Authors note

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This is basically who I am as a nice person I borrow from other cultures and I am influenced by other cultures also I am very nice to people if they deserve it this is what this chapter is about it and I basically and it was also about learning about how to write how to not edit yourself and your story. This is the whole premise of this create a Porperty book.  That's not sure these are my emotional and intellectual memoirs not just my deeply personal memoirs that some people are stupid enough to block but just intellectual and emotional memoirs I'm hearing the end of this particular memoir trilogy and will be starting about my past lives and Highway he had help me as well as the native culture had help me and why I borrow from them and also Am influence by them.    Try to get along try to be nice to each other in a world where you can be anything because king and keep smiling. I know I am very brash about how I talk about my subjects but this is not why am being me this is not me being mean this is me being truthful something my mother would be very proud of both my adoptive and biological mother would be a proud of F I told the truth am I going to get liked most likely where am I going to be just like most likely as well calbert  said I'd rather be hated for who I am then love for someone I'm not.     I think that was the actual Jim Kelbert I think that was the name of the lead singer in the Nirvana


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