i can see you in my bed

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I wiped down the bar counter, keeping an eye on the clock. It was almost time for the busiest part of the night, so I rushed to tidy up the bar before people started to flood our dinky bar. My boss caught me lighting a cig, and I quickly put it out. "You aren't slacking are you?" He pointed a round finger at me, and I shook my head. "No, I just got done cleaning up." I said, pushing the ashtray away. He nodded and turned away, and I let out a sigh. This job wasn't really going anywhere and for the time being, neither was I. The bars quiet hum turned into noisy chatter, and I started waiting tables. I was the only one in my graduating class who was back home after college, or at least half a year of it. My mind raced with the same financial worries I had for months as I served beers and brought checks. I moved swiftly through the crowded tables, maybe hoping people won't have an opportunity to order from me.
"Hey, aren't you Hailey?" I swerved around to meet a pair of eyes I hadn't seen in a long time. It was the stoner kid that used to always chat to his friends in the back of math class, freshman year to be exact. He had short brown hair that poofed up and round blue eyes, and was staring at me dumbfoundedly. Of course I stayed at home along with the dropouts.
"How do you even remember me?" I muttered and he stretched smiling, putting his hands behind his head.
"3 Budweiser's. How do you remember me?" He asked slyly, and I glanced to his other friends, who I recognized as the rest of his posse. The greasy haired dude who was the first to drop out, and the curly haired shorter one, the only one who actually graduated.
"Mr. Harris yelled at you guys all the time...Nick?" I gave an unsure smile, and he nodded.
"You remembered! I'm impressed." He grinned, and I smiled sheepishly at them.
"And you're Fabrizio right?" I gestured to the curly haired one, and he grinned.
"That's right! You can call me Fab if you want though babe." I rolled my eyes which met the last one I knew, but his name escaped me. "Uh..." I looked to him, and he puts his hands down on the table.
"I'm Jules." I nodded, and the awkward silence creeped up on us. It's not like we knew each other, other than seeing them in class I never talked to them, or considered it.
"3 Bud's right? Okay."
I left to get their drinks, and returned to them cracking up over something. "Here you go." I said, and Fab clapped his hands together, swiftly taking one off the tray. Julian looked up to me with his big eyes, his hand blindly grabbing for a bottle.
"So why are you here, working in a bar, Hailey?" He asked, as the others started to chatter about what they were talking about earlier.
"It's, um, part time." I muttered, brushing hair away from my face and he raised an eyebrow. He watched me take the tray off the table, and I felt a lump in my throat and did my best to swallow it down. I must have been obvious, cause he looked up at me with sympathy.
"I totally understand man, don't feel bad. I remember you, you were the smartest in that class. I used to always wonder how the hell you did all those math problems." He let out a little giggle, and I could tell he was unsure if he should say more. I couldn't help but smile, his laugh was kind of infectious."But seriously, just because you weren't good enough for wherever you wanted to be doesn't mean you aren't good enough for anyone. Don't ever let anyone tell you that. I know."I nodded, taking in what he just said.
"You're so right... Julian?" I asked mockingly, and he smirked, taking a swig of his beer. I saw my boss out of the corner of my eye, and I muttered under my breath. "I got to go, before my boss wonders whats going on here."Julian stood up to me, taking my hand gently and gesturing to the door."Just tell him you're taking a break."
He dragged me away from Fab and Nick, and out the front door. I struggled to keep his pace, and my hand writhed in the firm grip he had on it.
"Can you explain what we are doing before you drag me outside to potentially kill me?" I tugged on him half jokingly, since I did have work, but I also really didn't want him to let go.
"Nowhere scary, I promise." He assured, pulling me closer to brace the sudden gust of chill air. I blushed as I felt his hair brush against my cheek. He finally loosened his grip on my hand, knowing he could trust me at this point. What else could I do anyways? The lingering smell of alcohol followed us down the dimly lit street, our sight aided only by passing cars' headlights. We reached a small park, with a few benches and a playground, which cast dark shadows on the sparkling wet grass. The one streetlamp cast a faded blue glow, just enough to make out his face.
