New Members

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Canada and Mexico were hanging out at the park, having a nice time.

"Oh, Canada! Theres gonna be a pride parade tomorrow! We should go!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Oh... I dunno...," Canada said.

"You're not homophobic right? Because I'm bi," Mexico said.

"Me too... it's just... I'd have to figure out a way to sneak out without my dad knowing... he's the homophobic one," Canada said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry... well, if you can figure out a way to sneak out, we can go together," Mexico said. Canada smiled and nodded.

"I'll say I'm going to your house to study... that should be a good enough excuse," Canada said. Mexico nodded

Meanwhile, Greenland was walking home with the note in hand. He was curious as to what it could mean, and wondered if he should take it to the police. Suddenly, he bumped into Philip, dropping the note. Philip took one look at the mysterious blood-stained note and looked back at Greenland.

"What's that?" Philip asked.

"I found it... near where Philipa was found...," Greenland said. Philip looked at Greenland with suspicion, but Greenland kept up his nonchalant appearance.

"May I keep it? I'm trying to figure out what happened to my sister," Philip said.

"Sure, keep it... didn't the cops say it was an accident?" Greenland said.

"A bullet ripping through my sisters head was an accident?" Philip said. Greenland was silent for a moment.

"That is suspicious," Greenland said, monotone.

"...if you want, you can help us find out who did it... meet me in room 24 after school," Philip said.  Greenland didn't really want to, but he felt bad for Philip.

"Ok," Greenland said.

The next day, everyone met up in room 24 after school.

"Hello everyone. This is our newest member, Greenland," Phil said. Greenland waved.

"Hey! Remember when I hid firecrackers in your locker?" America exclaimed.

"Like it was yesterday," Greenland said monotonly, which isn't a word, however I want it to be a word. Suddenly, North Korea walked in the room with Vietnam and Cuba.

"They were curious, so I guess I'm staying in your murder mystery club," NK said.

"Perfect! The more people we have, the more likely we are to figure out who killed my sister," Philip said.

"Cool! Oh, I talked to my sister... she was... uncooperative to say the least... but she denied having anything to do with what happened to Philipa," Nekomi said.

"She's still suspicious... now everyone take a pin, we're doing a blood oath," Philip said.

"What?" Canada said.

"You heard me," Philip said, taking out a sheet of paper. "By signing this you solemnly swear that you will keep this club a secret, and you will stop at nothing to catch this killer... even if they turn out being one of us," Philip said. Everyone glanced at each other.

 Everyone glanced at each other

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