New chapter - Renewed friendships

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**Audrey's P.O.V**

My new assistant was awesome. Elle, was her name. She was a middle aged woman, probably my mother in age, but her experience was helpful to get me on tracks for this new job. I have been working as a campaign manager before, but nothing this major. Working for N.T.L was the shot of a lifetime. Getting to run six campaigns for one of the biggest movie platforms in the world was not to be taken easy. For the past two days I have locked myself home, studying all the documents Elle gave me, to get a general idea of what has happened before, how things work etc.Oh not again! The loud music upstairs has been getting on my nerves for two days in a row now. It was becoming too much. I loved rock, don't get me wrong, but not when it was messing with my career. I couldn't concentrate on anything when there was head-banging music and people screaming right above my head.I have finally had enough and decide to do what I never thought I would. I grab a hoodie, put it on and march furiously upstairs. The apartment above mine he said, so I walk in that direction and knock on the door. I ring the bell and keep knocking until finally someone opens up. A girl in pink and purple hair stands wasted in front of me. She eyes me from head to toe, making me a little uncomfortable, since below the unzipped hoodie, I'm only wearing shorts and a tank top.-Is Drew there? – I finally ask ignoring her stare.-Why do you ask? And who are you? – She responds in an unfriendly tone.I'm about to open my mouth not so politely, when someone joins her.-Audrey! – Damien's voice comes cheery as he eyes me up and down.I cover myself up and try to smile.-Can I talk to Drew for a sec? Or is this your apartment too?He picks up on my irritated tone and turns to the girl, who is still standing there.-Go get Drew, will ya?-He's passed out on the couch. Poor baby didn't even resist for round two. – She winks at me like she's trying to make a point.I ignore that and follow Damien, who has now walked inside the apartment. The room is trashed. People are drunk and oblivious to my presence. I turn my head scanning the room, when I spot a figure on the couch. Drew is laying there and looks totally lifeless. Two girls are trying to wake him up, rubbing on him and casually kissing his face. That scene grosses me out, but something inside me ignites and I surprise myself walking to Drew's body.Apparently Damien had seen me and joins me as soon as I approach the couch.-What do you think you're doing? – Drew's raspy voice makes me turn my head to him.So now he decides to wake up?! Just Great!-I think she was just about to take you to bed. – Damien laughs not helping the situation.-I'm...I...-My, my, neighbor! I didn't think you had it in you... – Drew winks and sloppily gets up from the couch, throwing his arm around my shoulder.-Take me to bed then, neighbor! – He winks, shamelessly looking at my exposed legs.-Don't get you hopes high, buddy! – I shove his arm away.Though I liked it's warmth around me, this was inappropriate. He is shirtless, and drunk and I came here for another reason.-I came to talk to you about the music. – I spoke slowly, remembering why I came here in the first place.-What about the music?!-Can you turn it down? Or lower the volume? It's been two days in a row and...A throaty laugh came from him. Was he making fun of me?-Thank fuck someone finally spoke! – His words surprised me. Was he really happy I came to complain? I expected him to say anything but this. He takes me by surprise once again as his lips make contact with my cheek.-Watch this! – He winks and walks to the corner of the room.His steps are wobbly and unsteady as he walks on glasses and bottles and cables. He finally makes it to his destination and proceeds to pulling some king of plug. The music stops and everybody starts making booo sounds.-Listen here everyone! – Drew slurs clearly drunk himself.-My lovely neighbor over there, says this party is over. – He points at me.Wow! Thanks so much Drew! Angry glares are thrown my way, but I ignore them, shaking my head to what Drew surprises me with next.-Thanks love, for reminding these people and especially me, that this is not a club but a home. So, that's a wrap everybody. Take your shit and leave my house. I wanna take a piss in peace without people walking in and out while I'm at it.Oh...that was tactful. I laugh at his words, but hey, whatever works. I'm not complaining.People start gathering their stuff and heading out. Leaving me there with Drew.