Julian sat me down on the bench, and brought out his other hand which still held his beer."Really?" I scoffed as he took a swig of it, his eyes twinkling in the weird light. "I paid for this, so I'm going to drink it." He looked down at it, studying the details on the label.
"So... why are we here?" I crossed my arms, mostly cause of the dropping temperature. He laughed through his nose, trying to get comfortable on the cold wooden seat. "You are thinking way too into this. I just thought you needed a break, a talk." He smiled at what he said, as if he didn't believe it himself. I rolled my eyes, watching the thin strands of grass sway with the breeze. "Thanks, I guess. What do you want to talk about?" "Whatever you want. Nothing about school though." He licked his lips and put the bottle down in the grass, turning to face me fully. The light made his face more prominent, almost like it was made of porcelain.
"So, what are you doing with your life?" I asked, and he rubbed his head. "Starting a band with the guys. We are doing some gigs around NYC for awhile, but we might be thinking of a U.K tour soon." He said, and I was surprised at how humble he was, breaking into the U.K is pretty big. Most guys I knew who accomplished any small achievement played it off like they saved the world. "A band? Are you guys good?" I teased, but Julian looked down at his feet, his fingers tapping his knee thoughtfully. "People pay to see us, so I guess so." He let out a laugh, his breath visible in the chilly air. "Well, sounds good to me."
The conversation went on for a long time, talking about our lives leading up to this random encounter at the bar. He was surprisingly thoughtful, and he took special care to form his sentences right. He was burning out his last cigarette, letting it hang between his long fingers. "Honestly, you're the last person I thought I'd be talking to today." I admitted, and he raised his eyebrows."Is that supposed to be an insult?" He asked teasingly, and I shook my head laughing.
"No, of course not. But you didn't really expect to meet that one girl in class from high school, right?" He nodded slowly, rubbing his chin.
"True. I'm glad i did though." Heat rose in my cheeks where it was desperately needed, and he put out his cigarette on the sidewalk. "Same with you." He looked down at my hands, which were clasped tightly together in an attempt for heat. "Are you cold?" He asked, though his hands were already wrapped around mine.My heart skipped a beat, and I struggled to respond.
"Yeah, a bit. Not the best date setting."Fuck. I didn't just say that. His serious gaze turned into a playful grin, and a new light sparked in his eyes. "Want to move somewhere warmer?" He leaned closer, our noses inches apart. I was astonished at the sudden warmth of his breath heating up my cheekas I mumbled a yes, my lips yearning for his. Instead, he got up and pulled me to my feet and away yet again, I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed as we left the park off to who knows.
We arrived to a 1996 Nissan Altima, which looked like it drove through a hurricane. He gestured to the passenger seat and I hopped in, looking at the wrappers and beers littered on the floor. "Sorry bout that.." Julian said, looking down at the mess and away sheepishly, his free hand trying to clean up. He turned the key and the music up and soon we were off, turning down roads upon roads. Am I going home with a dropout? I questioned myself, but my heart argued in his favor. He was sweet, and was the most down to earth guy i'd met in a while, and very attractive to boot. The car teetered to a halt, and he let out an long breath.
"We're here." He said, already standing outside and slammed the car door. I slowly got out and climbed the apartment stairs, and Julian pulled out his keys. He knocked on the door for good measure, and muttered under his breath when he heard a response. "Who is it?" a voice called out, and Julian unlocked the door for us and we walked in.
The apartment was tiny and in a similar state to the car, at least 1 beer bottle per square foot took up the room. The mystery voice made an appearance, a funny looking dude with curly hair, a bit frizzier than Fab's and poofier. He looked at me and nodded in approval.
"Hey, another lady! How are you, I'm Albert." Another lady? I looked to Julian and he was staring at Albert intensely, a hint of annoyance under his aloof drunk look. I shook Alberts hand, and his face had already reached the boundaries Julian set and I stepped back. I could see Julian smirk before gesturing Albert to the door. He seemed to have gotten used to that signal, letting go of my hand and walked to the door. "Have a fun night!" He said, closing the door behind him. Immediately Julian's eyes simmered down to its shimmery playfulness it was before.
