When I got my tattoo I got a blood-borne pathogen called I want more tattoos please. I'm not being a smart ass it's the truth I want more tattoos as possible that don't have to cover my face except for my chin. Why do you say the tune I want to send her to like the indigenous people. Because I actually want to show that I am one of their allies as one but I also I'm getting one of Siberian Scythian or whatever Amazonian tattoo of a ice queen do deer to throw that they know natives and the eastern Europeans are no different than each other and we have been a trauma nurse for quite some time but it's been along time since Europe has been a shaman and pagan and Wiccan so that being said I'm trying to bring things back old-school here in the way that Eastern Europe should've been in the first place not a pile of mole crap but your spirituality that's what I think of it. That's what I think of the indigenous people and they of Canada and the United States are more spiritual than anything else. And I want to be the reality that's why I'm getting send tattoo one time not like the Tanlines but I'll design something geometric an elf say well it's because I am an ally of the indigenous people. But there's other tattoos I also want him gone tattoo crazy since I got my first tattoo which was Spanky the swearing water molecule and I said blood-borne pathogen that nobody knows of ours call I want Moraitis which means I want more tattoos tattoo fever. That means I got addicted to ink and I enjoy getting ink and I enjoy also creating designs for Hank to be tattooed on me except for him the biohazard sign is just saying that I fucking have a potty mouth and that I like everything from genetics to microbiology to infectious diseases to Medicine. And the biohazard sign I'm going to pick the colour out for it to be called in nitrous a standard black but I will be a neon colour is so everyone can see the mile away and know that I am a science nerd and also a bit of a potty mouth. Then I'm getting siren head on Christmas on my left forearm and then I don't know what I'm gonna do for the next spring I am oh yeah the ice queen dear. Because I believe that I don't believe I am Amazonian which is no different from the Indigenous accept That they're not Coad there more woman oriented that's what they are. The Amazons Ronaldo from from the indigenous people of Canada in the United States except for being coed like the indigenous people of the United States and Canada they have remained in Europe and Asia and they have room no room for men they do not deal with men and they're not Coad that means I don't deal with people of the opposite sex and just deal with fellow women. And that's why if you get a Eastern European person most likely around the black sea in Tasnia area and the Siberian area i betcha to the one they might have Amazonian DNA which is why it is Amazonian. They had a empire expand from the Black Sea let west of the black seed down to the all-time mounds in Siberia some of them even made it as far as the land bridge Patton crash of these are the Amazons I'm talking about. So that's one tattoo I'm getting is the ICe queen deer. And I'm also going to get a skin tattoo that it will show that I am no different than the indigenous people, . I have nothing more than just respect for them unlike my brother who doesn't like them and I don't like my brother lying exactly white so that being said I'm more open to other people than a purebred white person and that's just basically the way it is with me I am more flexible with other cultures and more flexible and more likely to be an ally towards these other cultures because I am now different from them 2000 years ago when the Amazons were around then then the Greeks committed genocide to the Amazons and now we just they just live in our DNA. But the Amazon culture I'm trying to bring back. And it has me as Way Norcross salon Bridgeport across from Europe all the way through the Atlantic Ocean to Elmer Ontario Canada where I lived and to where I am now today and I believe the nature-based religions like the shaman is him and the pagan where can I very important to me because that's what I am they think all the prehistoric and stuff they're not it's very sophisticated call Sir I remember reading about the Amazons I didn't what are they eagle beyond south of the Caucus mountains in southern Russia and then the Tasnia and that's where the llamas would be and they would be from Romania all the way through Chechnya and TransCaucasia all the way to Siberia. That's what I am. And the sassing hands are no different except for coed meaning they're both genders and the more guy-based and they're also Shamanic religion as well shaman is him I mean, and this was before the organized religions came in and committed genocide against see actual Scythians and Amazons. I'm trying to bring back the culture I'm not trying to say I'm better than anyone I'm just saying I'm gonna bring back the culture that I have I am trying to bring back the Uighurs as well they're dying out as well and they're not faring out as well and then we also have a Tibetans and that's also in my blood as well and I decide that I want to bring bring it old school and be who I am as I am in my essence. So I do tattoos and piercings do I have the tattoo myself no I have someone else do it and they're not traditional shit in our Amazonian tattoos except for the ice queen deer. Other than that that's the only traditional tattoo I'm going to get the ginger two will be nothing more than geometric instead of lines because I don't want to offend anyone who I respect and then I'm also going to get siren head on my left forearm and I'm going