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It was late in the evening of the fifth day when Julian returned to the apartment you shared. You were nestled in the middle of the giant beanbag you liked to lounge in, your book neglected on your lap as you stared out at the lights of the city. New York looked incredible at night, and you often dragged the beanbag to the window so you could enjoy the view. You sat with the lights off, so you could see outside better, and you enjoyed the atmosphere of a night time that was never really dark.

Your head shot to the door at the sound of the lock beeping, and the tension lifted instantly when you saw the familiar figure walk in.

His eyes appraised you, and you smiled at him. He crossed the room to kneel by the beanbag, and you shifted to throw your arms around his neck.

"I missed you." He said gently.

You drew back so you could see his face.
"I missed you too much, I don't want you to ever leave again." You replied. He fell into your chest and rested his head.

"I'm so glad you're back," you added.

His expression cleared. "Me too."

You smiled.

Changing the subject and switching the mood, Julian spoke.
"Did you touch yourself while I was gone?"

You shook your head. Now he was back, and you could see with your own eyes. A week felt like a really long
He could always tell when you were lying.

"Did you want to?" he asked perceptively.

"Sometimes," you answered.

"Do you want to now?"

You shook your head, and he looked surprised, perhaps a touch hurt. You rushed to clarify for him.

"I'd rather you do it."

The misunderstanding disappeared from his face instantly, replaced by a gratified smile.

You smiled, shifting to stand so you could go to the bedroom, and Julian stopped you with a hand to the chest.

"No," he said. "Here."


You eyed the floor-to-ceiling window, the lights of the neighbouring buildings. You were fairly high up, but probably visible to anyone in the apartments opposite.

"We won't be seen," Julian said. "Not with the lights off. Although if we were seen, maybe that smug lawyer with the cheap suits would stop staring at you."

"Okay," you whispered.

Julian smiled, resting his palms on your bare legs. He slid them slowly up your thighs, rumpling the fabric of your pyjama shorts. He reached for the waistband, and you lifted your hips to help. He tugged both shorts and underwear off, dropping them on the floor, and let his heavy gaze drop to the apex of your thighs. He didn't touch your tank top, but you saw his eyes briefly settle on the hard peaks of your nipples through the thin fabric.

He rose himself higher on his knees, pressing the pads of his fingers against your lips. He had you well-trained at this point, and you didn't hesitate to take his fingers in your mouth, sucking on them eagerly.

His gaze was heavy on you, eyes dark as he watched you, and in that moment you knew you'd inevitably have his cock in your mouth before the evening was over. You squirmed at the thought.

Julian slipped his fingers out of your mouth, bracing his hand behind you. The weight of it shifted the beanbag a touch, and you found yourself reclining as he loomed over you. His lips touched yours at the same instant his fingers touched you below, and you let out a soft, contented sound. He stroked you lightly, barely giving you any pressure, teasing.

You wriggled beneath him, and he broke the kiss to issue a quiet order.

"Stay still."

You did your best, but it was difficult. His plastic fingers felt so good as they glided smoothly through the slick that had gathered between your legs. You clenched your hands into fists, one gripping the beanbag, the other the front of his jacket, and willed yourself not to move.

He tormented you for...actually, you weren't sure how long it was, before finally granting you relief. He slid two fingers inside you without warning, making you gasp into his mouth. The feeling of having something filling you was perfect, and you let out an appreciative moan.

Julian drew back to look down at you, looking pleased at whatever expression you wore. He liked to see how much you wanted him, how much control he could have over your pleasure. Ultimately, he wanted to see you happy, but he wanted it to be on his terms.

He sat back on his heels, gaze fixed between your legs as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. They were so smooth.

"I love the way you look with my fingers inside you," he said softly.

You smiled at him. "I love the way you look with your fingers inside me."

He quirked a brief smile of his own, then stole your breath away by bringing his thumb into play, rubbing circles on your clit as he pressed deeper inside you.

You moaned, eyelids fluttering closed as your head lolled back. Fuck, you had missed him. For reasons far more important than this, but you couldn't deny, you'd missed this too.

He eased a third finger inside, and you hummed your approval, eyes opening. He liked you to be vocal. He brought his thumb away from your clit, focusing on the rhythmic slide of his fingers in and out. It always seemed to fascinate him, watching your body welcome him. You didn't really know why, but it was endearing. And hot.

Sensing your gaze, he flicked his eyes to yours. "Do you want to come?"

"Yes," you said at once. You weren't exactly close yet, but you knew he'd have to do very little to get you there. "Please."

He tilted his head, clear acknowledgement of the plea you'd tacked on the end.

"Since you asked so nicely."

He brought his spare hand up, getting his fingers wet himself this time. You watched him, your lips parting at the sight of him, and he popped them out of his mouth, a slight smirk on his face as he took in your expression. He rested his hand over your public bone, rubbing at your clit with his fingertips.

You keened, writhing. It was rare that he used both hands on you at once. Usually it was just one to get you riled up. He must have really missed you. He was usually so patient in getting you to fall over the edge, but not tonight. He increased the speed of both hands, syncing up his movements so perfectly, you really felt like you were fucking a machine.

You came with a scream, your hand desperately gripping his wrist as you shuddered. He worked you through it, his eyes never leaving your face as he watched the result of his own success. You panted as you came down from your high, sagging into the beanbag as Julian withdrew from you with a smile.

"I really missed you," you said emphatically.

"Clearly," he said, amused.

You grabbed a handful of his jacket and pulled him down for a kiss. When you parted, you noticed that there was a light on in the cheap lawyer's apartment, and you grinned at Julian, remembering your reflections about the balcony from earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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