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At the diner, the homework club broke off into little groups and shared their personal theories as to who the murderer was.

"Who else has such ready access to guns? He even had spray paint in his locker," NK said. SK rolled his eyes.

"There's no way America did it... besides, he would've still been at the party when Philipa was killed! Who wasn't at the party that night?" SK asked.

"Hmm... Philip wasn't... but how do we know for sure that it was a student who killed Philipa?" Vietnam asked.

"Guys, we're in a public restaurant...," Soviet said. Everyone stared at him.

"Oh, the guy who'd literally show up to class drunk is suddenly worried about public decency?" Poland sneered.

"Poland...," America said. Soviet shook his head.

"Ill accept criticism only from you, Poland," Soviet said. Poland raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, how generous," Poland said sarcastically.

"Guys, I get some of us have contentious relationships towards one another, but my sisters literally dead. Because of a f*cking murderer. Can we at least bond over having a common enemy?" Philip asked.

"But we don't even know who the common enemy is! It could be one of us for all we know!" Cuba exclaimed. Philip scoffed.

"Well we can't figure out who the murderer is if we just throw wild accusations around and scream out heads off at each other!" Philip exclaimed.

"I was just roasting Soviet, chill out," Poland said.

"To be fair, it was totally deserved. How about I be the lightning rod of hate in this group so we can focus on the matter at hand?" Soviet asked.

"Sov, you don't have to be the punching bag," America said softly.

"Ugh, why are you defending him? Of all people?" Poland said. Suddenly, Malaysia noticed an alarming news story on his phone.


"I'm allowed to defend whoever I want!" America exclaimed over him.


"America, you hated Soviet for years! You're acting really suspicious right now-."

"GUYS!! PUERTO RICO IS DEAD!" Malaysia exclaimed. Everyone went silent.

"N-no....," Philip said softly. Malaysia pointed to a TV in the diner, which had begun a breaking news segment on the death.

"This morning, police found the body of local teen hidden in some bushes right outside of the forest. This alarming discovery is now the second occurrence of a teen being found dead in this forest. Local authorities advise parents to not allow their teens to go anywhere near this forest until they can find the reason behind these tragic deaths. The teen found this morning has been identified as Puerto Rico, who just recently started his sophomore year of high school,"

The homework club was silent, looking at each other fearfully.

"Who could've possibly wanted Puerto Rico dead...," Mexico breathed. America shook his head silently, trying to wipe away his tears.

"...we should go home... please... stay safe, everyone...," Philip said softly.

America walked home in silence. Canada decided to spend the night at Mexicos house, so America was all alone...

Well, he wasn't really, and he knew it.

"Sov, I know you're here...," America said, noticing the tall person walking far behind him with a hoodie over his head.

However, this stranger didn't reply. America turned to look at him...

"Y-you're not Soviet...," America breathed....

Next chapter dropping tomorrow, Stay tuned :)

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