"Greenland, your brothers are waiting for you," The kingdom of Denmark-Norway said.  Greenland sighed and went outside to walk to school with his brothers.

"Hey Greenie, you ready?" Denmark asked. He  sighed.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Greenland said. They got to school, to see it packed with people, some greeting each other happily, some sulking, some just on their phones. Greenlands eyes caught onto the most popular guy in school: America. Surrounded by girls, his siblings, jocks and class clowns, America was beaming his infamous smile, dawning his signature look; combat boots, camo pants, a black t-shirt and his sunglasses. He had peoples attention, and he embraced it.

Greenland scoffed. America had always been this way, since winning in a fight against his older brother Britain. He was the most popular boy in school, wether in fame or infamy, and Greenland just couldn't understand why. What made America more special than anybody else? After all, they're all just people.

America was looking around at the crowd around him, cracking jokes and keeping up his act. He greeted the familiar faces and tried to ignore the annoyed glared being thrown his way.

Meanwhile, Mexico was hanging out with his friends, trying to ignore the crowds. Mexico knew who they were crowding around, and he knew that he didn't want anything to do with him.

"México! How you doin? It's been ages!" Puerto Rico exclaimed. Mexico smiled.

"Good! Good! How was summer break?" Mexico exclaimed.

"It was awesome man, me and Ame went to this awesome amusement park the last day of summer, and they had the tallest roller coaster in the world! I almost died man!" Puerto Rico exclaimed. Mexico nodded.

"Ame... how's he been?" Mexico asked.

"Good! He still ignoring you?" Puerto Rico asked. Mexico nodded.

"Yeah, he is, doesn't bother me though. His crowd isn't my kind of crowd," Mexico said. PR shrugged.

"He's real nice when you get to know him... I mean, his group may be a bit obnoxious but it's not him, y'know?" PR said. Mexico shrugged.

"I know... he just doesn't like me anyway," Mexico said.

"Too bad, he's throwing a back to school party... I would invite you but....,"

"I'm going," Mexico said.

"Really?" PR said.

"Canada's my friend, and I'm assuming the party will be at their house anyway," Mexico said. PR nodded.

"Cool, I'll see you there then! Well, class is about to start! Hasta luego!" PR exclaimed.

"Adiós!" Mexico exclaimed, walking away to his class

Later that day, America was walking through the halls. He had gotten a call slip to go talk to his counselor, and he was going through the halls alone. He liked it that way. No noise, no expectations, no pressure. Just him and the silence...

Until he turned the corner.

"America?" Soviet said, a surprised look on his face. America felt his heart spike.

"Sov... I thought you transferred?" America said.

"My dad convinced the school to let me stay... I missed you," Soviet said. America took a deep breath.

"That was just one kiss... were enemies remember?" America said.

"Oh.... yeah...," Soviet said. After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "We can be enemies who flirt and kiss," Soviet said. America tried desperately to keep his eyes from gazing into Soviets golden stare.

"Soviet, You know Britain wouldn't like this... and what if my dad found out?" America said.

"This'll be between you and me... c'mon Ame," Soviet said, lifting America's chin to meet his gaze.

"I-I...I gotta go," America exclaimed, pushing Soviet away and running to the counselors office. Soviet stared in his direction and sighed.

You had to scare him off, didn't you Sov? I just... I missed him... so much.... how do I win him back?

America barged into the counselors room and shut the door behind him.

"America! What's wrong?" His counselor exclaimed.

"Nothing... nothing... let's just get this over with...," America said.

Soon, it was lunch time, and Canada was trying to figure out who to hang out with.

"Canada? Hey man! How's it been?" Mexico exclaimed, running into Canada (figuratively)

"Mex! I've been good! How're you?" Canada exclaimed.

"Good! I heard your brother is throwing a party Huh?" Mexico said. Canada smiled.

"Are you going?" Canada asked.

"Of course I am! A party isn't a party unless I'm there!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada laughed and nodded.

Meanwhile, America joined his friend group, Britain immediately messing with Americas hair.

"There you are, Yankee," Britain said. America chuckled. Him and Britain were more than brothers, they were best friends. Not incest you dirty minded freaks.

"Yeah, yeah, tea snorter," America teased, sticking his tongue out at Britain.

"So, your dad finally let you guys throw a party?" France asked.

"Didn't think he would, but I convinced him," America said.

"That stubborn old man," Britain said, shaking his head at the thought of his father.

"Let's look at the positives! He'll be dead soon enough!" Australia exclaimed. They laughed. Everyone hated America and Britain's father, British Empire, especially since he was abusive and manipulative.

"Annnnyway, it's almost time for our next class- wheres Canada by the way?" Spain asked.

"Oh, I saw him flirting with Mexico," New Zealand said. America glanced to his left and found just that; Mexico and Canada in a corner giggling to each other. America smiled, but internally winced, knowing the possible consequence if BE found out Canada was bi. Suddenly, the bell rang.

"Class time! What do you have next Yankee?" Britain asked.

"English- BLEH," America exclaimed.

"Ok, say hi to Uncle England for me," Britain said.

"Will do!" America exclaimed. With that, everyone headed to their class.

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