𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 2

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Toga's POV

I searched up 'Aizawa's biological daughter' to see if that would get me anywhere.

'Ok this is a bit better. If I find out her name then I can search that up next, cause that should be the most helpful.'

I was looking threw the website's and most of them were all the same which wasn't helpful. But the information was just there wasn't many websites and most of them were all the same. That's why they aren't really helpful.

The things I was finding:

'Aizawa has a daughter!?' 'Trying to get Aizawa's daughter on the news.' 'Why did Aizawa's daughter not become a pro hero?' 'Is Aizawa's daughter a vigilante?' 'What year did Aizawa's daughter graduate UA?' 'Who's agency does Aizawa's daughter work at?'

'What the?... What is going on with this girl?!'

I click on the second website and it's talking about how she doesn't like being interviewed. And how she's really only been interviewed maybe 10 times, but has been asked maybe up to 100+ times.

"So um from what I understand is she doesn't like being interviewed. So people don't know to much about her but still know a lot. Sooo this could go really anywhere."

"Ok that's good to know. Do you have a name yet?" Dabi asked me "No not yet but once I find it out I'm gonna research her name. Cause that should get more answers then just Aizawa's daughter.

I went back to researching and decide to click the third website.

'Cause I mean it says that she graduated UA in one of the other websites so why would she not become a pro hero?'

I click on the website and find lots of new information that's actually good.

So, apparently when she was in UA she was really good. As in she was always the top of her classe and in her last year she was actually apart of the big three. But she had decided not become a pro hero. Because when she was younger she wanted to be both a hero and a singer. So, when it came down to having to choose she ended up choosing the music path. All thought she isn't a pro hero she still works as emergency specific hero. And accessionally will work at the agency that she's been working with for the past 6 years.

"Ok so uh... I got way more information!" "What did you find this time?" Shiggy asked me.

"Well... Basically she isn't a pro hero. But, she did go to UA and was always the top in her classe and was even in the top 3. So very strong! She currently working on a music career, works as a emergency specific hero and sometimes works at the so far unknown agency that she's worked with for the past 6 years."

"Wow that's a lot of information! And you got all that in one website?" Dabi asked me suprised. "Yea, yet I still don't know her name!" I wined. "Don't worry you'll find it." Shiggy reassured me. "You're right I'm gonna go back to researching!"

I go to click on the fourth website untill I see what the question is. 'What kind of question is that? Meh worth a shot I guess.'

I click the website and quickly step away from the computer.

"You ok!?" Both Dabi and Shiggy asked me.
"... She... She... She use to be... A ... How though?" "Toga what did you find?" Shiggy asked me.

"She use to be a... Vigilante..." "........" "But didn't you just say?..." Dabi asked me completely confused.

"Yup I know this girl is confusing. But to be fair it doesn't actually say why she was. So we must just be missing information..."

"You're right we're just missing information. But you know what it's fine we don't need to look into it right now. Just focus on everything else. Ok?" "Ok."

I sit back down and click the fifth website hopping it would gives me the information I need.

'So if she gratituded 2020 and was in 3A. Then that means that if I search up classe graduate's of 3A 2020. Then that means I should get closer to finding out her name.

I decide to go straight to the next website. But, wasn't sure if I should tell Dabi or not what I found.

"Umm... So I found out the agency that she works at but I'm not sure if you'll like it Dabi..." What is it?..." He asked me both confused and a bit worried.

"She works at Endeavor's hero agency..." He stared at me then turned the computer to check him self. And saw that I wasn't lying.

"How the fuck can somebody work for that piece of garbage!?"

'Jeez he must really hate Endeavor. I wonder why though?'

I go back to researching and decide to search up '3A graduates 2020' I look in images and find some pictures of the year book of the right year and right class. Took a while though...

I look threw the names untill one name in particular catches my eye. 'Ruby Aizawa'

'I feel like I've heard the name somewhere I just can't figure out how...'

"I found out her name!" "Already!?" They both ask me suprised. "Yup!" "Good job, what's her name?" Shiggy asked me

"Ruby Aizawa!"

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