𝑫𝒂𝒃𝒊'𝒔 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆

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The next morning

Ruby's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and turned around to see that Dabi wasn't there. "Dabi!?"

I get up, run downstairs to see if he was downstairs. I make my way to the kitchen and see that there's a note on the fridge.


Hey, Little Mouse,

I didn't want to wake you up so I decided to write you a letter instead. Anyway, I went out to the store to get some supplies. I should be back by 10:00. Hope I didn't scare you.😔

Love Dabi


'Thank goodness! So I guess I have the place to myself for the next 30 minutes.' I walk over to the living room. I turn on the TV and put on the news curious if there was anything new.

'Wait we got that much snow last night!' I run over to the window to see for myself. "Wow! 35cm is a lot. And it's still snowing!

I hope Dabi is ok... Wait I could text him to make sure." I go back to the couch grab my phone and text Dabi.

Me: Hey Dabi just checking in. Are you ok?

'That seems good. Right? Yea!' I click on send. "DING!!!"

"What the?!" I walk to where I heard the sound and find Dabi's phone on the kitchen table.

'Damn! He must have still been tired when he left. Well, I guess I should just go back to relaxing.' I go back to the couch.

I change the channel and see my favourite show/movie playing. I grab the blanket from the armrest and lay down to relax.

Time skip

I look at the time curious as to how much time I have left to myself. "5 minutes!? Fine..." I look back to the TV, but I end up hearing Dabi's ringtone.

I go to the table to check it and there seems to be an unknown number calling. 'Should I answer? I mean it could be important... But Dabi could also get mad at me for answering his phone without telling me to. But I would tell him after! Ok... Here I go!'

I answer the phone and hear a man on the other side. "Hey Dabi!" "Umm... Dabi isn't here at the moment. But I can passe on your message... Whoever you are... Actually, Who are you!?" "Umm... Tomura Shigaraky... Wo are you!?" "Oh, you mean like Tomura Shigaraki the leader of the League Of Villains!" "Yea! Now, who are you!?!" "Oh, yea! I'm Ruby." "Oh! Umm... Hi..." "Hi! Oh why did you cal Dabi exactly" "Umm... Well uh..."

I hear the door unlock and shortly after I hear Dabi. "Hey Little mouse, Hope I didn't scare you. But how was your morning?"

He walks into the kitchen to see me on his phone.

'SHIT!!!' "Little mouse?..." "I can explain just one moment!" "Ok..." "You know what Shigaraki Dabi just got back here so I'm just gonna hand you over to him! Bye!"

I hand the phone to Dabi while he just looks at me in shock. "I'm sorry..." "It's ok... But I do want an explanation after this!" "I will." "Hey, you two I'm still here!!!"

I walk out of the kitchen and head upstairs to our room.

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