"So, we're inside now." He said and I took off my jacket, enjoying the toasty warmth of the room. He didn't bother moving, or taking his eyes off of me as I hung up my jacket on the crowded hanger. "Yeah." I said lamely, wondering how he would pick up where we left off. Which was inches apart from each other I remembered fondly."Want a beer, Hailey?" He asked, pulling one out of the fridge, which from what I could see looked like an abyss of various alcoholic beverages. I shook my head, and he shrugged pulling out one for himself and gesturing to the couch. We sat down and he looked up at me, his lips still wrapped around the bottle.
"So, this is a date?" I ran my hand over my eyes, and I could just say no, but I sure as hell wanted this to be one. "Well I mean, it doesn't have to be a date." I stammered, picking at my nails obsessively. "But you want it to be?" He asked, and I pouted. "This was your plan originally, wasn't it?" I questioned him, and he laughed, setting his somehow half empty bottle down. "No, I swear it wasn't. You just seemed upset. I wanted to cheer you up." I pouted, dramatically crossing my arms.
"Cheer me up?"
We exchanged glances for a few seconds before I blinked playfully, hopefully cutely, at him. He started playing along, taking up the role of an anxious wreck. "No.. that came out wrong. Please." He leaned over and took my hand into his, and I pulled away, shaking my head in disappointment. "You just wanted to fuck me and leave, didn't you?" I sniffed loudly, turning my body away from him. He scooted over to me and wrapped his long arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. "No, I promise i'm not like that babe." He mumbled lowly, letting the babe drag on to further entice me, and I felt a surge of warmth throughout my body. What a fucking tease.
"I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit." I pushed his face away with my hand, my other hand subtly grazing his lap before getting up and walking away. I smirked at his long pause, before finally getting up to run after me. "Don't act like you don't want me." He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him, and I tutted.
"You? What would I want with you?"
That's when Julian pulled me to him, lips barely grazing mine. "What wouldn't you want?" He said, smiling at his own mock arrogance. I giggled too, feeling his hands slide down and grip my waist. I shivered at his touch, only managing to return a fake glare to him. He looked at me with heavy lidded eyes, which sped up my heart. "I-I..." Any wittiness I had before completely abandoned me when his lips finally moved onto mine, softer and warmer than I previously imagined. I could taste the cigarettes and alcohol on his lips which I guiltily enjoyed. I ran my hands up and around his neck, fingers tangling in his strands of slightly greasy hair, my mind was too caught up on his mouth to mind. His tongue traced my bottom lip. I maybe too graciously accepted his request and soon his tongue was roaming in my mouth. He pushed me up against the wall, sparking a small moan which broke our little make out session. He was breathing heavily, which turned me on immensely. He simply signaled to the bedroom door, and I nodded impatiently.
He smirked, leading me to his bedroom and promptly locking the door. It was dark and he didn't bother to turn on the light, he just pushed me down onto the bed and our lips were together again. His hands propped him up on either side of me, and his loose jacket buttons rattled with any movement he made. It was amazing how annoyed I could feel about buttons when Julian's lips were on mine, but I still tugged at his collar. He looked at me in mock disbelief before sitting up and throwing off his jacket.
I bit my lip, my body squirming impatiently underneath him. He brushed back his hair before leaning down and beginning to leave kisses my neck. I felt his wet lips trail up to my ear and he breathed into it, sending chills down my spine. His hands had already lifted my shirt up above my stomach, and I sat up to help pull it off. He looked down to my chest hungrily, reaching around me and undoing my bra clasps. I let it slide of my shoulders trying to be sexy.He bucked his hips into me before grabbing my breasts, and I moaned at his touch.My eyes rolled back and he started leaving sloppier kisses on my neck again, sucking on my skin softly.
