Chapter 6:For someone so worthless he sure was able to make a mess

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Taiyo opened his eyes with great effort. He was fatigued and all his body hurt from the beating he took. The blonde looked around, trying to spot Shio.

He finnaly found her in the arm of a man, with Satou holding his other arm. He could only see his back and the dark blue hair thanks to a lamppost. Soon he jumped high into the air, to the point where it looked like he dissapeared into the sky.

He did not dissaper into the sky. However, he was at a very high altitude, yet he acted like this was normal. With wind blowing on her face and how small the town looked from up there, Satou could only let out these words.

Satou:This is so cool!

Kumagawa looked at Satou with a unreadable expression. She was usually gentle, serious or needy, so it was unusual to see her being so childish. That being said, it wasn't bad at all.

Falling free from the sky Kumagawa landed on a sitting position on the protection bar of their apartament's balcony, while holding his daughter figure and his girlfriend in his arms. After landing Satou took Shio in her arm while getting off him and all three of them were back in the apartament. With a little nudge Shio finnaly woke up.


Satou:Are you alright, Shio-chan?

Shio:I wanted to look for you...than I got lost.

Kumagawa:[Eh, it's good you at least found your way to the park.]

Shio:Eh? How do you know?

Kumagawa:[I following. You didn't think I was so irresponsable as ro let a child wander the streets at night, did you?]

Shio:Ehhhhh!? But I didn't sense you at all!

Shio suddenly got a headeache, her mind still blury from the events. She did, however, remember two faces.

Shio:The...the bad guys!

Satou:Bad guys?

Shio:There were two bad guys in the park, I rhink they wanted to take me! What happened to them?

Kumagawa:[I beat them up.]

It may have been a oversimplification, really, but it wasn't a lie. And he didn't feel like it'd be a good idea to tell her they were dead. The girl seemed to have a real problem with blood and death in general.

Shio:Woaaah, Kumagawa-kun is amazing!


Kumagawa puffed his chest in satisfaction. It wasn't very often he was praised. The only one who praised him were Medaka, Mogana, the minuses of his class, Iihiko, Zenkichi sometimes...Now that he's counting them he realized there were a lot more than he originaly thought.

Satou and Shio left ti the bathroom to take a bath. Meanwhile, Kumagawa took his iconic apron and went to the kitchen, thinking what to make for diner.

Kumagawa:[They both spend a lot of energy today, so...]

Kumagawa put on the fire and poured oil in the pan. He took a red pack of flesh and throwed it in the air. While it was in the air he moved the knife with incredible precision like he was dismembering a human being. Unlike most times he didn't cut human flesh, but cow meat.

Kumagawa:[Steak it is.]

When the girls entered the kitchen they could tell Kumagawa was very serious, despise his smile still being as present as ever. He narrowed his eyes to the two bottles in his hands like he was questioning life itself.

Kumagawa:[Ketchup or mustard, this is the question.]

In the end, he settled for ketchup. The girls didn't really care, the steak was so tasty and rich in flavor that the ketchup barely registered to them.

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