Chapter 19: Misunderstanding

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The next time Ingrid came, Bella gave her a kiss on the head and a tight hug.

'How've you been?'

She asked and Ingrid stood stock still, obviously confused with the sudden mood change.

'Uh... I've been good?... I think?'

Bella cocked an eyebrow at her, 'really? That doesn't sound convicing enough, maybe I should ask your father'.
She noticed a slight movement at the doorway and she looked up to see John, 'well, I think she's been good', John winked at Bella.

'Oh my god...'.

Both Bella and John looked down at Ingrid, her eyes had grown wide, 'are you guys screwing each other!?'

'Ingr- where did you lear-!'.

John stopped and looked over at Bella, who did a double take on him, 'don't look at me! I didn't teach her that language!'

'I got it from my friends guys, we're not that innocent'.

Bella couldn't believe what she was hearing, 'oh god you're all going to be the death of me', she pinched the bridge of her nose.
Ingrid giggled, 'so... It's true? You two love each other?'

Love each other.

It sounded so sweet and Bella actually liked it, but she wasn't so sure if John meant it, after all, they had just had sex maybe he changed his mind.
John must have noticed Bella's slight hesitation, and his smile was gone, did they loved each other?

'Okay! Sorry I may have made things awkward, so nevermind!'

Bella wanted to take her mind off her hesitation, she instantly noticed John's smile disappearing.

He thinks it's not true, like it was all talk.

Ingrid had pointed out some local markets that had popped up, last time she didn't go seeing as Bella had said she was "busy".
When they got there, John hadn't said a word to Bella, and her heart sped up, she was scared. She didn't want to make a scene, he misunderstood her hesitation.



'Can we talk after this?'


Short and clipped, Bella didn't like that all, not one bit.

When they got home, Ingrid had chosen to watch a movie, with her out of the way, Bella had time to talk with John. He was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, and Bella felt her face grow hot when she realised that he stared straight at her.

'John look I-'.

'What? You what Bella?'

'John, will you let me expl-'.

'I mean, you explained it fully before we went out, don't you think?'

'Oh my god John'.

Bella couldn't hold back the smile as she rubbed her temples. She couldn't help but laugh at the situation and the way John looked.

'What the hell are you laughing about?'

He whispered sharply which made Bella laugh even more.

She heard Ingrid from the living room, 'everything okay in there?' Bella tried to calm herself down, 'everything's fine Ingrid!'
John glared down at her, 'so? What's so damn funny?'

'John, I wasn't hesitating because I didn't think it meant anything! I just wasn't so sure if you were comfortable for me to say yes!'

John's expression had changed, 'you mean you-'.

'Jesus John'.

Bella wiped the tears away from her eyes, 'oh Jesus, you make me wanna slap you and kiss you, John'.
Before she could say anything else, John was on her in seconds, pressing his mouth against her. Bella winced when her back hit the edge of the island bench.
John was quick to pull her away and lead her out of the kitchen, 'limited amount of time', he said quickly as he pushed Bella into the bedroom.
He didn't rip open her shirt this time, Ingrid was smarter than he thought, instead he was gentle and quick. He'd also made sure that the door was locked.

'Open your legs'.

He demands after shoving her down onto the bed, 'maybe I don't want to', Bella shot back and his eyes narrowed, which ignited a fire inside of her, and she gasped as John grabbed her by the knees and forced her legs open, he'd already rid Bella of her pants.
But although she chose to play around, she still felt a little self concious as well. So as he pulled her legs apart, she squirmed a little, which was enough for John to notice.

'Don't hide from me, Bella, you're beatiful'.

He pushed her further up the bed and knelt down so that he could get closer to her core.
Bella's body shook as she felt John stick his tongue into her, she was speechless. John pushed in a little deeper and held his tongue out, the strain had caused his tongue to vibrate.

'Oh god!'

Bella immediately covered her mouth, she couldn't make too much noise otherwise Ingrid would hear.
John sucked on her roughly, making it hard for her to keep quiet, 'John- Jesus John, will you calm down!' She hissed quietly but he ignored her.
Bella tried to pull herself away from him, but John held onto her fast, though he decided to push her further up the bed so that he could lie a little on the mattress.
Bella almost came when she realised that he was trying to rub himself into the sheets.
He moaned as he thrusted hard into the mattress, the moan vibrated between Bella's legs.

'Focus more on humping the bed John, I wanna feel you moan against me'.

She suddenly said and John did just that. She could feel and hear him grunt and groan as he rolled his hips into the bedsheets. The bedframe creaked as his humping grew faster and harder.
He was began to whimper a few times and she could feel his grip tighten as he grew closer and closer to the edge.

'More, give me more John'.

She said hotly and he sped up, the whole bed began to sway and creak under his weight.
Bella groaned as she felt him wheezed against her core. He suddenly pulled his face away from her, but Bella was quick to lock her legs around his neck, effectively pulling him back down.


John struggled against her grip but he still rocked his body into the sheets, he was getting close.

'Keep your mouth on me John, remember what I said, I wanna feel you groan when you cum'.

She rolled her hips into his hot mouth, and she noticed that his humping grew erratic, he was close, he just needed a little help.
She began to hump into his face, whilst playing with her breasts, making sure that he could see.

It was enough to set him off.


He almost screamed between her legs as his whole body tensed, the sudden violent feeling on her core had pushed Bella over the edge as well and she shook violently, her legs growing tighter around John's head, but he didn't care. He raked his fingers up and down her thighs, waiting for her to come down from her high.

'Holy shit'.

She breathed before looking down and realising what she had done to John.

'Holy shit! Are you okay!?'

She sat up immediatly to grab him by the shoulders, 'John I-', his hands shot and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, 'that was fucking amazing', he whispered in her ear and she tried to hold back her laughter.

'Damn right it was... We better get cleaned up before Ingrid figures out that we've been gone for a while'.

'My face does kind of hurt through, I gotta tell you'.

Bella winced, I'm really sorry, I don't-', but John shook his head before pulling her into the insuite, 'I wouldn't mind doing that another time'.

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