Chapter 15: China in Catastrophe

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Captain Terrence was practicing his moves in his private quarters. He held a sharpened blade in his left hand (he was a left-handed person) and sliced it through the air. Then he kicked the imaginary enemy in the face.

"Sir?" a voice asked.

"Come in."

"Sir, something has gone wrong," Lieutenant Frank said.

"What is it?"

"Colonel Rick has just defected," the lieutenant reported.

"He what?!" the captain gasped, dropping the blade onto the floor.

"The colonel betrayed us," Lieutenant Frank repeated. "He escaped with two of the test subjects and another defector using his spaceship."

"Has the general known about this?"

"Yes, he has, and he's not happy," Lieutenant Frank answered.

"This is bad," Captain Terrence said. "A soldier committing treason, yes, that I could handle, but a colonel, the second highest military rank in our army. Now that's something you don't see every day."

"General Kenneth is about to begin another battle with Earth," Lieutenant Frank said.

"With which country?"

"He's targeting a nation called China. It has the most people in the world, with two million active soldiers, and their army is one of the best on Earth. It might be harder to win now."

"And I guess it's time for me to get into action?" Captain Terrence assumed. "Is that what the general wants?"

"Yes, we'll be deployed to Earth in two hours. The general expects your presence in the meeting."


"I don't want to hear excuses, okay?!" General Kenneth shouted at the officers. "This is your chance to level up your battle skills, and it's also a chance to deplete Earth of it's strongest warriors! Don't come back without victory!"

"Yes, sir!" all the officers said.

"Now off you go! Use the remaining time to train your soldiers!"


General Xin was smoking a cigarette in his office. He blew smoke from his lips and continued enjoying the nicotine.

A loud bang sounded from his door, and after he had given permission to enter, Major Zhang came in. He spoke in Chinese, and the following was the translation of their conversation.

"Sir, we have an emergency."


"Aliens! They're attacking!"

"You mean the ones in American movies?"

"Yes! Yes! And they're real! We're under atta—"


The room shuddered upon the impact. The men ran from the office and went though the emergency exit.

"Sir? We've got three waves of flying saucers coming in our way!" Colonel Qi said. "Right now, we've got two thousand soldiers down!"

"How many do we have now?" the general asked urgently.

"We still have eight thousand."

"Then fight them off using the Air Force!"

"Yes, sir!"

Dozens of planes were launched, but the spaceships quickly disabled them. Some were shot down and more casualties occurred.

"No! You idiot! Get out of the way!" Colonel Qi warned the injured soldiers who did not know that wrecks of the planes were falling on them, but it was too late. Soon, they had less than a thousand troops and were forced to retreat.


President Peter Gerald was visiting a family who lived next door. The purpose of the visit was to calm the citizens. He did not want the aliens to take the only thing his nation had left, and it was hope.

"Are we really safe?" Mr. Harrison, a father of two, asked.

"Yes, I assure you, our soldiers are doing their best to keep our beloved country safe," the president said. "I'm sure right now, they are preparing for another battle with the aliens."

"What about Japan?" Mrs. Harrison asked. "And Europe?"

"They've agreed to send help, but we haven't heard from them ever since—"

"Sir?" a guardsman said. "China is being attacked by the aliens as we speak."

"If we are going to win this battle together, we need to help each other out," the president said. "Send a hundred thousand soldiers to help."

"Sir? There's another news."

"What is it?"

"The colonel from the alien army has agreed to help us."

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