Chapter 4: Odd Feeling

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'Can I have this sweet?'


'But Bella!'

'Shhh, can you keep your voice down?'

Bella grabbed two oranges, 'can you grab the broccoli over there, please', Ingrid pouted, 'only if you let me have-'.
Bella glared at her, 'fine, I'll it myself', she grabs a plastic bag and grabs the broccoli before moving towards one of the isles. 

'Come on Bella, I've been awesome lately!'

'Not enough to my liking'.


Bella looked back at Ingrid and smirked, 'really', she grabbed some sauces and shoved them into the trolly, 'you thinking spaghetti tonight?'
Ingrid refused to speak, alright, you do you, Bella continues walking around grabbing extra food.
It was about twenty minutes until Ingrid spoke, 'why'd Jackson stay over night? Was he scared of that man outside?'



'Are you guys going out?'

Bella chuckled, 'honey he's gay', Ingrid burst out laughing which led to Bella playfully poking her in the side, telling her keep quiet.

'Grab that milk please'.

Ingrid didn't hesitate, she had completley forgotten about the candy, 'will you ever find someone to love?'
That question had stopped Bella, 'I don't know Ingrid, maybe'.

'I hope you do Bell, you deserve it, someone will love you'.


They made their way to the counters, 'eventually is a very long time Bella'.

'What are you? The relationship police all of a sudden, you're only a kid'.

That's what happened to Ingrid when she was with Bella, she had grown up quite fast, and it was lucky that she ended up with friends still, whislt Bella, back in her days? She had no friends.
Ingrid was doing better than her, and at first Bella was jealous, but remembered that she had her whole life to go out and meet others, that's how she met Jackson and a few other friends.
The odd feeling engulfed her when she was placing the groceries in the car, 'Ingrid'.


'Get in the car'.

The moments Ingrid heared Bella's tone, she didn't hesitate to hop in, even locking the door.
Bella could sense something, something odd.

What's out there? What could she sense?

She didn't hesitate to hop into the car and drive away.

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