~Questions, Answers, & More Questions~

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Present Time:

Touya Todoroki was given a new mission- and a new alias. He was to join the "League of Villains," or "LOV" and gather intel about each member, especially the leader, Shigaraki Tomura, and his trusty right-hand man, Kurogiri. There were few people a part of their group, and Touya liked it that way. There weren't as many people he had to keep track of, and it was easy for him to get to know each of the members. It made his job much easier.

As for the side he was on? That was a much harder question to answer. He greatly disliked the heroes, which was established when he lived with his father, and he found the villains very annoying. That's why, when he has the chance to do so, he tries to get out of their hideout, and take walks, but far away from the public eye.

See, along with a new mission and alias, he was also given a new appearance. Thanks to the pill that was provided to him at the start of the mission, he was able to transform into his fake persona, and his real self. He didn't care much for his new appearance. It's not that it bothered him, he didn't appreciate the style of it; having purple scars run along his entire body which was held by mere staples, and midnight black hair. His real appearance was the exact opposite, him having snow white hair, and clear skin. 

Apart from his appearance, his personality changed greatly as well. The clumsy and stubborn child that he was, turned into a sensible, careful, but still stubborn person. Being taken away at such a young age, and him turning 25 in a couple of months shows proof of how time can completely change a person. Touya was never a forgetful person; he always knew about every event and detail that was going on. That was Touya Todoroki. But who is Dabi?

It's been nearly a full year since Touya was given the responsibility of fully becoming Dabi. His entire mental and physical state was changed in order to fit the accommodations that seemed to fit every villain persona. Although there was some physical change that was needed, it was mostly all mental. He was required to go through different phases that would completely change the type of person he was, so that not even All For One would be able to recognize the traitor amongst the group. How effective was it? Very. The Hero Commission hadn't heard from Touya in the last 6 months. It would put everyone into a state of paranoia if it wasn't for Touya's perfect plan of staging his death, targeting only the Commission, to show them that he was killed as a traitor. Now, Dabi took over. But not completely... not in the way you think it may have...

Since he removed the chip from himself years prior, he never had to worry about the Commission killing him. He also didn't have to worry about them spying on him as well. Because the truth was, nobody is ready for what he was planning on doing for all these years. During the time that he spent with the group, he felt no joy, sadness, enthusiasm, or anything, for the members. That's why he has no problem locking them up in the future. 

Ever since he was taken, Touya Todoroki was different. The treacherous conditions and treatment he received at the commission completely changed his mental well-being, which resulted in him becoming emotionally numb. The emotional "counseling" that he received prior to him being shipped out wiped his memory clean of anything that happened before training at the commission. They claimed that "The past memories would get in the way of setting things right."

So that's correct; Touya remembers nothing about himself, his family, or even his last name. To his "colleagues" he's Dabi, and in his mind he's Touya. There's a clear difference between the two, but is there a difference between them and Touya Todoroki? 


"Dabi! Finally, you're back! It's been days, and things were so boring without you~"

I looked over at the little blond girl with messy buns staring at me with a dangling knife in her left hand (making it all the more dangerous), and a milkshake in her right hand.

"I had to run some errands," I say simply, and lock the door behind me, looking at everyone in the room, acknowledging them with a little nod.

"Well, it's great that you're back. Shigaraki has been in his room for the past week trying to find different ways we could exploit the heroes. Perhaps you may be of some help?"

"No, I won't be. I'm leaving these here," I give some bags to Compress as a response, and open the door to exit.

"Aww, you're leaving again? Good, I hope you die," I do too, but of course with all the precautions they took, I'm unable to take my own life. I have to rely on others for that.

"Yes, I'm leaving for a while. There's a bunch of cash in the bag. Use it to your desire," I say as a leave, and close the door shut behind me.

"Wow, that's some sum. I wonder where he gets it all," I hear Compress and the other discuss. 

As I walk further and further away from the closed-off building, I find myself on a rooftop, peering over the edge. I close my eyes for a second and take a deep breath, and take out the bottle of pills I was handed 6 or so months ago. I stare at it for a second, and then turn my head to face what's standing behind of me. Or who, specifically. 




Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know this book is a bunch of writing and not a lot of dialogue, but I hope you find it interesting regardless. I hope to incorporate more interaction between people in the future.

For now, enjoy your day or night and see you guys soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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