𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝐺𝑜𝑡 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 | 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5

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I was sitting In my room and I heard a voice singing "Hi I'm Alex" I turned around and no one was there "I'm the cap dude" He sang "How can I hear you but I can't see you" I asked my wall "I'm actually behind you" he continued "and people can hear music BUT they can't see us unless Julie is playing with us" He continues singing "You know singing these random words Is actually really funny, because absolutely nothing you say slows together and I find it hilarious" I said as I just laughed out and then went towards my keyboard that had a song I was working on, on the stand "what's this?" he asked "It's Just a song I've been working on... I only have the first verse "Can I here it?" He sang again and I chuckled "sure"

The boy began singing

"Out on our own
Dreaming in a world that we both know
Is out of our control
But if shit hits the fan we're not alone
'Cause you've got me and you know"

Alex unexpectedly added a line
"That I've got you and I know"

But suddenly I could see the blonde boy with my own eyes he noticed as I was staring at him "I- I can see you, How can I see you?" "I don't know" he kept his eyes lingering on my brown ones "well hi, I'm Alex Mercer" He introduces himself again as the first time was a bit...weird and out of tune. I laugh "Jules Summers" We both smiled then looked away "oh yeah awkward question how do you know where I live" "Uh simple just ask Julie" I rolled my eyes "wow Molina... so much for privacy" I muttered to myself.

It was the next day, I had barely slept. I couldn't stop thinking of how I'm talking to a drummer who died eating a hot dog.... That's just- mental...absolutely mental. I got into school to see Julie in her own little world at her locker "pst J" I whispered and she surprisingly heard me "we need to talk ASAP" I say to her in a whisper shout voice "Hey Jules and Jules" Flynn says coming out of no where "so what were you guys whispering about?" She asked "oh you know just keeping the band on the down low, me and Luke have been working on some songs" Julie says saving my life, love you Julie. "Ohhh show me show me" Flynn said and we went to the music room, it was empty because classes hadn't started yet.

"It was flowing through me like when I used to wrote on my mom." she sat at the piano "So this is the first song Luke and I wrote....Here's the chorus" she began singing "Cause we're standing on the age of great, great, great" Then she stopped "Wow! I like It! Definite Gaga vibes" I nodded in agreement with Flynn "Thanks, I think we have an anthem with this one" Julie says "It's something my Mom and I were working on, Luke and I finished It" I gave Flynn a look because I'm not sure if Julie has realised but she has mentioned Luke in like every. single. sentence. today. "And Its one, two, three, four times. That I've tried for one more night. Light a fire in my eyes I'm going out of my mind." She finished "Yeah I LOVE that one and I've only heard a second of it J" I say to her making her smile "yeah, and my girl's got a crush and his name is Luke" I laughed at what Flynn said "I was just about to say that Taylor" I said to her and gave her a high five. Julie tried to cover It up....but failed...miserably "WHAT?! No. Luke's a ghost" "A cute ghost" I nodded my head at what Flynn said "With muscles" I added with a picture of him in his muscle shirt in my mind. "With a perfect smile" Julie adds and me and Flynn stood there I acted as If I was shocked "OHMYGOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT" I shouted sarcastically.

"Obviously you guys have a connection, everyone is talking about when you guys are going to play again" Flynn said and I knew what she was talking about because she texted me about it last night. "Play again? We don't even have any plans, Luke and I have only been focused on writing songs" Julie says "BUT....." "Lucky for you your marketing team has been WAY ahead of you" Flynn opens her bag and takes out the leaflet we were talking about last night. "And surprise you're playing the school dance tonight and I'm the DJ" "she posted it EVERYWHERE" I added to Flynn's sentence. "NO. NO! This is in front of the WHOLE school!" Julie shouts at us...Flynn's phone buzzed. "Sorry you already have 68 likes" She smiles.

The school day was over and I texted Julie and told her I was coming over. I knocked on her door and her dad answered. I went to her moms studio to find her... I could see Alex.... None of the others but I could see Alex and Julie. "Okay Julie we REALLY need to talk right now PLEASE!" I shout to her pulling her out of the studio. We went to her room "What is it the boy's and I were about to start-" "I CAN SEE ALEX" I screamed. "What?" She questioned me "Yeah you know the cute blonde one with the cap" Julie slows me down "Can you see Luke or Reggie?" She questioned "NO I CAN ONLY SEE ALEX" I screamed again "BUT HOW?!" She questioned while shouting "Well... Last night I was in my room then a voice started singing. It was Alex I couldn't see him at first. But then I went to my keyboard and starting playing a song that I've been working on. He joined and BOOM there he was sitting next to me"

Me and Julie went back down to the studio after our talk. Alex popped In and I waved at him. Alex waved back... Flynn came in all delighted "Dance News! I don't have a date...BUT I don't care cause I get to see you guys perform and hi Jules" she waves at me "Oh man we are playing a dance?" Alex questions after Flynn finished her sentence I laughed at him and we were staring into each others eyes for a split second. "Yeah get with the programme Alex" I forgot that I couldn't hear the other boys... oh boy this was about to get confusing.

Carlos walks In "Hey Julie remember those orbs in dads pictures?" He asked "I... I think they're ghosts" my eyes widened and I stared over to Alex "But don't worry This room... this room is clean" He said while looking around. Trying to hold back my laugh was probably the hardest thing to do right now. "Have no fear if they come back, I will protect you because I am the man of the house" "Isn't dad the man of the house?" Julie asks him while she crosses her arms "There can be two" Carlos mutters. He takes out salt? from his pocket "I read on the internet salt burns their souls out" He says and we all look to each other with fear in our eyes. He throws it around the room then directly at Alex "NO! OH GOD I'M...im fine" I exhaled. For a moment I got scared...his reaction was cute though. I think he might be the emotional one of the group. "Oh, Carlos you know who's hungry.. me...salt me a path to the kitchen" Flynn then takes Carlos out "Yeah I have to get going now too... I have to work on a performance song, see you at the dance" I say walking out of the studio then back to my house.

- Jules Summers

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