Chapter eleven: A Father and A Son

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*Concert Day*

Strawberry Yogurt woke up, his eyes still a bit puffy-eyed and bloodshot from crying, as he woke up, the memory immediately hit again, but this time he didn't cry, it seemed like there were no more tears to cry.

He tried opening the door, which surprisingly opened, did his dad unlock it?

He stepped out of the room and heard a noise that sounded like crying, Strawberry Yogurt walked to the kitchen and shockingly found his dad crying at the table.

Strawberry wanted to hit his dad while he wasn't looking, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, Strawberry Cake noticed him, "Hey, kid, I never wanted it to be this way."

Strawberry Yogurt stood there, "So you never wanted to take me away from the cookie I love?" he said, annoyed.

"I never told the reason I have this rule have I?"

"No, you haven't," Strawberry Yogurt replied, Strawberry Cake sighed, "Do you remember why your mother died?"

"No, not really."

"She was a singer, locally she was quite popular and one day she was invited to go perform out of town, she even got her own tour bus, so the whole family went to her concert, your mother, me, your sister and you, you were just a baby though, so you couldn't handle the noise, I ended up going to the hotel where we were staying at with you, and just watched the concert of the tv, and then..."

"The stadium where she was performing blew up, the stadium was bombed, and by the time I got there, your mother and sister were gone."

"So that's how they died," Strawberry Yogurt thought to himself, "the final straw came when your aunt died while going to a concert a few months after, it led me to believe that music and anything related was cursed, and I ended up raising you under the rule of no music."

Strawberry now understood, that his dad didn't make the rule out of personal hatred, he did it in an attempt to protect Strawberry Yogurt.

"I almost lost you too," Strawberry Cake said abruptly, Strawberry Yogurt stood there until the memory hit him.


"Don't worry, Strawberry, I'll take care of your son."

"Fine, I trust you, Blue Raspberry, just make sure he doesn't get hurt," said Strawberry Cake.

"Alright I will, come on bud, get on the bus, it's really cool inside!" Blue Raspberry Cookie said, trying to hype up a young Strawberry Yogurt cookie, which he succeeded, "Bye, dad!"

Strawberry Cake gave him a hug and a pat on the back, "Stay safe, and if you need something, you can ask Mr. Blue Raspberry, ok?"


"Alright, have fun!" Strawberry Yogurt entered the tour bus and watched from the window as he saw his dad fade out of sight.

"How come he's so hung up about the kid's safety," said one of the band members, "Well what's wrong with caring about your son and his safety?" said Blue Raspberry.

"Yeah, nothing's wrong with that, but he seems a little too uptight, don't you think?"

"Well, yes I agree with that, but Strawberry Cake has gone through hard times, and he doesn't want to lose another family member, especially his son," said Blue Raspberry, "When are we going to get there?" asked Strawberry Yogurt, "Just wait kid, it'll be worth the wait alright, how about, for now, we sing just to pass the time."


"Alright, boys, get your singing voices ready," Blue Raspberry and his band started singing, and soon Strawberry Yogurt joined, everyone was enjoying the moment when...

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