The End

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Drew's POV

I had finally let it out of my chest. I don't know how I found the strength to keep my voice even and not break, but I did it. I just hope she was looking at this. D.D promised me he made sure she was watching. My heart was squeezing by every word and every thank you that left my mouth. She deserved to be publically given credit to, and I needed to be the one to thank her. Not that any amount of "thank you" would undo the damage I caused, but in the name of the band, I was thankful for having had her in this journey alongside.

The interviewer is taken by surprise by what I had just said and takes a moment to let it all sink in.

-Wow! This person seems to be like super important to you guys. Well, good job, whoever you are, mystery person. Thank you for helping these guys out to deliver this amazing work to us. Big applause for the person behind the scene that made all this possible! – He calls out and all the people sitting in the audience raise to their feet applauding.

My heart picks up pace and I try to remain composed. I can't let these tears fall, not here, on live TV. Looking at how everyone is standing and applauding Audrey makes my heart swell with pride, but her not being here...not being able to look at all shatters my heart.

-We will get back with "The Disciples" shortly. Now it's time to thank the big guys! Commercial break! – He announces and the cameras stop recording.

-Wow man, you gotta tell me who the mastermind is, behind all this. I heard you guys fired your manager, but didn't think you had a replacement this fast. – He patts me in the back and D.D chimes in.

-She's not our manager.

Damieeennn! We agreed not to mention a gender. He'll grill us about it later.

-Oh! The mystery person is a "she"? – The interviewer raises his brows surprised.

-Yes. We'll talk about it in the second part though. – I cut in

My lawyer comes into view raising his hand to indicate for me to go there.

-Sorry guys. Gotta clear some stuff. You can start without me and I'll join shortly. – I tell the band and the interviewer.

They nod in understanding looking at the man who is waiting for me with some papers in his hand. I take the file and open it reading carefully the first lines of the contract for our new manager.

Audrey's POV

I go out to the balcony to smoke a cigarette during the commercial break and when I get back to my previous spot, I see the second part had already started, but Drew is not there.

-Where the hell is Drew? C- The interviewer ask a sheepish looking D.D, reading my exact thoughts.

-Umm, well, he decided to let us speak to you know. You've seen the guy. He won't shut up. – D.D jokes and the audience erupts in laughter.

I can't help but join them too.

-Well, I'm kidding of course. Sorry guys but Drew was summoned urgently for a work related problem so you're gonna have to make do with us. – He winks and I can hear some "awwws" from the female population of the studio.

-Of course man. I'm happy to have you all here. – The interviewer goes on.

-Now, tell me guys. Any last words before midnight ticks and "The Ghost of Yesterday" is officially out? – He asks and the boys get all serious.

-Well, - Jeremy takes the mic looks at the guys who nod in approval about something.

-Here's the thing. As of earlier this week, we are now without a manager, as you guys may already know. – He continues.

Well, I didn't know that! But I'm glad they finally fired that piece of shit for a manager. Jeremy's voice speaks once again.

-We have talked about it over and over as a band and vetoed on doing this here publically tonight. I don't want to drag things and risk the clock to pass the promised time of midnight, so I'll cut to the chace. We have a ready-made contract for the only person we see fit as, and also WANT to be our new manager. All it takes is a signature and you'll be home to the family you belong with.

By the end of his speech, I am frozen in place. This can't be happening. I am misinterpreting things. They can't mean me. I notice the timer on the screen go to zero and that's it. Midnight is officially here and so is a knock on my door, which makes me jump out of my screen.

Ian wakes up and I tell him to stay there while I go open the door. The man in a red suit and white hair is standing in my doorway with a paper and pen in his hand.

-Happy birthday baby!


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