to get out the unicorn pens one day and get siren head set up it's very interesting to be writing about my own heritage this is what my intellectual property is this is who I am all the way from Romanian to the Altai mountains is who I am. And maybe even as far as in where the land bridge started in Asia. That's my ancestors my ancestors did not come to North America until I decided to come to North America I am the people who did not leave the land bridge I was the people that just wanna build trying to go live but what I remember reading in history classes that the other people the indigenous people were kicked out of Asia and had to be forced into the land bridge and into North America because of my people were not excepting of their idea of Stroman is Amanda idea of stuff that should be what it is and I think that's kind of wrong I think everyone should be excepting of who they are. That's more or less what I am Siberian Asian and Uighur as well as Amazon and the city and the city ends in the Amazons actually were the ones that ran off the other people to North America and that didn't sound cool to me and then the night the Greeks ended up killing off the sea at the ends in the Amazons now we just have these eastern European cultures which is fine but that's who I am. I was born in Bucharest Romania I think I mentioned this before I was given up for a better life for a better life didn't really come that easily for me because the first of what happened to me as a kid I am not gonna give you a shock therapy as to what happened to me as a kid but I'll tell you this I was bullied because of my PTSD and my ass burgers and autism as well as my ethnicity I don't look like the average Whitey an nor do I really care. Why can't juggle oh I never really see any colour or legend or culture I get to see a human and someone who is either decent or someone who is going to deserve earn my anger it depends on how you decide to act around me. If you force me to fit into society and tell me not to be a science nerd or to be tattooed or pierced not a follow my DNA or anything then yes I will get the gloves off and say I'm not gonna fit in I was just talking about this a while ago about this idea for people getting nasty because other people are different and they don't fit in the box well I kicked it literally so many times in my life because I said I am blocking the system I am being who I am. There's so many bullies out there and so many people that have been hurt and even killed them selves because of being bullied or having to go through plastic surgery because they were bullies and stubborn and just a fit in and feel decent and it's really horrible and sometimes it goes even worse than plastic surgery sometimes they don't make it through the bullying. And I was lucky I was bullied because of my mental health status not because of my luxe that being said I decided I didn't care about the bullies and feeling and I didn't really care I kept the box more or less which would be society and sorry to say screw you I'm going to expand my ears screw you I'm going to pierce tattoo do what I wanna do do what I think is what I wanna do and do what I have to do to be me not you. And I remember telling my mother to bleep off because of that one concept that I said I'm not fitting in I don't care about the boys and the boys are some human to me that's what I said tell my mother. That was when I was 17 years old I said I've had enough I've had enough of had a ring dark thoughts I've had enough of not stressing organizing my ears and not being funky or different or unique I had had it so I decided I was going to keep the box at 17 years old and I stretched or gauged my ears. And to this day I ended up because of gauging my ears a cosmetic problem I have three earlobes one normal warped earlobe in one earlobe and another with a ganglion do I really care no people look at me funny and I look at them funny back and I tell them to go away because I don't want their comments from the peanut gallery let's say you're the idiot gallery. When I was 17 years old that's when I was sorry I've had enough of the drama of being a normal teenager I wanted to be me again. I want to read forensic books I want to read autopsy manuals I want to read anything I want I want to look the way I want and that's how I've been ever since it's been like I think around 24 years or 14 years I don't know I am not sure what it's been along time since I was in grade 11. And I believe and body positivity that means if God created you to be chubby or whatever that's the way you're supposed to be and you should except it the hell with everyone everyone else if you are small Boobed or flat The number has where you are to be for the rest of your life that's what you are the universe the creator has a plan for you for a reason and that's why he created you in the shape that you are you're either going to be curvy and similar to Britney Spears or you're going to be too skinny and flat-chested or you're going to be chubby and that's the way it is that's the way nature should've been intended but because of people being a bully that's what happens and I'm very body positive. To me body positivity is saying that God has a plan or the creator or whatever entity is out there has a plan for me for a reason and that's why I'm built the way I am. Like me I'm a runt that's what I am a runt that's all I've been I've been the runt of the litter for the rest of my life and still have the runt of the litter why am I that literally the runt like sage Silverwing off of the silver wing box that's what I am I'm meant to be smart quick fast and furious. And I have done a lot of good and a lot of