Chapter 24: Le Combat Final

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"What in the world are you doing here?" Kenneth shouted.

"Bringing you a present," Colonel Rick said. He dumped a man on the floor. The person looked proper, as if he was a great leader.

"Is this the President of the United States?" the general said, surprised.

"The one and only," Rick clarified.

"I can't believe you did it!" General Kenneth said. He was so overflowed with joy that it clouded his judgment.

"You're being ridiculous," Colonel Rick said. "What are you waiting for? Let's finish the earthlings!"

"Ah, right," the general said. "We don't have enough fuel."

"Then recharge!" the spider said.

"Yeah, yeah, okay."

General Kenneth walked to the door and called a new technician to help with the refueling. He had never anticipated what would come next.


The general was on his knees, coughing.

"What the hell are you—"


He was slammed to the metal wall and pushed against it. He felt his bones beginning to break under the pressure, especially his ribs.

"Wha-what?" he gasped.

The arachnid flung him across the room. He crashed into the computer screens and sparks burst out from the broken monitors.

"You idiot!" General Kenneth bellowed, rising up. "One minute you're back on my side and now you're betraying me again?! This time, you'll not be forgiven!"

He pulled out an electric sniper from underneath the table and shot the colonel, disabling him. Then he proceeded to see if the man was really the president or just some disguised random people.

Before he even stretched his arm, the man punched him in the jaw. Kenneth fell and clutched his jaw, making sure it had not been dislocated.

"Your attacks on Earth ends here!" General Howard declared. "Right here, right now!"

"Hah!" General Kenneth laughed. "You morons wanna stop us! Hahaha! That's the funniest jest I've ever heard!"

"Enough!" Howard shouted. "As a threat to the United States of America and the world, you will be brought to justice right here!"

The Earth general pulled out a gun and pointed it at the enemy.

Kenneth rose up and held out his own gun.

"Looks like we have a Mexican stand-off here," Howard said.

"Mexican stand-off," Kenneth said. "I have to admit, you humans have a really creative mind at naming things. Mexican stand-off, wow, that's artistic."

"Well, in this circumstance, nobody can win or lose," Howard said, buying time. "We're stuck here until the end."

The extraterrestrial general cracked up.

"Nah, you're dumbly wrong," Kenneth said. He fished a grenade and flung it at the earthling, while Howard threw his own grenade at the opponent.


Colonel Rick woke up and blinked his ten eyes. He realized what had occurred and got up. In front of him were two comatose men, who seemed to be having a stand-off before they got blown.

"Oh, damn!" he said. The two men were so badly bombarded by an explosion that they were indistinguishable. He wanted to punish one of them but was afraid of injuring the wrong person.

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