Chapter 5:Walks are good for both children and adults

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Satou was staring at a trouble. A trouble that could destroy her home harmony. And that trouble also happened to ve Shio's brother, aparently.

She moved back with silent steps as to not wake up the fatigued boy. Carefuly, she took the criwbar stired in the shell and gripped it in the a swinging position. She was above Asahi's body, ready to strike him down.

But at the same moment Taiyo decided to come back. Fortunately, she had time to hide the crowbar under the sofa before he completly opened the door. The sound of the door also woke up Asahi.

Asahi:Huh...Where am I?

Taiyo:Ah, you woke up! Sorry for making you watch over him, Matsuzaka-san.

Satou:Ah, it was no problem.

Of course, it'd been wonderful if this blond bitch would've taken more time so she can finish the job! Alright, she needs to calm down. She almost lost control there.

Asahi:I'll go, than.

Asahi picked himself up and walked to the door. When he was gripping the handle he was stopped by Taiyo's voice.

Taiyo:Are you sure you don't want to go to a hospital?

Asahi:No, I'm alright.

Satou:Ah, maybe you live close to the cafe?

Asahi:Uh, yeah.

Taiyo:I'll lead you there than. I'd be worried if you would go by yourself this late.

Asahi needed to close an eye because Taiyo's smile seemed to radiate light. Satou was also looking with a deadpan expression at the strange phenomen, being really weirded out by it.

Asahi:...No. Thank you for taking care of me. And...sorry for dirtying your sofa.

Asahi quickly left the building, Satou leaving no long after. She was excited to finnaly get back home.

At the her home, however, the lights were already turned off. Shio was on the floor with a worried expression. Kumagawa was sitting on the sofa with a manga laying on his face, pretending to sleep while watching over Shio.

He concluded she must be worried about Satou. He could only guess that was normal for a kid her age to feel about the prolonged absence of a parental figure, as he was very abnormal even as a child and felt nothing about it.


He stopped his theories when he heard Shio's scream and the sound of door opening. Looking at the side, he saw she ran in the outside world to search fir her mother figure.

The minus sighed and picked himself out. He streched his hands behind his back and walked outside in pursuit of his illegally adopted daughter.

Kumagawa:[Strangely enough, she sure does like me. Well, the signs of madness in my blue eyes were much bigger even at four and I sure wasn't that impulsive. Everyone has their own ways of going through life, I guess.]

Despise her physical similarities, Shio was very different from him. Which wasn't really a bad thing. The last thing he'd wish for any child would be to be like him.

Kumagawa decided to lesury walk to Shio's direction. Sure, he could run after her to catch her and bring her home forcefuly. But he didn't want to force her into doing something she didn't want to.

He could also perfectly hear her footsteps even at this distance and move so fast that he could eliminate any treat may arise around her before any of those worthless normals flocking the city could react. So there wasn't any real need to rush.

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