Romeo & Juliet

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After school, America got to the stairwell leading up to the roof, and sighed. He wanted to go to the roof for some peace and quiet, but he knew if he stayed away from home for too long, his father would get angry. As he climbed up, he contemplated going back with each step. Suddenly, he bumped into someone. Literally this time.

"Ah! Oh... Sov...," America said.

"Hey Ame...," Soviet said.

"Um... sorry," America said.

"It's fine...," Soviet said. The two stared at each other awkwardly.

"So... whatcha doin?" America asked.

"Oh... just going out for a smoke...," Soviet said. America sighed.

"Still killing yourself eh?" America said.

"I...dropped alcohol," Soviet said. America sighed.


"I appreciate you caring America, it's more than I deserve... just... I don't know, I need this," Soviet said.

"Why? So you can expire in early death by lung cancer?!" America exclaimed. Soviet sighed.

"I don't know why you care," Soviet said.


"You hate me don't you?"

"Just listen to me, I don't have to like you to want you to live," America said. Soviet looked away.

"Fine, I'll skip the smoke break today, ya happy?" Soviet exclaimed. America sighed.

"Yeah... take care of yourself or else I'll have to do it for you," America said.

"Aww, It's sweet how much you care," Soviet said sarcastically. America scoffed.

"I don't know why I ever loved you," America said. Soviet smiled but felt a pain in his heart.

That night, it was party time. America was greeting his friends as they walked through the door, Canada standing beside him nervously.

"What's wrong, young blood?" America asked.

"Nothing... do you know when Mexico will be here?" Canada asked.

"I didn't know he was coming,"America said.

"I-it's not a problem, right?" Canada asked.

"Eh, It's fine, he just hates me," America said. Canada nodded. Soon, Mexico arrived, and he and Canada hung out in the crowd. Mexico was just having a great time dancing and partying, while Canada stood close to him and nervously fidgeted with his shirtsleeves.

"Everything ok?" Mexico asked.

"U-um... do you wanna hang out in my room?" Canada asked. Mexico smirked.

"Taking me to the bedroom so early? Buy me dinner first~," Mexico teased. Canada turned red, and Mexico laughed. "I'm just messing with you! Yeah, we can hang out in your room," Mexico said. Canada tried to laugh off his tension and lead Mexico to his room.

Meanwhile, Greenland was in a corner, petting America's dog. He didn't want to go to the party, but Iceland dragged him along. He scanned the room, rolling his eyes at the young couples and wannabe attention sweepers, when his eyes landed on another boy. He was standing in the corner on his phone, looking like he didn't want to be there. He was tall and thin, with light blue hair that faded to white at the tips. His eyes were a piercing blue, and his skin was pale. Greenland took his eyes off of him, not wanting to be weird and stare at him. Greenland thought about saying hello, since he also didn't want to be at the party, but he also didn't want to be weird. He decided to just stay in the corner by himself, waiting patiently for the party to be over.

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