damage in a lot of spiritual things. Mostly for my own safety the damage mostly the good for everyone else and myself and the spiritual for everyone else and myself. I was an angry little bugger when I was a kid because I was I thought at the time I had something to prove one really was just a matter of showing an IQ and showing that I can read a book and then I am not an idiot or not too smart or not weak. Small doesn't always have to be weak. So that meeting said I decided I was going to work on my anger about two years ago during the pandemic because I said I don't have very much to prove to anyone except myself everyone else can break the wind. I don't have anyone else to prove to except myself and that's what I think and I started to work on my anger and decide that my size diminutive size is no different than being chubby or skinny or anything else and I decided I was just gonna except it and deal with my anger and took 2 to 3 years to work on my anger sometimes it's still pop shop from time to time as we're only human. Sometimes I make a grievous mistakes and do something stupid and end up making a mistake and the damage part. And I know getting in trouble. But I'm very spiritual and very smart. That being said I use that now to help me prove to myself that I can get over my PTSD and asburgers will not so much my asburgers as my PTSD and my anger. I don't know how many people I've had to deal with and try to prove to but that was the final straw when I was 17 years old and I just took a long time.
I heard from my friend who said the small dogs are a lot meaner because they have more to prove that I cannot agree with because I've had to be mean half my life just to prove to the bullies that I am not gonna put up with their mole crap I was a real meanie in high school. And I was because I was small Amazonian and around and I had something to prove one really what really I had approved why is my work ethic my intelligence my kindness and stuff but I didn't think of that at the time until when Covid hit.
When Covid hit I decide to work on my patience sometimes I from over on the right sometimes and try to work on my anger and work on mindfulness. I work also on the mobile value of a dollar for tattoos I think is this more worth more than a tattoo like I need sunglasses worth more than a tattoo or are these going to affect my tattoo money why cause you're just gonna say is this going to affect A bill. So basically I'm learning the value of money and what it means to work hard I always knew how to work hard but I never found it so satisfying to do a chore since Covid hit and I was in the group home and I ended up finding out that I can get tattoos that's why I decided that I was going to grow up. Not physically grow up except for getting more tattoos and maybe some piercings tasteful piercings not them all over my face like I had before but you're still say here 9 of them annotations for positioning I'm not gonna have them spread out all over my face and have idiots tell me that I look like a man and I say well I'm trying to look like my ancestors excuse me but that's rude. So I'm trying to position them carefully this time but I'm also not gonna be a dingbat and I have an actually have somebody else do my piercings for me and start doing them myself because I said dang daddy thing to do is do your own piercings you do your own piercing kids as much as I love Amazon I don't like these do your own piercing or the professional piercing kit so you can do your piercings at home that's just rated -r. I think if you want to professional piercing kit you have to have the professional piercer as well as the same thing with the professional tattoo kit should come along with a tattoo artist as well I don't think that it should be done by your own hand I cringe at the words do it yourself or diy I cringe at that. But I do believe that you can look the way you wanna walk if you want to look like me and have tattoos and piercings on me yourself like that Marilyn Manson that's fine with me but that's the way it is I am more or less a Marilyn Manson I am who I am that's what I am. Yes I met soundtrack yes I am unique and unique looking and I do unique make up at times but that's just because that's my personality and I'd rather express my personality and show expressing the personality and society and the box the fact the box gets kicked every day I can think of it and I can think of many ways to kick the fitting in box. I don't judge a person by the rocks and less I don't have anything that I have one for me piercings or tattoos. Or wacky hair colour that's about the only size or if you can't be yourself and express yourself you're a zombie. This is my intellectual property. And my body and brain are my creative properly I do what I want with my brain and my body within the reasons that I don't end up in the hospital or do something stupid. As it should be you don't hurt yourself on purpose you don't wanna go to the hospital or do pranks for anything so that being said I stick by that bottle in that create an express yourself as much as possible your body is a canvas that's what I think you're going to have things about your ancestry on your skin like my ice queen dear. But then you can also have siren head and other things or whatever the hell you want or a snowflake one person I know how to snowflake and I enjoyed looking at that tattoo as well. But that person as well I'm gone out of my life I will Shannon talk to them again and see them not because of their tattoo but they were a very good person they listen to me when I needed to be listen to they were my friend When I need a friend and they were also a fellow artist.
