Chapter 3: It Would Be Different

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'Do you think they'll be okay?'

Jackson watched as the girls had brought their pillow and sheets down to the new room.

'They'll be fine, but I don't want them to be scared throughout the night, I know I wouldn't be able to sleep'.

'Wait, so you think Ingrid might be right?'

'I wouldn't want to not believe her and leave her up there... This area is dangerous, I know for sure, so I don't want to risk it'.

She waved to the closed windows, 'that was a perfectly good example for Ingrid to keep her window covered at night'.

'I'd say she's gonna remember that'.

Jackson chuckled, 'but like, that's a good lesson...'.
Balla rolled her eyes, 'you can stay here the night if you want to-'.

'Yes please'.

'Man, a grown ass man'.

She punched him in the arm again, 'have you eaten yet, because I haven't', she rummaged through the fridge, 'I've got some stuff, but I need to do some grocery shopping with Ingrid tomorrow'.

'You know something?'


Jackson leaned on the island bench, 'you say that you're not Ingrid's mum... But you sure as hell act like one'.
Bella burst out laughing, 'well... Jackson, I've been looking after her since she was a baby!'

'I know, but it'll be different if she called you mum'.

The thought had hit Bella... Yeah, it would be different... But Bella wasn't Ingrid's mother and that was a fact.

'You want a sandwich or something?'

'I can eat a horse by the way, so throw me anything'.

'Sandwich is is'.

What's Hers Is His (John Wick x Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now