~Start to the Future ~

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{Allison P.O.V. }

I am currently waiting in a local coffee shop with 3 ginormous binders full of wedding stuff: Cakes centerpieces, flowers, catering, themes, locations and other preparations.

I finally see the happy Stilinski family walk through the entrance.

"Hey girly!" I greet Malia with a hug.

"Hey" she greeted back.

I then give a hug to Stiles and ask to carry the little baby Chance Stilinski.

"Okay so I was thinking a three tier cake with pretty white draping and roses." I explain as I show her photos of the different cakes.

We looked through different types of cakes but eventually agreed on the one I suggested.

"It has to chocolate flavored." Said Malia.

"That is no problem." I answer.

We go through many pages of the binders and made many different choices on preparing the whole wedding.

The one part I was keeping from Malia was the Bachelorette party.

"I gotta get going. The team has to warm up" said Stiles before getting up.

He placed a sweet kiss on the foreheads of his fiancé and child.

{Stiles P.O.V}

I raced to the school and I grab my gym bag from the back seat and run into the locker room. I then see Scott, Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Danny, and Liam all suited up.

"I was wondering if you were showing up?" Said Scott.

"Yeah, too busy with the wedding planning?" Added Isaac.

"Yeah, who knew planning a wedding was so much pressure...for the bride. If it were me it would just be a simple little ceremony and we'd be officially married." I explained.

"So why don't you fits just do that? " asks Liam.

"Because young one. I want my gal to have the wedding she dreamt of as a little girl." I said.

"Can I tell you guys a secret?" I ask my teammates/pack friends..

"Of course buddy" said Scott.

"My father and I have been building a house in this little spot the hale house used to be. I want to raise my kids there and pass it down from generation." I said.

"Really? How?" Asked Aiden.

"Me and my father raised the money and bought the property from the county. He and I are building it by hand. So far we've only managed to make the base and floor of the porch and house." I explain."it's my wedding present to Malia. We're going to have our own place, and since I'm turning 18 soon we totally can legally."

"That's great man! Congrats! " said Scott enthusiastically.

"Do you think you'll need help?" Asks Danny.

"Sure, I could use all the help I can get" I respond.

"Then all of us will help you and your dad." Said Scott as everyone else agreed.

All six big guys surrounded me into a group bro hug.

We all run to the field and stretch. I see Malia, Allison, and Lydia up I the bleachers.

I was happy to see my friends up on the bleachers. We really are like a family and we will always support each other.

Allison and Malia then climb down and bring a camera with them. They walk up to Scott and I as we were talking about ideas for the house.

"Say cheese!" Yelled Allison as Malia positioned the camera.

Scott and I both put our arms over one another.

"Cheeesssseee!" We said holding our position.

And they snapped our pic.

When the game began it was too easy. Six werewolves on one team really make the game less challenging. No wonder we're undefeated.

We eventually win 10-7...good game.

We shake hands with the opposing team and head to the locker rooms.

When I get out I see the coolest girl sitting on the hood of my jeep. I would've thought she would leave with Allison.

"Congrats on adding to the winning streak." She said before hopping off the hood and jumping into my arms.

"Thanks." I say. "Let's go home"

We drive home holding hand the entire ride home.


I know it's boring but it's a small part to a bigger storyline. I will update soon and continue with cute Stalia and Scallion moments. Love you all❤❤

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