Chapter twelve: The Royal Concert

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She looked up and saw Strawberry Yogurt Cookie

"S-Strawberry?" She said in disbelief, in an instant, she latched on to him and hugged him as hard as she could, "STRAWBERRY!" She cried happily.

He hugged her tightly, "I'm so sorry..."

"Oh Strawberry, you don't have to apologize, I'm just glad I have you in my arms again."

"Strawbs, do you mind telling me what happened, she just came in and started crying," said Key Lime Pie.

Strawberry Yogurt opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when his dad entered the room. "That's the reason why," he pointed at his dad.

"He looks like an older version of you, is that your dad?!"

Parfait immediately filled with seething anger at the sight of him, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE HIS FATHER, YOU WILL NEVER TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME EVER AGAIN!"

Strawberry had to restrain his girlfriend from lurching at his dad, "HEY, Hey, Hey! It's ok Parfait, we're together now, right, it doesn't matter now," He calmed her down.

"I mean yeah, but I just want to know why, because god am I going to get a headache after to all that crying."

Strawberry Cake stood awkwardly as everyone stared at him, "Go on," his son mouthed reassuringly.

Strawberry Cake took a breather and began the whole story, how he lost his wife, daughter, sister, best friend, and almost lost Strawberry Yogurt as well.

After he was finished, Parfait no longer felt anger towards him, "So that rule... was to protect Strawberry Yogurt."

"Yes, lass I'm so sorry I had to put you through all that, but your boyfriend has proven that the curse can't hold him, so I have no reason to keep you two apart."

Parfait turned to Strawberry Yogurt and abruptly kissed him passionately on the lips, everyone in the room cheered as the two kissed.

"Wait!" Raspberry abruptly shouted, causing everyone to turn to her, even Parfait and Strawberry Yogurt broke apart to look at her.

"You still have to perform!"

There was a moment of silence, then everyone immediately sprang to life and started getting ready to perform.

As he checked himself in the mirror, Strawberry Yogurt turned to Key Lime, finally acknowledging the fact that he was just here.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Remember how I got into music making, they offered me a spot last minute and as you can see, I took the offer," replied Key Lime Pie.


"Hey dad, what are you going to do now?" Asked Strawberry Yogurt. "Oh, I don't really... have a clue."

Strawberry Yogurt smiled, "how about you watch us perform?"

"Uh, yeah I can do that!" Strawberry Cake made his way to the exit but was pulled into a hug by his son.

"Thank you, dad."

Strawberry Cake smiled warmly, "Good luck kid."

Strawberry Yogurt felt good as he waited for the show to commence.

He heard Raspberry doing the opening of the show when he felt something in his pocket.

He reached into it...

And pulled out the wedding ring box.

"Please welcome, The CAKE POPs!!!"

One by one, everyone proceeded to perform for the audience.


Shining Glitter Cooke

DJ Cookie

Rockstar Cookie

Key Lime


And finally Strawberry Yogurt.

He walked onto the stage and was met with the same enthusiastic roar the crowd roared at the beginning of the show.

He looked at Parfait, who smiled at him.

He looked at his dad, who also smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

He grinned and began singing, putting his heart and soul into his lyrics.

The crowd went wild and it reminded him of the first concert he performed at. Where he first kissed Parfait.

As he finished, he felt a giddy feeling bubbling inside of him as everyone came out onto the stage. He was going to do it, it was now or never.

They bowed as the audience cheered, "Thank you to these lovely performers who came today to give us some of their best music tonight, and thank you everyone who came to see them, farewell everyone," said Raspberry.

Suddenly Strawberry Yogurt went up to her and took the microphone from her. "What are you doing?"

He took a deep breath, "Actually Raspberry, this night isn't done just yet."

He motioned the others to make a clearing in the middle of the stage and then pulled Parfait to it.

"What's going on Strawberry?"

"Something I've been waiting to do ever since we started dating."

He knelt down and pulled out the wedding ring box and opened it, the audience gasped as Parfait immediately got misty eyed.

"Parfait, ever since we first met, you have truly changed my life and I wouldn't be here without you, I have never loved anyone more than you and the best thing that has ever happened to me was meeting you, but that might just change, it depends on the question I'm about to ask you which is..."

"Will you marry me?"

With zero hesitation, she replied.

"YES!!!" She ran up to him and pulled him into the most passionate kiss they've ever had.

The crowd clapped and cheered, some even got teary eyed at the sight of the two.

Finally they broke apart and looked at each other lovingly.

"I love you, I love you more anything," said Strawberry Yogurt.

"I love you too," Parfait smiled.

"Now we have to decide where the wedding will be."

"Oh yeah you're right! I never actually got past the proposal part," said Strawberry Yogurt.

"I know a place," piped in Raspberry.

"What is it?"

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