Prologue: The Annihilator

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A giant spaceship loomed in the darkness of the space. Her surface was as white as ivory and covered in intricate arrangements of antennas and satellite dishes. Dozens of tiny spaceships flew around her like swarms of bees guarding the nest.

Inside the huge spacecraft, thousands of soldiers were patrolling and training. She was perhaps the largest spacecraft in history, with her own ecosystem, weather and artificial gravity. She had small lakes and rivers and green landscapes. She even housed a volcano, but its activities were controlled by the inhabitants of the spaceship.

The soldiers in the spaceship consisted of different kinds of species. Most of them were humans, but there were some organisms that had blue skin, tentacles, grotesque features and many others that would take forever to mention.

The army was full of intelligent creatures that united for the same purpose: to conquer the whole known and unknown universe. And they were the smartest creatures in the world (according to them). They had far more advanced technology than any other creatures could ever have.

On the first day after her deployment, the giant spaceship, known as Annihilator, was struck by an asteroid twice larger. It all began at eight in the morning (Annihilator Time).

General Kenneth, the leader of the Annihilator army, was having breakfast in his private quarter, which was larger than a mansion, if you were to put it that way. He ate his meal in a spacious hall with a five-foot thick glass that gave him a stunning view of the magnificent but inhospitable world outside the spacecraft. The only separation between him and the non-life-supporting realm was the glass window.

Suddenly, he heard the alarm blared. He nonchalantly thought it was a drill, until he saw a piece of massive space rock flying in his direction from afar. That was when he left the half-finished food and ran out of his quarters.

He bolted out of the metal door, not even bothering to lock it. Then he followed the crowds of soldiers who were heading to their emergency position. He went to the highest deck and placed his hand on a palm reader, which recognized him and opened the door to the cockpit of the spaceship.

"Report!" he demanded.

"We've got an asteroid heading our way," Commander Williams, who was a blue-skinned octopus-like creature with twenty tentacles answered. He crawled to the window and pointed at the obstacle. "Time to collision is five minutes and eleven seconds. Speed of object is currently 101 meters per second, with an acceleration of 6 meters per square second."

"Prepare the missiles!" General Kenneth ordered. "And have a dozen of our best technicians to operate the magnetic field generator! Tell our soldiers to fasten their seatbelts securely! I don't want anybody sticking to the ceiling because of their armors or equipments!"

"Yes, sir!" Williams said as he used his limbs to break the world record as the fastest typist. A tentacle grabbed the nearest microphone and brought it to his mouth. "Attention, soldiers!  This is Commander Williams speaking. Please make sure that your seatbelts have been securely fastened because General Kenneth does not want anybody to get sticked to the ceiling as we are going to activate the magnetic field generator. Thank you."

Five minutes passed quickly, and now the asteroid was right in front of their noses (for those who had one). At General Kenneth's order, three missiles were fired at the space rock, but they barely slowed it down. Three more were launched but also did nothing significant. With only very few seconds remaining before collision, General Kenneth ordered for the generator to be activated.

The blast of energy was so powerful that everyone onboard the spaceship felt the tremor. The asteroid stopped, as if something had commanded it to, and slowly backed off, disappearing back to where it had come from.

The whole spaceship roared in victory as they had defeated the asteroid. The soldiers unfastened their seatbelts and celebrated.

General Kenneth stood up from the chair and proceeded to leave the room, but he stopped when Commander Williams told a bad news.

"The magnetic field generator used up 80% of our energy. We may have to wait a whole month to recharge using the solar panels."

"It's just a matter of time," General Kenneth said. "We'll wait."

"What about our destination?" Commander Williams asked. "Which planet should we conquer first?"

"Earth," the general answered. "We are heading to planet Earth."

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