3. The Babysitter (Part One) (Tinashe)

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(Inside his Texas Mansion) Wed. March 18th, 2015


It was Wednesday, the day that he was meeting with the new babysitter Ms. Bianca Johnson. He hoped things would go smoothly with the meeting. If not he didn't know what else to do. He was pacing inside his huge office waiting for her to arrive at 4pm. She came highly recommended and he hoped that she delivered. Adrian's mother ran off shortly after he was born, so it's just been father and son for the past few years. He loved Adrian and gave him the best of everything, except the one thing that he really wanted. It's not like I'll meet someone who's totally okay with my lifestyle. Brushing the negativity from his thoughts, he decided to go to freshen up before he met with her.



Joseph was watching T.V. in the living room when the front door rang. He turned it off and ran to his office and closed the door. His butler Winston (Michael Cain) answered the door and let her into the foyer. She felt underdressed in her white button down shirt and black pants. Wow this place is huge!! I hope he's not some old crusty dude or a married man. I really need this money for school, I can't mess this up. Winston brought her into the living room where he expected to find the man of the house. Bianca walked further into the room and paused at seeing the beautiful chaise lounge and matching ottoman next to the fireplace. "That's the perfect place for me to study and write my music!", she blurted out loud. Damn it I shouldn't have said that out loud. "He was in here a few minutes ago, let's go down to his office." Winston took her down the hall to his office and waited for the buzzer.

Right on cue the intercom buzzed and a smooth Texan voice answered, "Let her in Winston." Winston opened the office door and Bianca walked in. She didn't see Joseph right away and panicked. I hope this isn't a cruel joke. I used the last of my paycheck to get a bus all the way out here. Bianca noticed the picture of a little boy on his desk and grabbed it to look at it further. She smiled and said, "Aww he's adorable!"Joseph came into the room from his en suite bathroom and froze upon seeing her standing near his desk. Holy shit! Nobody told me she was gorgeous! I'm going to have a hard time keeping my hands off of her. He cleared his throat walking towards her and said, "Excuse me but I don't think we've met." Bianca dropped the picture frame upon hearing him and gasped at seeing his full form. Heaven help me! Not only is he wealthy, but built like a greek god too? How am I supposed to concentrate on my work around him? Quickly regaining her composure, she straightened said, "Hi Mr. Somers, it's nice to meet you. I'm Bianca Johnson." "Likewise, Ms. Johnson. Pardon me but I didn't think the agency would send someone so beautiful." "Thanks, but don't flatter yourself." Pretty and has wit, I like her already. "That's perfect. Come along and let's meet Adrian."

---- They walked down to Adrian's playroom next to the living room. Joseph couldn't help but check Bianca out as she walked ahead of him excited to meet the child. Upon seeing Bianca, Adrian smiled. He looked like a spitting image of Joseph, but with hazel eyes. Yes he definitely will be a ladies man when he gets older. He came over to where she was standing and handed her a red block. Joseph was in complete shock, he never was that forward with any of the other caretakers, ever. Maybe this could be a sign. She took it and said, "Hi Adrian, I'm Ms. Johnson, you're new nanny." "Hi I'm Adrian, I'm four. Are you going to be spending a lot of time with daddy?" Joseph coughed, and said, "No son, she'll be spending more time with you first." Ignoring his father he grabbed Bianca's hand and pulled her towards his blocks set. They sat down and started playing. Winston came back into the room and saw the new nanny playing with Adrian and smiled. "Everything will be just fine Master Joseph." Let's hope so. I would hate to have to do anymore interviews.

3 weeks later... April 15th

Things were going along great with Joseph's business and Adrian was happier than ever. Hell even Winston was less stuffy than he normally was. Joseph couldn't deny that his home life was better than it had been in years, but something was still missing. Everytime he walked into the room, Bianca would make some excuse and run off. It drove him nuts, not being able to share space with her for more than 5 minutes. I'm getting to the bottom of this, whether she likes it or not.

Later that evening... 10pm in living room by the fireplace

Joseph entered the house and was surprised it was quiet especially on a weeknight. He walked around the main floor of the house looking for Bianca until he found her in the living room by the fireplace. She had her headphones on and was sleeping so she didn't hear him approach her. He came in and sat next to her and pulled her close. She woke up instantly when she felt a strong arm lift her up. "What are you doing Mr. Somers?" "Just holding you, is that so bad?" She pulled away from him and sat up saying, "This is highly inappropriate Mr. Somers. I'm going to retire to my room. Goodnight." "Bianca wait!" Damn it! Why does she keep running away?

15 minutes later...

Joseph was pacing in his bedroom wondering what to do about Bianca, while preparing his suit for tomorrow's meeting. That's weird, my green shirt was in my closet this morning. He searched his entire room for it, not finding it anywhere. He walked towards his bathroom door and instantly stopped upon hearing something unexpected. "Mmm god yes!! Ooh right there!" Who the hell is in my bathroom?! "Mmmm Joseph, yess!" It was none other than Bianca! Not only that, she was masturbating in his bathroom!! He chuckled and entered the bathroom, seeing her on the bathroom counter with his green shirt on. "Omg! I'm sorry Mr. Somers!!", she said upon seeing his shocked face. She stopped fingering herself and got down off the counter. He came over and said, "Why did you stop? Clearly you were enjoying yourself." Damn she looks so fucking hot right now!! I gotta be smooth about this otherwise I'll scare her off. She ran to the door thinking he would let her go but that wasn't the case.

***The saga continues in part 2***

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