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His mom died of breast cancer when he was 16 and that's when he stared using drugs.
His dad loved his mother very much and never recovered from his loss, as did his son.

His dad and his mom had built a huge farm when they were young, which is now the family business.

Mark met his best friend, Allen, when he was 12 and their friendship has continued ever since, although he is not a very good influence.

Mark's parents never liked Allen very much because they always felt there was something wrong with him, that it was not good for their son. And there really was.
Mark knew about the drug trafficking business Allen had. So, when his mom died, he asked Allen for drugs to try to ease the pain. Allen didn't want to give him drugs because he really loved Mark. But Mark threatened to tell the cops that Allen was dealing drugs so.... You guys know what happened next....

Mark became addicted

Before that, when he was 14, he met Sarah. His parents loved Sarah. When he started using drugs he tried to think of her to make him stop but he couldn't control himself.

Now he has 19 years old
Works on the parents farm
Worries a LOT about Sarah (he keeps her company)
Does drugs (lol)
He worksout a lot too, he does boxing with Allen

And cries in silence

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