Chapter ten: A Major Screwup

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*Day before the concert*

The day before the concert was filled with anticipation, by now everyone had heard about the concert at the palace, and everyone was waiting for the day to come.

Two cookies were heading to a house, one of them in a particularly joyful mood.

Mint Choco was trying to catch up with Key Lime Pie who was practically skipping instead of walking, they arrived at the front door of Strawberry Yogurt's house, but before Mint Choco could knock, Key Lime barged in.

"IM IN LOVE, IM IN LOVE, AND IVE COME TO SHARE IT WITH EVERYONE," Key Lime yelled, Parfait cookie came out of the kitchen, "Key Lime, why are you yelling?"

"I'm in love Parfait, I AM IN LOVE," he said while shaking her, "Well, good for you, but who are you in love with?"

"Well, Key Lime here got himself a girlfriend," Mint Choco told her, "Oh, that's great, Key Lime!"

"Where's Strawberry Yogurt?" asked Mint Choco, "Oh, he's in our room-," but before Parfait could finish, Key Lime rushed to their room, "But I wouldn't barge in if I were y-."


"SHUT THE FUCK UP," Strawberry Yogurt was meditating when Key Lime had barged, which he did not take well, "Oh, sorry sorry," Strawberry took a deep breath, "What is it Key Lime?"

Key Lime paused and then, "I AM IN LOVE STRAWBERRY!"

"Wait, does that mean?" Strawberry Yogurt looked at Mint Choco, "Yep, they got together."

"Ayyyyy, I knew she was the one," Strawberry Yogurt embraced Key Lime and patted him on the back

The three guys spent the afternoon talking and joking around after the news, and then Strawberry Yogurt went to talk with Parfait.

"Hey, babe, wanna go to my dad's house, I don't know why, but I just feel like it," he asked, "Uh, sure, we can stay for a bit."

After saying goodbye to Key Lime Pie and Mint Choco, Strawberry and his girlfriend went to visit Strawberry Yogurt's father, it's been a few days since they last visited, so why not.

"Oh, hey sport, how are you two doing?" Strawberry Cake cookie welcomed them inside as he got them some beverages, "we've been good, how about you dad?"

"I've been swell, just been here, lounging at the house, nothing too exciting has happened in the past few days," Strawberry cake replied as he gave the two some tea.

"Doesn't it get boring and monotonous?" asked Parfait, "You got a point there lassy, but what can this old geezer do now anyway?"

"You're only 58, dad."

"Wow, you remember! I don't even remember when my birthday is," said Strawberry Cake

"Pretty sure it's August 21st," Strawberry Yogurt told him, "Oh! Yes, now I remember, thanks, kid," Strawberry cake smiled at his son who smiled back, "four days before mine!" said Parfait cookie.

"August 17th?" asked Strawberry Cake, "Yep!"

The three talked for a bit, with Strawberry Yogurt and Parfait keeping in mind that they couldn't talk about music, "Alright you two, I have to go to the kingdom to do something, mind if you two can stay at the house until I'm back," said Strawberry Cake.

"No, not at all, we can stay for a bit, Mr. Strawberry," replied Parfait, "oh, uh hey Strawberry, come with me for a bit, want to talk to ya."

"Oh, sure dad," Strawberry Yogurt got up and went outside the front door with his dad, "So when are you gonna propose, I never asked," said Strawberry Cake, Strawberry Yogurt shifted his feet a little, just how was he going tell his dad about the whole concert thing.

"Uh, soon, maybe, I don't know," he lied, "Don't worry, I remember the time I proposed to your mother, what a magical night that was," Strawberry Cake grinned at the memory, "don't worry son, just do it, don't hesitate once you get the opportunity, the sooner the grandkids the better."

"We're getting there, we're getting there," Strawberry Yogurt chuckled, "Alright, see you two in a bit," Strawberry Cake patted his son's back and started heading to the kingdom.

Strawberry Yogurt walked back inside and saw Parfait waiting patiently on the couch, "What did you guys talk about?" she asked, "Oh, nothing," he merely shrugged it off.

"Hmmm," Strawberry Yogurt looked around, wondering what to do while his dad was away, then he went to the basement, "what are you doing?" Parfait asked him, "I remember my dad saying that he had some old stuff in the basement, wanna see if there are some baby pictures of me.

"Sure!" she said as she imagined an adorable and small Strawberry Yogurt, she went down to the basement with him and looked around when "AWWWW!"

She had found a baby picture of Strawberry Yogurt eating jellies, "YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!" she exclaimed, "I'm not that cute," he muttered, blushing.

"I don't care what you and your dad say, I'm keeping this," she said, "ok then," Strawberry Yogurt sighed and smiled as he kept looking around the place for more stuff and then he found something that shocked him, "What the-,"

"What is it?" said Parfait, Strawberry Yogurt turned to his girlfriend and in his hands was a guitar, carved on the body of the guitar were the initials SC.

"What is this doing here," Strawberry Yogurt muttered to himself, "Didn't you say your dad hates music?" asked Parfait, "Yeah, I did."

The guitar was dusty, it looked like it hadn't been touched in years, Strawberry Yogurt strummed it, the guitar played a nice and crisp sound, it was still in playing condition.

"You should probably put that away before your dad comes back," said Parfait, Strawberry stood there, guitar in hand, then he started playing it, "Don't worry, we'll be fine," he assured her, "Alright then," she sighed and listened to her boyfriend play the guitar, which he played quite well.

Then, he started singing, and eventually, Parfait joined him, the couple sang with the beautiful strums of the guitar, Strawberry Yogurt always loved how you can just get into a trance while singing. You could sing your heart out and not have a care in the world about how listened.

As they sang, they got closer to each other as if they were magnets, their faces were inches away from each other, looking at each other as if in a trance, they went for the kiss when.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Strawberry Yogurt and Parfait snapped their heads and felt their stomachs plummet as they saw Strawberry Cake standing there, they had broken the only rule that was bestowed upon them.

Strawberry Cake's face was a look of pure fury that even Strawberry Yogurt felt small under, and the two were not ready for the punishment that was about to commence, "YOU! OUT OF MY HOUSE! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU WITH MY SON EVER AGAIN," he strongly gripped Parfait's arm and started dragging her behind him.

"Dad! What are you doing!?" Strawberry panicked, Strawberry Cake shoved Parfait out the door, causing her to fall to the ground, "NEVER TALK TO MY SON EVER AGAIN!" Strawberry Cake roared at her, "Strawberry-," she desperately tried to call her boyfriend, but Strawberry Cake slammed the door so hard, it was a wonder how it didn't fall off its hinges.


"OVER FUCKING MUSIC!?" Strawberry's anger was starting to match his dad, "YOU KNOW WHAT THE RULE WAS!"

"BUT YOU'RE GOING STOP ME FROM SEEING THE WOMAN I LOVE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT?!" he hollered back, Strawberry Cake grabbed his son and forcefully dragged him into a room, Strawberry tried freeing himself from his dad's grab, but he couldn't.

"YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE, MISTER! JUST WAIT UNTIL THE MORNING!" Strawberry Cake slammed the door and locked it, "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Strawberry kicked and punched the door with unimaginable fury, but eventually, he dropped to the floor and cried, as the realization that he had lost Parfait cookie finally settled in.

Parfait was on the ground, and then the realization hit her as well, she got up and went back to the house, but when she crashed on her bed, she couldn't hold it any longer and bawled her eyes out.

The two cried and cried and eventually, the two cried themselves to sleep, both wondering if it could get any worse.

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