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America took a deep breath as he walked into the principals office. It wasn't a place he was unfamiliar with, especially since the Cold War. However, this was the first time he was sent in for something he didn't do.

"United States, please take a seat," UN said. America sat down, and nervously glanced up at UN.

"...I didn't do it...," America muttered.

"I'm not saying you did... but you having spray paints that match the color of the graffiti exactly is rather suspicious," UN said.

"I don't know how the paints got in there! I... I think someone is targeting me...," America said, accepting the possible truth.

"Really? How so?" UN asked.

"Well... with the number '13'... my name used to be Thirteen Colonies... and... they killed my ex...," America said, feeling slightly like he was proving himself guilty.

"I understand... well, I don't want to punish you for something you didn't do, so for now I'll let you off with a warning. I don't want to see you with any spray paints, ok?" UN said.

"Ok," America said. He left, and bumped into Soviet. "Ah! Ok, now I know you're stalking me," America said.

"No, but I do need to talk to you," Soviet said.

"Ok?" America said. Soviet lead America away to the bathroom, which was empty, and took him into a stall.

"Ame... can I kiss you?" Soviet asked. America paused, then laughed. "What's so funny?" Soviet asked.

"Nothing, you're just cute...," America said, before kissing Soviet lightly on the lips. America hugged Soviet, sighing. "This is gonna be a tragedy isn't it?" America asked.

"It does feel like it will be," Soviet said.

"Sorry about Bri by the way... he's just overprotective," America said. Soviet nodded.

"That's ok... I'm glad you have a good brother," Soviet said.

Meanwhile, Greenland was in class, when the teacher made an announcement.

"Ok kids! Pair up with someone, because this is a partner assignment!" The teacher exclaimed. Greenland sighed.

"Now I have to pretend to know these a**holes," Greenland muttered to himself. Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Greenland recognized him from the party. He had a warm, inviting smile.

"Hey! Wanna be partners?" He asked.

"Sure, I guess," Greenland said.

"Cool! My names Antarctica! You can call me Anta," Antarctica exclaimed, sitting next to Greenland.

"Greenland," Greenland said.

"Nice to meet you! Now, let's get started," Antarctica said.

After school, everyone met up in room 24.

"So, Ame... someone framed you huh?" Canada said.

"They did! I swear I wouldn't graffiti the school!" America exclaimed.

"Ok... you're still a suspect," Philip said.

"I wouldn't do any of this," America insisted.

"I believe him," Soviet said. Everyone stared at him, confused.

"For all we know Soviets the one framing Ame... it is typical of him," Poland said. Soviet shrugged.

"Yeah, I see it," Soviet said.

"No, he wouldn't dare," America said. Poland stared at Soviet skeptically, but shrugged it off.

"Anyway, Greenland found this strange playing card," Philip said, holding up the '13' card.

"Huh... that is weird... who would custom make a playing card like that?" America said.

"I don't know... and the number 13... what could it mean?" Canada asked.

"It is the unlucky number," Mexico said.

"Good point... maybe someone is trying to stir up paranoia?" Germany said.

"Maybe... but... killing Philipa was taking it too far...," Philip said.

"For all we know, the '13' thing might not even have to do with Philipa," Cuba said.

"We'll go hang out where Philipa was found, maybe we'll find another clue?" Indonesia said.

"Maybe...," Philip said.

"What if we went to room 13?" Greenland asked.

"Good idea! Let's check it out," America said. So, the club took a field trip to room 13. They walked in, and saw it was a classroom converted to a storage closet.

"Huh... well, nothing to see here," NK said.

"Hold on...," Greenland said, picking up a torn up paper, the number XIII written on it in blood.

"Woah...ok... check the back?" Philip said. On the backside of the paper, it said 'FOREST'

"Ok, cool, forest. So..... what the f*ck does that mean?" Vietnam asked.

"They're in the forest, duh," America said.

"Ok...so... we can just... catch them?" Poland said.

"We'll spy first, get proof they exist, then turn them in to the police," Philip said.

"We'll go," Indonesia said, Malaysia nodding.

"Perfect... stay safe," Philip said.

"We will," Indonesia said.

That night, Malaysia and Indonesia were chillin out in a tree, eating snacks.

"Would you rather have feet hands or hand feet?" Malaysia asked.

"Hmmmmm hand feet, then I can monke," Indonesia said.

"Good answer," Malaysia said. Suddenly, they heard shuffling. They looked down and saw someone wearing a hood and a mask, walking towards Philipas death site. Indonesia freaked out and scrambled to take a picture, but he accidentally forgot to turn flash off. The person turned around and stared at them, and the pair freaked out and sprinted away as fast as they could.

The next day, Indonesia and Malaysia walked into the club, holding up a printed copy of the picture.

"YOU ARE F*CKING WELCOME!" Indonesia exclaimed.

"Woah... that's creepy... and he looks like a stereotypical cult member... wait... CULT?" America exclaimed.

"That's way too sadistic! Besides, wouldn't a cult try to keep the dead body for like, sacrifices? They just left Philipa!" Poland exclaimed.

"Let's just lay everything out... see if we can find any connections," Philip said, pinning stuff onto a vacant cork board.

 see if we can find any connections," Philip said, pinning stuff onto a vacant cork board

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"..... what did we gain from this?" America asked.

"I-I.... I don't know...," Philip said, tearing up. Everyone felt bad for him, but didn't know how to help.

"Hey.... let's go to the diner for somethin to eat, we could all use a pick-me-up," America said. Everyone nodded, and they went to the diner.

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