As I said I also do the wreck this journal. The wreck this journal is More less my first sketchpad I ever got from my friend as well. You were supposed to destroy the book and record but I ended up creating beautiful imagery on it some of them are going on my tattoo list bucket list and some will be just actual sketches. There's a sketches of tattoos I want or the fact that I want to dress captures some thing like I've Catherine every image and every angle of the house and I live in because it's a very beautiful spot so that was one thing I did with the rat this journal you otherwise just tattoos and where to put them and how I'm gonna have them done and stuff I like new school tattoos like Spanky's new school that's what I call my swearing water molecule tattoo is Spanky. I like the cartoon of new school instead of the other crap like him realism is not my thing nor is Trish I might like traditional but I don't like I don't like the complex tattoos that are of realism I am more of a fan of new school what is new school you're going to ask is it cartoons is cartoon like things cartoon like characters on your skin that you choose to have if you like new school. They're kind of wacky and fun and colourful I like them so I'm more traditional a new school than I am and then I am realism with tattoos. But when I draw I am realism when I drive like a picture of a house I'd rather damn picture of the house as it looks just like what I say I tell the truth about my life I tell the truth as it is presented here I am new school and traditional tattoo wise and as far as everything else I'm a realism person. I am also in opportunist and optimist but not to the point where I'm like the kid who got punched in the face so many times by me. I say I'm happy but I'm realistic if I do something wrong I can do something about it next time and learn from it that's what I do I go forward and I am trying to be happy. That's why the real optimist is not not a vain little boy that was so horrible who skated around peoples houses with his rollerblades I don't believe that is really natural.
I'm going to tell you something about the rain little boy and sister they were not create any better than I was I just had a father who was addicted to the TV said more than anything else his beloved TV but he wasn't bad of a Man except if you got in the way of his TV show then he got a little abusive not totally abusive just enough to be a pain in your ass. And the same with his drinking he was a good man but when he started drinking he was a pain in the ass same thing with the TV and his logical orientation I didn't believe that in Albert Einstein or believe that he exist dead but I didn't believe in a shit. I believe that he was human yourself that he must believe in ghosts. It's only a human thing but that's beside the point I didn't believe in the theory of relativity to the point where I would shove it down someone's throat. Because that is just not right you don't shut things down peoples throats if you're a logic based person, a sceptic that's fine I don't cause any fights with people like me who are trying to unload simple lines or a simple people carnal simple lives who might be a little more complex than you. That's about the end of that is the people who are logic-based are very bully oriented and very horrible at some point and can be a very pain in the ass drank an otherwise because I don't have very much table even except for ones in the front of their freaking face if it's not proven by science or alcohol is not provable well that's a pile of bull shit and dad. I don't know how many times I have hit his head or not literally but butt heads with him because of differences in opinion about the paranormal he says it doesn't exist I said exist and we got into a fucking fight. That's basically the size of it that has been since the rest of my life. I'm glad that he's in a nursing home where he can't bother the hell out of anyone. He's bothered a lot of people and he's made a lot of enemies I'm not one of them unless his daughter but anyway and I love him still but we fight a lot and I'm glad that he's in a nursing home so I don't have to go to fisticuffs with them. That being said I got a long more with my mother until that Muhamadi guy came along and spilled toxic waste all over us. I was mamas girl I was the pearl in my mothers I and I was known as the Jupiter pearl for her I always called her than Jupiter pearl Terry so I don't know why I said call so many adversity suggested things atrocious enough to be a pain in my ass like take me to daycare when I was nine years old and get me to be sociable one really I beat up every kid in the kindergarten in the Daycare except who won the DaBaby if they were a baby like an old friend or something I want to touch them but if they were about around my age group oh yeah I get messed up and mix it up with them because I didn't like daycare. And why because I had to learn social skills on the same thing with the stupid gay program with the Christian fundamentalist I don't mind what religion you are but if you're a fundamentalist and you can't stand a little fuck here or a little fuck there that I don't give a fuck fuck either. That's just the way I am