Chapter 25: Day of Triumph

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President Peter Gerald had absolute no idea of what had happened above. For all he knew, the tumultuous uproar had ceased. It was quite ambiguous. There were only two possible explanations: either humanity had achieved triumph or the aliens had conquered the world. He was so terrified that he did not know what to hope for.

"Thank God the bunker held still," he said. "But it'll be long before we are rescued."

"Don't worry a thing, sir," Matt reassured. "The bunker has more than enough supply."

Hours later, the communication system went back. Agent Matt inspected it and was glorious.

"We won!" he said.

"Well done!" President Peter sighed in relief.

"And they have arrested the extraterrestrial army and their general!" Matt reported.

"Mark my words!" the president vowed. "The first thing I shall do once I am pulled out of this place is to bring him to justice!"

"I have no doubt in that, sir."


Maybe the world would never remember that fateful day as 'Hell on America'.  Perhaps it would be celebrated as the 'Day of Triumph'. Every student's history book will be filled with the details of the Annihilator Battle, as it was now called. It would be the true mark of humanity's greatest victory.


General Howard, bruised and battered, sat on a broken bench in the ruined President's Park. Before him was the South Lawn Fountain, which had been knocked down by the disasters the magnetic field generator had inflicted. The water had burst out and the fountain was completely dried up.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" a hissy voice said. He turned and made eye contact with Colonel Rick.

"I'm good, thanks."

"Since I've helped you win, I'm here to receive my part of the deal," Rick told him. "Bring me to the largest cave in the world."

"Oh, yeah," Howard remembered. "I'll be sure to fulfill my agreement, but you'll have to wait."

"Why?" the spider asked. "I'm already eager to live in peace."

"Well, the world is still unstable," he elaborated. "There's Russia, probably planning to invade the weakened world. And the Annihilator army hasn't been completely defeated yet. We've still got thousands of aliens in Africa and other regions."

"Alright, I'll be patient," Rick said coldly. "But beware; fail to fulfill the deal and I'll bite your head off."

"Sounds harsh, but that's fine with me."


Pennsylvania Avenue, or somewhere rather close to it, was packed with reporters and news reporters, along with their cameramen and crew. The soldiers were overwhelmed by the crowd, who kept pushing relentlessly to get a look at the scene or to get their questions answered.

"Please," a journalist pleaded. "Tell us what exactly happened here!"

"How did the aliens look like?"

"How severe were the casualties?"

Meanwhile, bulldozers and drills were digging tirelessly through the rubble. By nightfall, they successfully uncovered the bunker and got the president out.

"Where is the perpetrator?" President Peter asked.

"The suspect was brought to a nearby hospital to receive medical attention," Police Chief Henry Derman said. "I had ten deputies with him, so he's not going anywhere."

"Let's see him," the president said.

They arrived at the hospital and were brought to a room. Six law enforcement officers were waiting outside like guards.

"Good evening, Mr. President," a deputy greeted. "The offender is being treated. I presume you're here to speak to him?"

"Yes," President Peter answered. "Let me in."

"Certainly," the deputy obeyed. "But I must warn you: be careful of him. He's filled with so much boiling fury he could pretty much melt everyone he speaks to."

The president barged into the room and faced the captured general. Kenneth had dark-blue bruises all over his face and his limbs. His nose had been bleeding and the hospital workers did a poor job of wiping it. He had suffered a serious concussion due to Colonel Rick's attacks.

Both of his arms were tied to the bed. Four deputies were watching him with a distrustful gaze, keeping their distances.

"You're the general?" the president said.

"Yes," Kenneth spat. "But I guess nobody calls me that anymore."

"You know you wouldn't be having fun in the forthcoming days, don't you?" Peter said. "The whole world will torture you with methods you'll never imagine."

Kenneth shouted obscene phrases at the president, but he remained silent.

"You bastard!" the general bellowed. "You clearly don't know what's out there in space! If you do, you won't be relaxing here! I bet you'll be shivering like hell!"

"Well, goodbye," the president said, walking away. "I have no more to say to you."

"Wait," the general called but was disregarded.

President Peter returned to his parents' estate that night. He told the agents and guards not to let anyone disturb his sleep, no matter how urgent the message was. After weeks of restless nights, he deserved a break.

"Good night, sir," Agent Matt said.

"You too," Peter said, and he closed the door.

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