Chapter 8:Tennage girls are easy to manipulate, aren't they?

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Shouko had not such a good day. It should've been, because she was free from work today.

However, she wanted to check on Taiyou. He took the day off, something about being sick or something, and she wanted to make sure he was alright.

He was not alright. He was without a doubt sick, but not in the way she expected him to be.

He wasn't in his room, so she waited as his mother went to fetch him. However, while Shouko absentmindedly thought about what a happy family Taiyou had, she slipped and fell into his rooms.

It was all filed with posters...Missing posters of a little girl.

To be fair, she probably should've bolted the moment he was staring at her with the crazy eyes. But Shouko admits she was never remarckably sharp.

However, the drama began wjen she accidentally stepped on a paster on the floor. Taiyou literally slides on the floor, clutching the poster to his chest while calling the girl his angel and crying about what a pure beings she was that can clean him.

As mentioned, Shouko wasn't exactly sharp. But even she was what was wrong here.

First of all, that's not even the girl. That's just a piece of paper and he has literally dozens that look the same as that one.

Second of all, that's a litteral child! Now that was plain creepy!

When she talked about some biblical mumbo-jumbo abd said about some demon that took her, Shouko was sure the boy was outvof his mind. Like any other rational person would do in such a situation, she bolted out the door.

She had learned to not judge a book by it's cover from now on. That, and that she'd have to keep her interactions with Taiyou as minimal as possible.

Fourtunately, after that something much more normal happened. She got a call from work about Satou.

Shouko:Home adress? Well, that girl had alwais been really popular. Because of that she had stalkers in the past. She's probably just trying to make finding her adress as hard as possible.

That and she now lives eith her boyfriend, but there's no way she's gonna said that to a co-worker over the phone. She was a solid friend.

Satou had found out recently that she has an incredible talent of getting into trouble. Like this one.

Like the time Taiyou brought the passed out brother of Shio who was searching for her on the sofa in the staff common room and she almost killed him. She really has to learn how to control her impulses.

A girl broke from work Satou's locker and got her bag. Speaking of the girl, she just doesn't stop rambling.

Girl:And that's why I want to be like Satou-senpai. I got through a lot of trouble to get this bag. I'm aiming to be like Satou-senpai. That's why I also bought all items that were in this bag! When I couldn't find them, I made them. I even got matching cosmetics. I also copier the way you do your make up too! Shifts at work, your handkerchief, stocking and underwear. I'm matching you in all of them! However, it's not enough...

The girl's eyes lost color and her expression dropped. It's like she was having some sort of existencial crisis.

Girl:...Things like school are impossible. Hairstyle too, my gajr is still too short. So I thought I may at least match living conditions. I snuck a glance at your resume file, but apparently no one lives there. Satou-senpai, are you hiding where you live...Won't you tell me? As long as there's nothing especially strange about it, it's fine, isn't it? I want to know everything about Satou-senpai, because I love you.

Won't she shut up already? What does she mean that this too is love...Wait, it's not her voice she heard.

Damn that aunt of hers...Even when she doesn't see her for a long time, Satou just had to have an hallucinantion about her. She swears, the nerve on that woman!

Now, how to deal with this? What would Kumagawa do...Manipulate her, of course.

Satou loves the sweetness of love. However, Kumagawa pointed out that the sweetness can also be used to manipulate others and that it can be a form of violence as well.

So, she choose the best way to decive her. With a sudden move their lips crashed into a kiss, leaving the girl flustered.


Satou:...Your fingers are so slender. You're also so petite and soft. That's probably why I like you.

Girl:...Ngh!? Like!?

Satou:Isn't this fine? The way you really are, it's wonderful. I alone will accept you. I alone will love you. That's why, don't investigate me anymore...I'm a little angry.

Girl:Ah...I...I..I'm sorry...Please don't hate me...Anything...Anything you say, I'll listen to, so...

Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. She just said such an utterly filthy lie...

Shio had another episode. Naturally, there was only one thing to do now.

Shio:Break! Break! Break! Break! Break! Break! Break! Break! Break!

Kumagawa:[So what was it about this time?]

Shio:I'm not sure. I just saw a woman and she was screaming at me.

Kumagawa:[Do you remember how she looked? We can make a sculpure of her and than break it! That's very therapeutic.]

Shio:Sorry, I don't. It's like, uh, what did you say...

Kumagawa:[A lucid dream?]

Shio:Yeah! That!

As they spoke Satou crashed through the door with a face full of despair. She went to hug them in such a manner.

However, none of them were startled by this. Sniffing the air Kumagawa came to a conclusion.

Kumagawa:[Did you kiss a girl?]


She couldn't lie to him. Lying to him was useless to begin with, so even if she could bring herself to lie to him there'd be no point in doing so.

Kumagawa:[I see...]

She awaited her judgement for her unforgiveable act. However, he was really calm after hearing that.

Kumagawa:[Did you record it?]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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