Meeting the family

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Jeff's pov.~
She was stunning. Not Kenzie, well she was hot, but Faith. As I laid in bed, I could hear someone sneaking around. You had to really listen to hear the breathing of the person. At first I thought it was Sally. Then I realized after about 15 minutes that the light footsteps came in a pair of two.

They're awake.

As I heard them creep back to the dark haired girl's room, I jumped out of bed and went to get Slendy.

Slendy woke with a start. He nearly sprinted down the hall right then and there if he hadn't realized he was still in in his bed clothes. He changed into a suit in a flash. When we were finally walking down the hall to the room, we heard a deep sigh. Slendy quickly opened the door and greeted the girls politely.

"Hello ladies. Are you up already? I hope you slept well."

"I did, thank you. Now let's get to the point. Why didn't you kill us in the woods when you had the chance?" Asked Kenzie. She had this look of authority that came natural to her. Even I cowered a bit.

"That's none of your concern.... for now. Would you like something to eat? You could also meet our family."

Faith's pov.~
We were walking down the hall to kitchen. Kenzie started some small talk with Slendy about instruments and music. They were both laughing at a story about Mozart's childhood.

I looked over at Jeff.
He had the prettiest eyes. They were a light blue, which were sort of similar to mine that were sapphire blue. He caught me staring at him.

"Um.... Hi Jeff. I'm Faith Reeve." I said in my littlest effort to make some progress with Jeff.

"Yeah, I know. I also know you put up a fight when it comes to laying you down in bed." He said with a smirk on his face. I blushed a deep pink. I quickly covered my face until it went away.

"Yeah sorry about that. So does anyone else live here? Im mean besides you and Slendy."

"You'll find out in a minute. Hey Ben! Here's some fresh meat!" Jeff called to this guy who looked like a human version of Link.

"What do you- Hello ladies! So who is going to be the lucky girl?" He was eyeing Kenzie and I up and down.

"Neither of us." Replied back both Kenzie and I in unison. We both pushed past him. He looked mildly stunned like we had both just confessed that we were gay.

Just as we walked into the kitchen, four other people looked at us.

"Who are these people Jeffy?" Asked the little girl. I slightly giggled at him for being called 'Jeffy' by the little girl. He just glared at me.

"Sally, this is Faith and Kenzie. They will be staying with us." Said Slendy smoothly as if he were anticipating this question. Which he probably had.

"YAY! You both come sit by me!" We're having pancakes for breakfast. Jack made them. Kenzie gave a curt nod to Jack. I thanked him. I was STARVING. I know I'm exaggerating, that's what I felt like.

We all sat down at the table. After being introduced to everyone else, Masky handed out plates while Hoodie past out forks and knives.

Slendy's pov.~
I couldn't stop staring. I know she couldn't really tell because of my nondescript face. She had grown so much since she was younger. Her hair was much longer. It had become more black since she was little. But her eyes now held secrets, secrets that deeply scarred her. I also couldn't read her mind much unless she granted access to her mind. Empty thoughts that were just drifting around were all that I could look at.

"Thanks for making breakfast Jack. It's amazing."

Her voice was so sweet and assuring but authoritative at the same time.

"Your welcome. Breakfast is my speciality besides kidneys. Don't worry, I won't take your's or Faith's... yet." He was teasing them with a wicked grin on his face.

"You better not. I know how to wield a knife just fine." Faith wasn't lying, I could tell.

"Oh yeah? Bring it on Faith." Said Jeff jokingly. Faith and Jeff were looking at each other all dreamily. I just wished Kenzie and I could become that way. Maybe we could. It would just take time. I have to be patient.

All of a sudden, she looked at me.

"What are you thinking about?" She whispered to me. The rest of the table was a off in chatter. Even little Sally was in on the table conversation.

"Nothing really. What about you?"

"Just thing about what to do after this. If I should go outside, take a nap or just hang with the guys." She nodded her head over at the end of the table.

"Well we were going to have a party tonight. It was Sally's turn to choose whether we had a party tonight or have a competition for the most kills. She chose a party. It will be her second one."

"Interesting. What type of party is it?"

"Semi-formal. Girls wear dresses and guys wear their nicest clothing. But we are killers, so we just wear our cleanest clothes." She laughed at my pitiful excuse for a joke. I was caught off guard. She told me, her and Faith had brought some dresses that they loved and couldn't leave behind.

When I asked what they looked like she said it would be a surprise. She had a mischievous grin on her face and I couldn't help but wonder.

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