Devil's Daughter

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Kenzie's pov.~
"Will you do my makeup? Please!?" Asked Sally. "I have never EVER wore makeup before!"

"Ok but you need to go finish your piano lesson and pick out your dress. Got it?" Sally agreed politely, and skipped off down the hall. Once I was alone in my room, I pulled out the red gown. I pulled it up to my chest and started dancing. In my head Tennessee Waltz was playing in my head. I had learned it from my greatgrandpa. The song was about how when this guy was dancing with girlfriend or something to the Tennessee Waltz, one of his old friends took his sweetheart. I love it. I started singing some of the song until I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I said warily.

"It's me, Ben. Can I come in? I need to talk to you."

"Sure." He opened the door, and slowly walked in. He had a mischievous expression on his face mixed with secrecy. He looked out into the hall then shut and locked the door behind him. "Ben, what's going on? What's wrong with your face?" I was almost laughing now. I had the biggest grin on my face. He grimaced then saw I was teasing. He smirked.

"Did you know someone likes you in this house?"

"Yeah. Faith, Sally. Just about everyone does." Faith and I had made friends with everyone almost instantly.

"No. That someone loves you. As in has fallen for you. In LOVE with you?" Ben dragged out the word 'love' every single time he said it. I just shook my head. I was confuzzled. "Don't tell him that I told you, but Slendy likes you!"

I nearly passed out and hit my head on the floor if it wasn't for Ben. I looked into his gleaming eyes to see if he was lying. The sad part was; he wasn't.

He helped me up very carefully. I told him that I needed to go take a shower.

"The supply closet is three doors down on your right. Listen, are you sure your going to be alright for the party?" I assured him that I would be completely fine after a nice shower.

After he had left, I stepped into the bathroom and started to undress. The shower was amazingly hot. I got into shower and scrubbed the dirt off of me. I spent a good 15 minutes in there. It reminded me of my childhood. The times we used to start up the sprinkler in the summer and the water was piping hot from the sun.

As I gingerly placed my feet on the shower mat I heard a crash from down stairs. I flew down the stairs and into the living room with only a towel around me.

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON DOWN HERE?" I screamed. Jack and Jeff were having a knife fight. They both looked at me then looked away. I looked down to find that the towel was like a mini dress. I ran back up to my room and accidentally bumping into Slenderman. I blushed a deep scarlet. "Umm... sorry. You might want to check up on Jeff and Jack. They were having a fight in the living room."

"Ok. They didn't cause you or Faith any harm did they?." I could hear the worry in his voice.

"No. Faith was just laughing at both of them, and had a knife in her hand also."

As I pulled on the dress, I noticed how I had grown into it more. In nearly a year, I had grown about an inch. Faith walked in wearing here black dress with white polkado dots. It had black lace at the bottom. It suited her and her super light hair.

Once we had stopped fangirling over our dresses, we set to work with makeup and pinning up our hair. F aith's hair was pinned to one side so it was swept over her left should. For me, all of my bangs were pinned to the back of my head, dangling, so it looked like a waterfall of black hair.

I looked at Faith. She couldn't have been more gorgeous. I had always admired her pale skin, sapphire eyes with a light dash of freckles under them. She looked like an angel. I, on the other hand, had tan skin, black hair, and eyes to match it. Also, I have no freckles.

I look like the devil's daughter.

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