dirty old men

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Sharon's pov

I just left a motel where I did my last work for today

Today List:
▫️ Dirty old men ✅
▫️ Go get the drugs I ordered

I'm on my way to a bar called "24 party" that is well known by people like us.

I don't even know what "people like us" means but I think it's "people in shit"

As I walk there, I hear a drunk yell at me

- You're so fucking hot!

- Your mom - I yell back to him

When I finally get to the bar, I walk to the counter where Jack is

-  what's up? There are already a lot of people! - I try to get him to hear me over the music on the speakers

- For sure!

- Has Allen arrived yet? - I ask to him

- Eiii, I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you that he postponed the day of deliveries to tomorrow. But you can stay here anyway, it looks like it's going to be a really fun night! - he finally sees my displeased face and adds a - Sorry!

- OK, I'll stay but you know it won't be the same thing

He nods his head

This mf

I sit on one of the high stools around the counter and order a strong drink.

As I wait for the drink, I notice a really hot girl dancing on the dance floor.
I immediately leave the counter without giving a shit about the drink.

Fuck the drink

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