"Gosh, Julian.." I groaned, and I felt his lips spread into a grin on my skin, his hands still teasing me. I grind into his hips, trying to get a rise out of him. He tried to be subtle, but I could hear his moan in my ear. He suddenly sat up, and gave me the smuggest grin before grinding his hardening cock onto me. "Fuck you." I muttered, reaching up to pull off his shirt. He let me pull it off him, still staring at me with his teasing dark eyes. "Fuck you? Do you want me to?" He said gruffly, grinding into me particularly hard at that moment. I bit my lip trying to keep my moaning to a minimum, he was being such a sexy little shit. I struggled at his belt buckle, quickly sliding it off his waist. He watched me urgently as I unbuttoned his pants and slid my hand down his underwear, pulling out his cock. I started sucking him off. I watched his eyes close in bliss, as I ran my tongue up and down his shaft. I could hear him mutter something under his breath, his breathing getting heavy.
"Lie down." He growled at me and I complied. He quickly tugged off my jeans, and soon my panties were around my ankles. He ran his finger over my clit, yielding a few moans from me. "Please, just.." I begged, and he nodded and pulled my hips up onto his lap. He reached under his bed and pulled out a condom, and I made a mental note on that genius idea. He rolled it on and ran his hands up my thighs, I could feel me ache for him. He licked his red hot lips, and I gave him a final look of approval. He swiftly pushed into me, causing my fingers to claw into the bed. I felt his hand brush my face and I waived it off, signifying I was fine. He slowly picked up pace, and I writhed underneath him, trying to match his rhythm. My eyes roll back and I thought back to the morning, where the last thing I thought i'd be doing is Julian, the dropout. But I could feel his hot breath on my face and I opened my eyes. Sweat beaded on his head, and he reached down and kissed me. I tried to keep the kiss going between moans, my hands losing grip on the sheets."Fuck Julian.." I felt him pushing harder, his hands tightening around my shoulders. All the blood rushed to my face as I got close to orgasming, Julian silencing my yells with his mouth, though I could hear him groaning too. I came first, my body going limp as I felt his thrusts deep inside me, feeling pure bliss. He came shortly after, his breathing still shaky as he pulled out of me and rolled over next to me in the small twin bed.
I tried to comprehend how this was one of the best fucks i'd had in a while, and turned to look at Julian. He pulled off the condom and slowly stood up, throwing it away with a blunt metallic thud. He slowly cleaned up and put on his clothes, throwing me whatever garments of mine he could find. The last thing I wanted to do was sit up, but I slowly started dressing up too. We were both completely silent, and I wondered what he was thinking. I stood up and stretched, brushing through the lost cause that was my hair.
"Going to the bathroom." He nodded, and I tiptoed on the cold linoleum tiles to the bathroom and shut the door. As I was sat on the cold seat, my mind raced. What now? I checked my watch, seeing it had already passed 1 o'clock. I was surprised by how time flew by, pulling my hair into a ponytail to tame it. Was he just talking me up to take me home? My eyelids were heavy so I splashed water on my face, letting the ice cold droplets run down my cheeks. He probably just thought it was a one night stand with the waitress. I've never done anything like this before, and my mind started doing flips. I flushed the toilet and opened the door, taking in the hallway I barely got to see. I peeked into the bedroom to see Julian sprawled on the messy sheets, his eyes closed and hand hanging off the bedside. My lip trembled, and I bit it to stop it.
My voice came out as nothing more than a squeak, and his eyes flickered open. He looked up to me almost worriedly, as if I'd done something wrong. "Hm?" His hair was still perfectly messy, and his lips still the reddest i'd ever seen. And im sure his thoughts, though he's drunk as hell right now, are going to be as carefully orchestrated tomorrow as they were a few hours ago. And his voice will be just as deep and stumbling in the morning, but am I even going to see him?
I felt tears prickle my eyes, and I blinked them back. "Is this it?" He shrugged, but I couldn't tell if he was being genuine or if it was the alcohol. I felt sudden frustration and slammed the door, leaving me in his living room alone. Having no other choice I laid down on the couch defeated, hoping to get at least a few hours of sleep before dawn.

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