Murder Mystery Club

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North Korea and South Korea were walking home from the party, North Korea being moody.

"Did you at least have some semblance of a good time?" South Korea asked.

"Quit asking me, you know what I'm going to say," North Korea spat. SK opened his mouth to speak, but his attention was caught by a trail of blood.

"Woah...," SK said, starting to follow it.

"Stop! Are you crazy? We need to call the police or something!" NK exclaimed.

"What if it was an injured person or Animal who needs help?" SK said.

"I'm sure the police will be happy to help!" NK exclaimed.

"C'mon, let's just go see," SK said, walking down the blood path. NK groaned and followed his brother. When they found the source of the blood, they couldn't suppress the urge to vomit.

"We need to call the police... now...," SK said.

The next day, everyone heard the rumors of the dead girl in the forest. Especially Philip. After all, it was his sister.

"I'm so sorry about Philipa, Is there anything I can do to help-,"

"You can leave me alone, Ame," Philip spat. America sighed.

"Ok... take care...," America said, walking away. America and Philipa (female Philippines) were very close, until they broke up. Still, America cared for her and her brother, and was devastated to hear she was found dead. While walking through the halls, he spotted Nekomi (Japans twin sister) crying.

"Nekomi... what's wrong?" America asked.

"What do you think?" Nekomi spat. America nodded.

"Let's go to the health office, say you have bad cramps or something so you can just go home early and take it easy," America said. Nekomi sniffed and nodded. They went to the health office, but apparently they weren't the only ones who had that idea. A group of grief-stricken kids were crying as WHO tried her best to comfort them.

"I'll be with you in a bit," WHO said. Nekomi nodded. America left, and Nekomi sat down, taking in the room. Three boys were sitting in the corner, crying. Indonesia, Malaysia and Spain. Spain, being a model upperclassman, was trying to comfort the other two, who were obviously devastated over their friends death. Nekomi knew this death was going to linger on the school, and she hoped that whoever killed Philipa would be brought to justice.

Meanwhile, Mexico and Canada were hanging out on the school farm. Do y'all's schools have a farm or am I just a lucky b*tch?

Anyway, Mexico was feeding the donkey, as Canada watched.

"So...u-um... what do you think happened to Philipa?" Canada asked.

"It could've been any number of things... unfortunately I think it was suicide...," Mexico said.

"Yeah... Philipa had seemed kinda down... it's just... she was found with a bullet in her head... how could she have made a trail of blood?" Canada asked. Mexico shrugged.

"I don't know... I... I don't want to think it was murderers....," Mexico said.

"Me neither... let's just hope it was a freak accident...," Canada said.

"Yeah... god, I feel bad for Philip... I... I can't believe Philipa is gone...," Mexico said, tearing up. Canada panicked.

"Hey, it's ok! I'm sure she's in a better place! Oh, don't cry, it'll be ok...," Canada said, hugging Mexico.

"I-it's just... it's so sudden... we're never going to see her again...," Mexico cried.

"I know... it's... it's not fair... but I promise it will be ok...," Canada said.

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