Finding The Others

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Jesse's pov.~
As I packed my bag, Lacey and Jo stuffed some water bottles and food into other packs.

It had been almost a month since Kenzie and Faith had gone missing. Kenzie was my only hope left to maintain sanity. Kenzie and I are cousins, but we looked like twins. She was only a few months older than me. I loved her. She understood me.

"Are you ready?" Asked Lacey. She was a couple of inches shorter than me with pale skin and light brown hair.

I snapped out of my trance. "Um.... yeah. We should get going, my mom is going to be home in about an hour." I finally broke down into tears. "I just miss her so much! Lacey do you know what it's like to lose someone this close to y-you? They were like my older sisters!" Lacey came up to me and slapped me across my face. She was also in tears.

"You think I don't? Listen! Her and Faith were my friends too! Jo- last night she was having night terrors. She said she saw Faith and Kenzie in some kind of.... mansion. Jesse, she said they were with some of the creepypasta." Tears had stopped rolling down my face. Instead, I was now dying inside.

"As in... Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, Masky? Those creepypastas?" I was on edge. We have to go now! I can't let them die!

"Are you guys ready? It's almost pitch black outside." Jo peeked her head into the room.

"Yeah." With that, we left. Clothes, food and water in our packs. "We need to go to the woods. That's where they disappeared, and that is where we will too." Jo looked nervous.... very nervous.

"You guys, I can't go. I can not leave my family. I am really sorry! It's just-" She was cut short by a pair of hands grabbing her.

"Kids, you are not allowed to go into the woods!" Jo's mom and the police were behind Jo. Jo had guilty written all over her face.

"Lacey. Open the window and run. Just run into the woods. I will meet up with you in there. Ok?" I had her pulled into me a hug, and was whispering in her ear.

"Ok Jesse." She quickly opened the window and jumped out with both of our packs. I was right by her side with in minutes. All you could here behind us was gunshots and yelling.

After a good hour and a half of hard running, we took a break.

"That was close." We are sitting in a clearing. "Um, Lacey look at those bushes. Are they covering something?" We both pushed them aside. There was a faint path.

"We should follow it. What's the worst that could happen?" After a moment of silence she said, "Actually nevermind. I have seen horror movies. We are NOT following this path." But it was too late. I was already walking along the path. Soon Lacey was matching my stride.

Along the path after a mile or two we saw a mansion. And when I say 'mansion' I mean MANSION!

And in the front yard was Kenzie.

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