-Happy? – He asks amused.With the lights on, he looks even worse than before. His eyes are clouded and have dark circles under them. He scratches his head, walking towards me.-How about you take me to bed now? – his Cheshire smile is wiped off when I push him back and he lands on his ass, thankfully on the couch,-I meant it when I said don't get you hopes high! I'm seeing myself out. Thank you!I leave him standing there, blowing kisses my way.********************A knock on the door interrupts my train of thought. Instinctively I look at the time on my phone. Shit, it's already 9 pm. No wonder I'm feeling dizzy. I walk lazily to the door, wondering who would show up at this time. I don't have anyone except Elle, who I highly doubt will visit me unannounced at this hour. I open the door stretching my tired limbs and come face to face with two, now familiar, black haired boys. Damien is smiling, holding something that looks like a casserole, while Drew looks kind of nervous, but still forcing a smile. It's been over a week since the party incident and I've tried to avoid him like the plague,-Uh, um, hi guys! - I manage to say, clearly surprised by the sudden visit.-Hello love! - Damien greets me warmly and hands me the casserole looking thing.Drew mumbles a shy, silent Hi.-Oh, um, thanks, I guess! - I laugh a little awkwardly - Please do come in!I take a step back to let them inside the apartment. They walk in slowly, getting familiar with the new surroundings.-This is nice! - Drew says in a half whisper, which makes me doubt if that was supposed to be heard or not. I mumble a thanks and place the casserole on the counter.-Would you guys like to, um, stay for dinner? I was just about to fix something quick.-Sure! - Damien replies happily.-Yeah...Ok! - adds Drew.-We already brought dinner so you don't have to get busy. - Damien says, joining me.-Yea, I don't think so. I wouldn't eat that. - Drew laughs, making himself comfortable on the couch.-Why man? I poured my heart into it. - Damien whines.I stare at the casserole, definitely considering Drew's advice. I mean, it does look weird, so I wouldn't risk it. Not to mention I'm too much of a picky eater. Like reading my mind, Drew raises from the couch and joins me behind the counter. -Let's see what we can make here. I'm not a great cook but not too bad either. - He says, opening the fridge and studying the stuff inside.-Yeah, he knows how to make sandwiches, if that counts like cooking. – Damien laughs.-Please go sit down guys. You're guests. I am the one that should make dinner. - I smile, dragging Drew from the fridge, a single champignon mushroom in his hand. -How do you eat this thing? Raw? - He asks clearly confused.-Ew, no. I cook it. - I laugh at his weirded out look. -Would you like me to make something with it? I swear it will be tasty.-Sure. - He shrugs and goes to open the fridge once again. –D.D, beer? - He asks already pulling out three beers.-Hell yea! - Damien smiles and grabs one. - Where's the opener love?-Um...I don't think I have any. Here, - I grab the closest thing I find, which happens to be a lighter, and open the bottles.The guys look at me like I have grown three heads. Drew puts a hand on his chest smiling:-A woman after my own heart.-And who can cook from scratch. - Damien joins-And smokes...-Drew finishes, taking the lighter from my hand, flicking it once and putting it on the counter. -That, I sadly do. - I end the "and" streak the guys started. -Help yourself. - I throw the pack of cigarettes at him.-What makes you think I do? - He smiles, already pulling one out, winking.I know you are a chain smoker Drew and I remember when you once video called me after a concert and tried to light a cigarette while holding a gasoline drenched cloth and I fucking screamed at you to stop. But I couldn't tell him that so I went with:-I can smell a smoker smoker, and a passive smoker. Smoker here, remember? - I point at myself.-And he's at the top of that. - Damien chimes in - He's a chain smoker.I laugh and get back to the task at hand, cutting the mushrooms. I season them properly and put them in the pre heated oven, while filling a pot with water and putting it on the stove. Drew and Damien are now smoking in the balcony.-Any preferences guys? - I ask as I join them, lighting a cigarette myself. - Dietary restrictions?-You are kidding right? - Damien asks-You shouldn't ask that. You saw what D.D cooked for you, so believe me, when we eat that, we can eat anything. - Drew laughs.I go back inside, but my thoughts are on Drew. The times we dreamed about meeting and look at what fate brought us to...

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