6. His reluctant bride (part 4)

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Late January 1470

Mid morning 

A few months had passed and the royal couple had got along well. They got along so well that Joseph almost forgot about the pressures of producing an heir until Diego reminded him after their council meeting one morning. "Remember my lord, you need an heir to silence your political allies." "Yes Diego for the hundredth time, I know. It's not like we haven't been trying. Lady Maya tells me her condition hasn't changed." "Have you tried asking her about her calendar? Her Mother Maria wrote to her about a calendar in her last letter to Leticia. I have it here for you to read." "What does a calendar have to do with our dilemma?" "My lord just read it." He took the letter from him and read it starting to see red. "I'm going to talk to her about this after lunch. I don't want to interrupt her on her walk about the gardens." She's got another thing coming if she thinks she's going to hide from me! 

Lunch time 

Lady Maya was finishing setting up lunch in his informal dining room when King Joseph entered silently fuming. "Lady Maya bring me that special calendar that my wife has at once!" Lady Maya blanched knowing she would be in deep trouble if she refused her king. "Go get it now?!" She left and grabbed it quickly not wanting to keep him waiting. He took it from her and dismissed her, wanting to be alone. What's she hiding in here? The little book was written in Leticia's soft handwriting he came to adore. He looked at the dates in the calendar and quickly and started to see a pattern. Every 28 days she would have her monthly course for 6-7 days. He also figured out a second week in her cycle was marked with stars. Wait does she have two periods a month? No no, that can't be it! He looked at her calendar and mother's letter and saw that she wrote about special days where she could become pregnant when she started having a certain discharge in her underwear. He looked and saw that this week she marked it stars so he knew she was possibly fertile. 

He closed the book and put it in his pocket as she entered the room. They had a relaxing quiet lunch, but Leticia wondered why he was distant. "It appears you've been avoiding me in order to avoid becoming pregnant. I hope you're not having relations with another man otherwise you would both be tried for treason." Wow really? He's insane! "The fact that you would think I'd commit adultery is disgusting! I'm not around you during my monthly courses you already know that." Joseph opened her calendar and showed her the current week and she paled. "That's not your business, that's mine!" "Excuse me, as my wife and queen what happens to your body is my business!" Leticia fumed, "My lord what I write in my journal is private and for my own feminine health! Give that back to me!" She got up and walked towards him feeling slightly anxious, but then she suddenly backed away. "No, it also says in here you have tonics and teas for pain? Are you a witch?" Lord help me he's so freaking stubborn! "Joseph Antonio no I'm not a witch. The herbal remedies are for aiding my changing hormones and mood swings." Joseph sat quietly for a few minutes then looked at the clock. "We will continue this later. I have some meetings to attend to my dear." He left in a flash before she could respond. To hell with him! 

Later on that evening after supper 

Joseph was in his closet changing into his nightclothes when he noticed one of his night shirts were missing. What the hell? Who would be in here stealing my clothes, unless... He chuckled as he donned his robe and quickly left to go to Leticia's bedchamber. Lady Maya and the other ladies in waiting left quickly after he arrived for privacy. He entered into the sitting room to find it empty and then proceeded to her chamber to find it locked. He took his spare key out and unlocked the door to see a magnificent sight. Leticia was naked and putting on his night shirt and gasped at his intrusion. Fuck me why does he have to look good and smell good? I can't focus with him in here! "Get out, I don't want to see you!" "I'm not leaving until we finish our discussion!" "To hell with you Joseph, now please leave!" Leticia got into bed and frowned seeing him stand his ground. He got into bed with her and she backed away. He caught her before she could escape, pinning her down and brushed his fingers in between her legs, and smiled. 

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