Chapter three: Another invite, A royal one this time

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After spending the night at Key Lime's house, both Strawberry Yogurt and Mint Choco went back home, Strawberry arrived at the front of his and Parfait house, "Hey wait a minute, mail just came in," Strawberry grabbed all their mail and went into the house, he found Parfait cookie cleaning in the kitchen, she noticed him, "Oh hi! honey, did you have fun at Key Lime Pie's house?"

"Yeah, we had fun, finally found out what's happening with him, he's been making music all this time," he told her, he started flipping through the mail.

"Water bill, electrical bill, pretty sure this envelope is a scam," he mumbled, then he noticed a very official, fancy-looking envelope, the initials, HP, were on the seal, "This envelope is probably very important, I wonder what gave that away," he said sarcastically, "I wonder what's in it," said Parfait, curious. He opened the envelope and started reading the letter that was inside, out loud to Parfait.

"Dear,  Parfait cookie and SYC,

"We have heard that you're not going to have a concert in a while, so we ask both of you if you can perform at the Hollyberry Palace, we have also asked other popular musical artists, such as DJ cookie, Rockstar cookie, Popping candy cookie, and Shining glitter cookie to perform at the palace as well, you all will perform at the palace in two weeks, we await your responses.

From, The Hollyberry Palace."

The two stood there, then it finally sank in, they both ecstatic.

"The Hollyberry Palace! babe, we've just been asked by royalty to perform for them!" Strawberry Yogurt told his girlfriend, "I know!" she squealed. After they finally settled down, they wondered how to accept the invitation, "Let's write a letter back, saying that we agree to perform," Strawberry went to grab a sheet of paper and pencil and started writing.

"Dear Hollyberry Palace,

We will gladly take your offer of performing at the palace, we have never performed for royalty before, so this will be a very interesting experience for us, see you there!

From SYC and Parfait cookie."

"Done and done, short and simple," he folded the letter, "now we'll need an envelope and a seal."

"I'll go get it," Parfait grabbed the letter, and put on her coat, "See ya!"

"Love you!" Strawberry called out.

She smiled, "Love you too!" She shut the door.



At the same moment that Parfait left, a female cookie was working hard in her workshop, tinkering away at a machine, after a couple of minutes of silence, she spoke.

"I know you're there, Timekeeper."

She looked up to see a cookie floating above her, tutting, "I can never sneak up on you now."

She shrugged, "I've gotten used to it,"

Timekeeper looked around, "Whatcha doing, Croissant?" She asked

Croissant cookie continued working on the machine she was working on, "Nothing, really,"

"Well, why don't you get some rest, String Gummy cookie is already fast asleep, plus we're going to move to the cookie kingdom in two days, you never know how fast it will come."

Croissant sighed, "Alright, I'll turn in for the night," she started cleaning up when a question popped in her head, "Hey Timekeeper, what's going to come, you know what the future holds, tell me this time," They pondered about it, then she looked at Croissant, "No," was all they said.

"Come on, Timekeeper, you never tell me," she pleaded, "But why do you want to know?" Timekeeper asked, "Well, I don't know, I guess I just have that feeling, the feeling that you feel when you're going to move."

"But that's a childish feeling, why must you worry, dear, I assure you, that you have nothing to worry about." Croissant smiled at her, "Thanks Timekeeper," but before she left, Timekeeper called out to her, "I shall give one clue though," Croissant cookie whipped around, "Really!?" Timekeeper nodded.

"Well, what is it then?" 

Timekeeper paused for a moment and then spoke.

"You'll find someone when we arrive, friend or foe? I shall not tell, but you will find someone that might just change your life." Immediately, the gears in Croissant's head started turning, processing the clue she had received, "Hmm, maybe it will be a friend I'll deeply connect with, or it might be my mortal enemy."

"I suggest you ponder that clue tomorrow, dear," Timekeeper told her, "Ok, good night, Timekeeper," Croissant walked to her room and crashed onto her bed, awaiting the day they'll move.

Meanwhile, Timekeeper stayed there, then they decided to open a time rift and entered it.

They floated around, then she found the timeline that they were in, she looked at the events of the future play out, a smile formed on her face, they chuckled to herself, "Oh yes,"

"What an impact that special someone will be."

(A/N: btw, if you're wondering, Timekeeper's pronouns are she/them.)

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