~The Beginning of it All Part 2~

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Touya was told to get ready, and he did. His life was full of him following instructions. He knew there would be consequences if he refused. That's just how he was raised. As he walked out the door, a man standing beside his room ordered him to follow. As they were walking, Touya realized that he wasn't the only one there. There were multiple rooms next to his. 

The man told him to enter a room, filled with wealthy-looking people. He felt nervous, but was determined not to show it. 

As it turned out, he was here to train, to do the dirty work heroes can't and don't want to do. He was there to become stronger. The people were informed about his quirk malfunction, but came up with an idea they knew would work.

Japan doesn't know what's going on in their government, and the majority of heroes are included in that group, even Endeavor. This was a brutal program that children from ages 6 and up, and were enrolled in to train them to become assassins of sorts. They were required to perfect their combat skills, along with their quirk, mental status, and so on. The Hero Commission was willing to go to great lengths to make sure that these children weren't failures. Out of the 100 children that were enrolled, it was estimated that only 50% would survive the first year. As it turns out, only 45 of them had survived. 

The Commission had a specific way they grouped and trained them. The children with the highest potential and skill went into one group, and the rest in a different group. There were four sections in total, ranking from highest to lowest. Each person had to wear a wristband that marked which section they belonged to. But, like every other hierarchy, there are the top ones that are always recognized and known. As the years went on, Touya climbed the ranks, becoming number one, the strongest person there, at just age 10. 

A lot had happened to Touya. First, he learned how to be able to use his quirk without burning himself. By using his mother's quirk, he was able to cool his body, and use it in a way that while activating his flames, he wouldn't get hurt in the process. As soon as the Commission heard that their plan was a success, they didn't waste any time and ordered him to perfect it. Along the way, he met a couple of acquaintances, the top four, which he called his friends. He was particularly close to the number two there, Keigo Takami. Previously, before Touya figured out how to use his quirk, he was the strongest member there, being a part of the project at the age of 6. They had grown close since they were usually sparing together.

Things for the Todoroki family have been changing as well; for one, Shoto Todoroki had gotten his quirk, and just as his father had predicted, he was able to control fire and ice. The news traveled to Touya, but he wasn't bothered by it. That's what he told himself. He wanted to be there, with his family. Not here. Sure, he had friends, but family was more, right? But, after some years had passed, Endeavor was proud of the progress his youngest has made, yet there was still something that troubled him. His oldest was now 14, and he heard how strong he was. It was rumored that at the level he's at currently, he'd be able to qualify for the top 20 heroes, at least

A few weeks later, after 3 months after January 18, Touya's Birthday, Endeavor had finally made a decision. He told the Commission about his concerns, about how Touya might want to overpower them, and eventually kill and escape. He clearly stated what he wanted from them; get rid of Touya Todoroki. Unfortunately for Endeavor, the Commission highly valued his son's strength and were reluctant to get rid of him. Instead, they staged Touya's death by making him set the entire facility into his azure flames, convincing the flaming hero that he indeed was dead.

The media was only informed that an accident had occurred in one of the Hero Commission's buildings, which they quickly dismissed, while the Todoroki family was told that Touya was killed in the middle of training.

 And that was it, the story of Touya Todoroki. 

Or is it really?

On a bright warm spring day, Touya was taken from his training early and brought before some of the Commissioners running the program. He was told that his father wanted him dead. The news had shocked Touya; he knew he meant nothing to him, but killing him? That was too far. The Commission used his anger to manipulate him into getting revenge. They told him that for him to survive, he had to stage his death. So, on the way back to his living quarters, he set the whole building into flames. But, with the help of his friend, also the third rank, Azumi Suzuki was able to use her quirk to protect everyone from Touya's blazing fire. It was then, that Touya Todoroki was pronounced dead to everyone in the building.

But, only a few knew the truth. Everyone who had previously known the existence of Touya Todoroki was told of his accidental and brutal death. Only the top four ranks and the Commissioner who ran the organization knew about the staged act. Keigo Takami, Azumi Suzuki, Daisuke Tanaka, and Ezekiel, the administrator. His last name isn't known to anyone, but it doesn't have much relevance either way. 

Soon after though, Touya realized the mistake that he made. He planned on running away, and getting a fresh new start, but was quickly met with a challenge; his family. On the night he was planning on escaping, Ezekiel had double-crossed him, and gave him a reason to stay. Upon his arrival at the beginning, his youngest brother had been inserted with a chip in his neck, which was small and almost undetectable. With one push of a button, he would fall, dead. Touya already knew about the chip in his neck but didn't expect to find out his brother had one as well.

"Insurance," Ezekiel had said.

The bastard not only double-crossed him but was able to manipulate and use him. Touya was able to secretly take out the chip in his neck but didn't think twice about someone in his family having it as well. Although, he was reassured that only his youngest had the chip since he was the strongest out of the other three siblings.

"If you stay here, and operate under my power, I'll give you your brother's freedom, and eventually your own as well," Ezekiel had told him. Touya knew he had no other choice, so he agreed to stay. Touya never knew his youngest brother very well and didn't have the passion on learning more about him, but he wasn't about to let him die.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter; sorry for not updating as much, but I'll try and focus on my other book first, finish that, and come back here. I'll occasionally post a new chapter on here as well. Comment your thoughts below :)

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