Chapter 2:Childrens are like puppies

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Kumagawa would say his relationship with Satou is going fairly well. It may not be what most would consider a normal, stable relationship, but at least it's much healthier than his relationship with Najimi.

He didn't think he could genuinly enjoy something beside destruction and Shounen Jump. But his new girlfriend proved him wrong.

Their situations, while similar, seem to be also different. While Kumagawa lived alone because his lack of any real bomd or care for his family, Satou did because both her parents died while she was young. She did live with her aunt from legal reasons, but she mentioned she was really weird and keeps their interactions at a minimum.

Now that he thinks about it, he was almost the only one out of all the abnormals ans specials he knows to have had more than one girlfriend. He had Najimi before and now he had Sato.

Zenkichi was alwais fixated with Medaka. Fude was the the same with Aki. Despise his popularity, Kouki never had a dating history. Maguro was fixated with Medaka and Kujira, which were his sisters, he doesn't think he needs to mention why the oldest Kurokami never dated anyone. The only one he knows to have a history of dating was Oudo because, well because he was Oudo.

The minus was walking aimlessly through the city, because he jad nothing better to do. He stopped in front of a backery, deciding to take a chocolate cake for himself and a strawberry one for Satou.

He was going to walk some more, but was stopped by the ringing of his phone. Satou was calling him.

Satou:Kumagawa-kun! I need you!

Kumagawa:[If this is a confession, it's a little late. We've been together for like a mounth, I already know you love me.]

Satou:No, not that!...Though that's also true. Anyway! There's a problem! Please come to the adress I texted you!

He took the phone away from his ear and looked at the text. His smile became a little confused.

Kumagawa:[ not your adress.]

Satou:I'll explain later! Please hurry!

Kumagawa closed the call and looked forward. She said hurry, so physically walking to the adress would just be a waste of time.

In the next moment, he appeared at the front door of the adress he was given. As he was worried about why Satou was so nervous, he didn't even knock on the door and just opened it.

He was a little surpised by the sight he caught. Satou was taking care of a uncounscious little girl, who has very similar phisical traits with him, by the name of Kobe Shio.

 Satou was taking care of a uncounscious little girl, who has very similar phisical traits with him, by the name of Kobe Shio

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A little farther behind her was a unremarkable looking griwn man, between his twenties and thirthies. But he wasn't really important.

Kumagawa:[Hm? Satou, did you abduct a child? Inside someone else's house.]

Satou:No, nothing like that. I just found her on the streets. I also know this man. And I know I told you to hurry, buth that was really fast. Were you close?

Kumagawa:[Something like that. What's his name, anyway?]

Satou:Ah, I don't really know. I never really bother to kearn it, all I know is that he's a painter.

Kumagawa:[A painter? I see, so that's why this house doesn't have many things.]


Kumagawa walked to the kitchen to made a compress with water. He came back and put it on Shio's forehead.

Kumagawa:[She must've been out in the cold for a long time, I think she caught a cold. Well, if she was left alone by her parents like that than she's most likely better off without them. You said this guy was a painter, right? Did you come here because he was making a painting of you?]

Satou:Yeah, it's in the other room.

Curious, Kumagawa opened the door of the room. The room was empty, aside from a chair and painting objects. Clearly painting wss the only use of that room.

He looked at the painting. The girl in the painting did resemble Satou to the last detail. The minus gave the painting a bored, neutral look.


Satou:Huh? I thought it was pretty good.

Kumagawa:[It's not a bad painting really. If I had to say, my opinion it's more because of standards. While the painting it's not bad, it's nowhere near Ezumachi Fude's level.]

This time, he said the truth. While he may be a jerk most of the time, he wasn't gonna deny people's talents. While he took care of Fude relatively easy and he still thought of Color Of Beauty as nothing more than a magic trick, he won't deny his talents as an artist.

Kumagawa:[Truly, no one paints as Fude-chan.]

Satou:I see, so you also know a painter. Hm, all this stress made me a little hungry.

Kumagawa:[Oh, come to the kitchen then. I brought you a strawberry cake.]

Satou:My favorite!

While the two lovebirds went to savour their cakes, the painter looked at Shio. He was having such a grest time talking wit Satou, but now not only brought some stupid brat here, but also that weirdo!

It's her fault! It was all that stupid brat's fault!

The painter slowly approached the sleeping child, his hands ready to strangle her. Satou saw that from the kitchen and immediatly took a knife and rushed at him ready to kill the grown man.

But in the next seconds, event happened at a speed neither Satou nor the painter could percieve. Blood fell to the floor. It was only natural. After all, the painter's right arm was missing.

Kumagawa was right beside him, the grown man's severed arm in his left hand. The pain started kicking in, but before the painter could scream in agony, Kumagawa shoot his right hand forward on his mount, pinning him to a wall and shutting him up at the same time.

Kumagawa:[Ah, ah, ah! There's a sick child sleeping here, you know? We wouldn't want to disturb her, would we?]

The painter moved his remaining hand, trying to push the minus away, but it was useless. For someone so skinny, the tennager possesed an immense strenght.

The painter began crying from both gear and pain. Meanwhile, Satou was calmly observing the exchange. Although, a little blush could be seen on her face.

The painter could feel and hear how his skull was begining to crack. And soon enough, his head was crushed under Kumagawa's grip.

Kumagawa:[Right. Now's gonna be more quiet.]

Satou:I was gonna do that, you know. Did you think I wouldn't?

Kumagawa:[No, I knew you would. But you still have your school uniform on and tomorow is a school day. I wouldn't want you to get it dirty.]

Satou:Either way, I'll grab some bags. We'll need them. But I like Shio-chan. She just so cute! Do you think she can live here? With us?


A kid, huh? He'd lie if he said he never wanted one. But when he told Zenkichi he's like to settle diwn with a girl and concieve one, the zero pleaded him to have mercy on the world.

Kumagawa:[...She looks like the vanilla cake type.]

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