Chapter 12: A Deal

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Jason woke up in a dark place. He felt a throbbing headache from General Kenneth's beating. He opened his eyes and found out that his body was wrapped by sticky strings. That was not good. It could only mean one thing.

"Morning, food," Colonel Rick said, hanging from the ceiling.

"What is going on? Are you going to eat me?" Jason asked.

"Why, yes."

"Well, I surely taste bad, since I haven't had a shower for days," Jason said in an attempt to save himself.

"I would love to eat your flesh and see how you taste like," Colonel Rick said, sounding hungry.

"Look, you won't be able to take over our planet, so why don't you just release me and my friends and stop the invasion?"


"What first battle?"

"While you were asleep and I was preparing my next meal, Lieutenant Frank was fighting with the human army, and you know exactly who won."

"I think it's just beginner's luck."

"Don't test my patience, boy," Colonel Rick warned. "This is not like when you were getting away. There is no barrier between us now. You are at my mercy."

"If you really wanted to devour me, you would have done it while I was out," Jason said.

"Took you long enough to get it."

"What do you want from me?" Jason asked.

"Look, the general was now more into his stupid game than taking over your planet, so I'm sure in the end, we're going to lose this war. And what I want is a place to live."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't like this lair, it's too—unnatural," Colonel Rick said.  "I've heard that your planet is a wonderful place. We'll make a deal: you provide me with the largest cave in your planet and guarantee that I will live undisturbed, and I will help you win this war with the least casualties."

"That sounds great, yes, I think I can fulfill it."

"You sure?"

"Yes, it's easy," Jason explained. "You bring me back to Earth to a country called United States, I'll tell the military of your plan to help them, and in return, they will secure the cave you want."

"Okay, I agree. But be warned; if you con me like the way you treated the general, you will receive no mercy."

"Deal.  Now, can you remove this sticky stuff?"


Commander Williams was having lunch in his own private quarter when Lieutenant Frank came in.

"What's the matter, Frank?"

"I have a bad news," Lieutenant Frank said.

"There can't be. You just brought us to our first victory."

"Well, after seeing the human army's defeat, many nations on planet Earth have decided to join forces and unite to fight us off," Lieutenant Frank said. "In total they have about 40 million soldiers, while we only have 10 million. We are seriously outnumbered!"

"Hey, hey, stop being pessimistic," Commander Williams said, assuring the lieutenant with his tentacles. "We will win.  I have a strategy, one that I learnt from the humans."

"What is it?"

"It's called, 'divide and conquer.'"

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