Chapter 20: Despair

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President Peter Gerald had never got the chance to get out of the White House. The detector did warn him, but the building was already surrounded in flames. Nothing was going in or out.

"Get to the bunker, Sir!" Matt said. "Hurry! It's your only chance!"

The Annihilator descended onto the Earth. It crushed the White House, but the president was safe. He was deep underground along with the agents. It would require some very serious mining projects to get him out, though.

Soldiers appeared from the Annihilator. General Kenneth walked proudly on Earth's surface.

"'O earthlings! From now on and forever, I claim your home as mine!" he declared.

Colonel Williams stood behind him, watching the fury the general had unleashed. He had learned that Earth had a geological region called the Ring of Fire, whatever it might be. If so, then this would be a smaller version of the Ring of Fire. Blazing buildings circled them.

"Where's the president?" General Kenneth asked.

"Underneath our spaceship," Colonel Williams said.


"Alive, but he's going nowhere."


"Yes, he is hiding in the bunker—"


The colonel stared at the general in pain. He had always been the general's punching bag. No, he could not bear it anymore. It was so unfair. When the general's mood was not satisfied, he would be the one to suffer. But when the general achieved victories, he never got any praises.

Fueled by vengeance, he strangled the general using his tentacles, choking him.

"Stop!" the other soldiers yelled, aiming their guns, but the colonel knew they would not fire. It was not a clean shot.

"Wh-what a-are y-y-you d-d-d-doing?" the general gasped for air.

"Just die, you dumbhead!" Williams shouted. "Die!"


Body fluid splattered on the ground. The colonel stopped moving. His body went limp and fell to the ground.

"Stupid!" General Kenneth said, staring at the dead octopus. He was holding a gun. "Never knew human weapons could be so useful."

Suddenly, his body was zapped by electric shock. He passed out.

"Freeze!" the soldiers pointed their weapons at a spaceship.

The spaceship stopped and a pair of mega-laser shooters were aimed at them. A series of firings followed. Two soldiers dragged the General back into the Annihilator.


Jason was watching the news about the attack on the White House and nearby. He was scared; his house was just several miles away from the battleground.

Someone crashed through the window, causing his mother to scream. A four-legged slender creature approached him.

"Don!" he called. "What are you doing here?"

"We have to go!" he said. "We'll find Eddie and leave this place!"

"Jason!" his mother said.

"Sorry, mum, but he's going to bring me to safety!" Jason said. "I trust him!"

"Okay, be safe," she said.

They ran to Eddie's house, while the soldiers who guarded the house brought his family away.


General Kenneth awoke in the spaceship's clinic.

"What happened?" he said.

"You were paralyzed," the doctor said.

"Well, now I'm not." He got out of the bed and rushed off.


Colonel Rick flew his spaceship to the top of the Annihilator. The magnetic field generator sat on the upper surface of the mothership. It so gigantic that it could occupy a dozen football fields.

"Okay, so how do we get rid of this?" Howard asked.

"The electromagnet," Colonel Rick explained. "It's the most lethal part of this device. If we take it down, the Annihilator will no longer be a threat."

Suddenly, a strong jolt pulled the spaceship. It hit the device and was stuck.

"Dammit!" Rick said. "It's on!"

"No!" Mike yelled.

"Take off your guns!" the spider told them.

Then, as quickly as it had activated, the device shut down. Pieces of metal around it had been heading in its direction, only to fall aimlessly to the ground. Colonel Rick's spaceship began falling.

"Escape!" Howard said.

The spaceship was crushed in the fall while they watched in despair.

"Oh no," Mike said.

Extraterrestrial Invasion: AnnihilationWhere stories live. Discover now