either like it or keep quiet I keep quiet I had to be very quiet during these day programs as well because I didn't like these Christian fundamentalist I didn't like them and I want to say to them to go to hell. I told them and I told them one day and I snapped. That's why my mother decided to take me out of the day program and I was about 23 when I was taken out. And I never went back and I said I'll never go to a day program or a group if my life depends on it. Because I know my life will not depend on it because they're just gonna be a bunch of assholes. That being said I never enjoyed people as a kid because of the social skills requirement my parents had and I beat up a lot of kids who are being a pain in my ass. Because I thought they were being bullies. I was a bit of a little bit of a nutcase when I was a kid because I was in survival mode but that was beside the point because of the stupid going to daycare and then going to day program and other stuff that caused a lot of problems for me. I would've survived summer camp as a kid if I had to spend two weeks at a summer camp I would've been in jail or Juvie and doing life. Because I'm a survivor west as well I think that everyone's out to get somebody that's my PTSD it's not the best way of thinking I've grown out of it and I can talk to people I can stand people and I can be around people that are proven to be nice. What is your name trains and you turn those colours to your true colours and you become and jack ass I decide that you're no longer my friend that's how I go like I said I told one girl on Facebook if you are going to be a Nazi sympathizer that you have to leave my Facebook and I blocked her because I was going to know what was going to come out of my mouth the next thing a threat. I am very passionate about being anti-racist And help person and Cole human that's just the way I. I think I'm a iMessage that was in my other set of biographies and I'm telling you I don't put up with racism very well because not because I'm at Heinz 57 but because he is just have to be humid. I'm leaving this 88 Sigg hail in that bullshit. And I have a little sprinkling of white in me. I know that I am more ways and more mixed race I mean that I am white but I have to go about what my face looks like and say I have to be Caucasian when I apply for a social media account I have to say that I'm white if there is no mixed race option I have to say I'm white and then it really bangs me up. Because I am afraid of being accused of being something I'm not. I am more proud of my other cultures my coloured cultures that I am of my white culture. I am very embarrassed that I have Caucasoid features because it's very embarrassing because of the 50 or 60 million people who died in World War II during the holocaust I just don't like having car cause I features but I'm not gonna die from it I just don't like it so I'm not gonna go to a plastic surgeon to have my face fixed way and should be.
I think plastic surgeons are for people like burn victims and people have lost power of their face or people that I have serious serious medical problems but not because they don't like the facial features or because they don't like their body if you don't like your body turn it into a canvas get tattoos and piercings that's his final I don't believe in going and getting a job done unless it's a chore but that's it but as far as the plastic surgery is concerned I don't believe in getting a job done to be happy. I have a big nose I don't give a shit big jar lol and I don't give a shit so I'm gonna and I don't give a shit about that. I look but I know what I look like I look beautiful as I am so do I really give a shit about sunken Eyes or a big nose sumptuous lips know so that being said I don't give a shit. Some people might think I look like a man some people might think I look like I need it and I really don't give a crap. Because that's how it's made I don't give a crap about what other people think because I know if I go to that plastic surgeon unnecessarily I am feeding a fire pier now if I lost part of my face in a car accident or because of cancer or need a skin graft because you're a burn I can see that but I don't see why oh I have a big nose oh I got big lips I have sunken and I screw that be happy you have a face. Be happy it's not bashed in by me at least. Because I will tell you if you say I'm ugly or look like a man I'll bet she ran instead of having my face wrapped up. That's just the way I am. I am very proud of my luxe very proud of who I am I don't give a shit. As I said I don't sugarcoat things I'm either face and body positive or you can go to hell. Meaning if you want to tell me I'm too skinny to fat to whatever to ugly I'll say fuck you and go to hell that's basically the way I've been raised is to say I'm beautiful no matter what the peanut gallery says. Anyone who says that I have to get rid of my 30 year loan or have my left ear sowe in, fuck you.
Creative property
No FicciónThis is basically my creative process in my creative memoirs about drawing painting and also tattoos and piercings. Therefore what makes me interested in tattoos and piercings and also what makes me interested in drawing tattoos for my tattoo artist...