Chapter 2: The Abductions

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Jason was taking an exam in the class on a Friday morning. The students worked on the math problems and tried to figure out a solution. The whole class envied Martin, the math teacher's pet.  He was so good at math that he actually belonged to the university.  He could solve most math problems within seconds, and the class would dub him the 'Human Calculator'.

"Psst, Martin," Eddie, a boy who sat behind him called. "Mind helping me with—"

"What did I say about cheating, young man?" Mr. Jones snapped. "You failed. Go to the principal's office." And he snatched his paper.

Jason himself had wanted to cheat, but seeing his friend getting caught made him think twice. Nevertheless, he still wondered how he could pass this test. He was never good at calculating, and the variables were confusing his mind.

Then, he saw an opportunity. Mr. Jones sat on his chair and started reading a paperback novel. It was perfect. Mr. Jones always lost contact with reality while reading his books, so he would not notice him peeking at his classmate's answers.

He glanced at the corner of his eyes and focused on Martin's handwriting. His was not the best in the class, but it was still readable. He started copying.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Jones sat up from his seat and started collecting the papers. He grabbed Jason's and something caught his attention.

"Wow, you got all of it correct," Mr. Jones said, but this did not sound like praise to Jason. It was more like the calm before the storm. He was anxious whether Mr. Jones would know if he had cheated or not.

"Well, I studied until midnight yesterday," he lied, hoping Mr. Jones would buy it.

"Okay, then. Keep up the good work," Mr. Jones said as he continued collecting answer sheets.

School ended, and Jason, as well as the other students, walked out of the class. He entered the locker room and put his things in there.

Suddenly, a hand jerked him backward and slammed him to the wall. He looked at his attacker and saw horror. It was Josh, the bully who was sly enough to avoid detention. He had unknowingly fallen prey to him.

"Look at this, it's Jason, our master of cheating!" Josh sneered. His gang of bullies laughed. "Too bad there's one tiny flaw in your plan!"

"Oh, yeah? What was it?" Jason said, trying to sound tough.

"You only paid attention to the teacher, you never noticed us watching you."

The gang laughed again, this time much louder.

"So what are you gonna do? Tell Mr. Jones?"

"Wow, our little Jason guessed it correctly. Yes, that's right."

"So what? You don't have proof."

"I don't need any evidence. Mr. Jones would believe me. You have already seen that he did not trust you when he saw your answers. But it doesn't have to be this way."

"So you're providing an alternative?"

"Yes, from now on, you'll be substituting me when I get into trouble. You'll serve my detentions."

"Uh, it seems too harsh—" Jason's voice began to falter.

"Or you would rather have Mr Jones failing you for cheating?"

"Okay, okay, I'll serve your detentions," Jason agreed.

"Good, and Ms. Ashlee is going to come here in three, two, one—"

"Josh!" Ms. Ashlee barked as she broke into the locker room. "How dare you put ink in the water dispenser?!"  She showed him a glass of black liquid. "Do you have the slightest idea of how much trouble you've gotten yourself into?! And don't deny it! I knew it was you!"

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