Chapter 11: The First Battle

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General Howard stood in front of a crowd of twenty-thousand soldiers. Half of them were American and the other half were Japanese, who had decided to join the war since their country had been attacked by aliens too. Colonel Kobayashi Eisuke was there too, upon Prime Minister Takahashi's order.

"How bad is the condition in Mount Fuji?" General Howard asked out of curiosity.

"So far, the death toll is three million and four hundred thousand," Colonel Kobayashi said. "We expect the number to rise by another million tomorrow."

"I'm sorry to hear that," the general said.

"That's why we're here, right? To bring justice to the aliens."


When the preparations were ready, General Howard gave the soldiers the last motivational words, with the colonel translating for his people. Most of the Japanese soldiers could not speak English at all, but they were willing to fight after seeing what the aliens had done to their nation.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the general began, "our planet is at war with the aliens. They have killed our leaders and our people. So today, we are giving them a taste of their medicines. We are going to fight back.

"Yesterday, we launched a probe to space to spy on the aliens. What we found out was terrifying. They had electric snipers, laser shooters and many other weapons and guns that were lethal against us. But don't let that tear your bravery down. Think of your family and friends. They are depending on you, all of you. Let that be your strength in the battle."

The crowd cheered and roared.


Lieutenant Frank was in a warship along with Sergeant Paul and Officer Garry. The spaceship itself carried a thousand soldiers. A thousand smaller spaceships followed from behind, each carrying four soldiers.

The lieutenant spoke through a microphone, and his voice was amplified by speakers.

"Soldiers! Today is the day! We shall show the inhabitants of Earth what our powers look like! We shall make them look nothing more than trash! Today, victory will be on our side!"

The soldiers cheered.

"So, I want all of you, to fight as if your life depends on it! TODAY, EARTH IS DEFEATED!"

The soldiers cheered again.


General Howard boarded a helicopter with four soldiers. One took up the position as the pilot and they flew to the sky.

Another four thousand aircrafts formed an army.

The aircrafts flew to the east, toward the Atlantic Ocean, where the Annihilator army awaited.

"Aliens!" General Howard spoke through a megaphone. "You have one minute to surrender!"

"Let's show them what we've got," Lieutenant Frank told his soldiers.

"I don't think they are surrendering," Ronan, an American soldier said.

Suddenly, the spaceships fired thousands of shots at them. Dozens of helicopters were down.  The US and Japanese armies repelled. They fired missiles but those were redirected back to them.

"Sir, we're losing," Matt, the pilot said.

The air was full of flames and debris of the aircrafts. The soldiers jumped out of the planes as they were destroyed. Many of them forgot to bring the parachute from the aircrafts and plummeted to their deaths.

"This is taking too long," Lieutenant Frank said. "Turn on the Vibrator."

The spaceships radiated a vibration that was so strong, the machines of the helicopters stopped working. Some exploded in midair. There was fire everywhere, and more than half of the human troops were dead.

General Howard's helicopter was malfunctioning from the vibration. The engines went wild and he urged the soldiers to jump out with the parachutes. He told the pilot to come with them, but the helicopter blew apart.

He had only one thing to do, and that was jump off the vehicle. He did not bring a parachute since there was no time and was now wondering how we would survive the fall.

The blade of the helicopter flew off the engine and struck Ronan in the back, killing him instantly. General Howard reached to the dead soldier and took his parachute.

While waiting for the right moment to open the parachute, General Howard watched the army being vanquished. He felt guilty for the soldiers who lost their lives, but he knew he should not blame himself. It was the aliens' fault.

He opened the parachute and plunged into the Atlantic Ocean.

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