Chapter 7:Tetris is complicated

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Shio has now a much more constructive way of dealing with her trauma. Breaking is much better then spinning, at least in Kumagawa's opinion.

Be it as it may be, the unofficial father-daughter duo were spending time together, playing as usual. The two each had their own console of an old game Kumagawa particulary liked.

He probably should care more about school then games. But in his defense this is just a redo he did on a whim, he already graduated, and his knowglede far surpassed anything those normals could think of.

Shio:This is fun! How did you say this gane is called, Misogi-chan?


Shio:Tetris? I see...It's just like a puzzle!

Kumagawa:[I suppose it is. The blocks keep falling from the top and a full row will make blocks dissapear. I love making four lines dissapear at the same time. More precisely, I don't want to do it any other way than that. I can't stand letting lines dissapear one by one. I want to use the I block vertically, not horizontally. My heart is stolen when thinking of that moment. The moment all the fragments dissapear. So if I can't have that...Taking out the battery and reseting the game. That's more my style.]

Shio:...Misogi-chan really liked Tetris!

Kumagawa:[Ah, I guess so. It was one of my all times favorites since I was a kid.]

Shio:Hey, where's Satou-chan. She doesn't have work today, right?

Kumagawa:[No, she doesn't. She just went out to meet with her best friend.]

Shio:Eh? It's rare for Satou-chan to fo that.

Kumagawa:[Best friends are important elements of our lives. It's hhard to ignore them and you will eventually get to miss them.]

That was the case with him and Zenkichi too. Although he'll admit that they had a rocky start, to say the least.

He wonders hiw Shio would evolve as a person. Well, he'll let her have her own decisions. So has he, with the exception of that one moment.

He might've talked big about a reason to come to Hakoniwa, but it really was just his stupid old man nagging him about it. Really, you just so happen to destroy thirty schools and suddenly you can't be trusted with your own decisions.

Shio:But I'm worried about Satou-chan. If she jungles with all those things...What if something goes wrong?

Kumagawa:[Hm, I'm sure that would bring an interesează result. But you're asking if things go too far...Haven't I told you already? I'll just take out yhe battery and reset the game. Who knows, it might even more interesting the second time.]

Another four lines dissapear from the screen as a sinister grin firmed along Kumagawa's lips. Opposed to him, Shio wore a confused face.

Shio:...But wasn't that about Tetris?

Kumagawa:[Tetris is complex, Shio-chan. Please don't understimate Tetris.]

At a local cafe Satou sat at a table Shouko, each enjoying their own glass of orange juice. After a small silence Shouko voiced out her concerns.

Shouko:Hey, who are you dating?


Shouko:It's just...You've been acting weird for a while. I'm worried you might've gotten yourself in something weird!

Satou hummed in thought. Something weird...Well, she supposed that was one way to describe Kumagawa. Although any attempt of describing him would be futile in trying to comprehend the strange existence that was Kumagawa Misogi.

She's not even talking about his borderline godly abilities, but him in general. Unlike her that was alwais curious about love he seemed to have a good grasp of it. But also seems to not have an understanding of it.

No, it's like every action he takes is contradictory. But she's not complaining, that unpredictability is also one of the things she likes so much about him. Oh, Shouko is still rambling...

Satou:That surprised me! I never saw Shouko-chan being so vocal...Alright, come with me.

There was once a girl named Matsuzaka Satou who was wondering about love. She went with different boys to find it, but none were what she was looking for, until she found her one true love. But when she went to her only living relative she said"This is not love, I will not accept it. This isn't normal.". In her rage, Satou killed her aunt...Well, that's what Daichi,that sat another table and looked at the two friends talking, thought happened.

But this wasn't fair at all...He was supposed to be the only one who knows her secret! What gave this girl the right to know about it!?

Daichi:But something still doesn't make sense. Those things...

From the moment he began to interact with Satou strange things happened to him. He felt himself dying gruesome deaths, but then was completly fine the next moment. Did he somehow provoke some sort of malevolent deity?

Back at the apartment Shio paused her game of Tetris and looked worried at Kumagawa. Her father figure had just let out and unsuspectingly cute sneeze.

Shio:Misogi-chan! Are you alright!? Did you get sick!?

Kumagawa:[No, that's not the case. Someone must be thinking about me.]

Shio:Oh! Maybe it's Satou-chan?

Kumagawa:[Ah, it can't be her. If it was Satou than I wouldn't feel this deep disgust. I'm quiet tenacious, so there's really no reason to be worried about me.]

Kumagawa leaned on the sofa and stated to play with the few screws that appear on his hands. His lips curled up with a grin.

Right now he can hear them. Satou, Shouko and two police officers were in front of the apartment belonging to Satou's aunt. If the worst situation comes, than...

Ah, it seems she had managed to solve it on her own. Seems there's no reason to do anything about Shouko at the moment.

Kumagawa looked down at the table as the screws vanished. He took his phone from it and scrolled down to a contact marked as Zenkichi-chan.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, you alwais get to miss your best friend at some point...]

After the whole ordeal Satou came back home and was welcomed by Shio. The young girl seemed to want yo say something to Satou.

Shio:Satou-chan, you see...You don't need to take care of everything on your own! We can put the blocks together. We can make them dissapear how you like. Ah, but not one libe each. Misogi-chan doesn't like that. But...But if you don't like how it ended up, we can alwais take out the battery!

Satou:Shio-chan...Sorry, but I don't understand anything from what you just said.

Shio:..Tetris is really complex!

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