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A/N: When I first started writing this, I decided to give myself permission to be as depraved and horny as I wanted. So, that's what's happening, folks! Enjoy! There's double smut in this chapter. I almost went for triple, but I don't wanna kill y'all.

I swear there's a plot to this book lol. I think you're going to like Wanda in this chapter.

Also, I don't know what it's like to eat at Providence in LA, because I'm a broke grad student who ate Doritos for dinner tonight. So, take it all with a grain of salt.

CW: Public sex, exhibition kink, daddy kink, praise kink, degradation kink, vibrating underwear (if you're my therapist you didn't see this, OR we will talk on monday), dirty talk, shower smut, oral sex (m and f receiving). The smut isn't in this order.

They walk and talk for at least an hour as the sun goes down. She learns a little about James, but it seems like he's pretty tight-lipped about a lot of his past. That's fine by her. Google will tell her everything she needs to know if he won't. Wanda was definitely googling him earlier today while they were watching TV. She kept trying to dig up dirt on him, but there wasn't much.

James tells Dahlia that he inherited his business from his father and saved it from bankruptcy. Dahlia had no idea. She walks by Barnes Tower pretty much every day of her life. It's just always been there. When James talks to her about the business, it's like he's speaking another language, but she likes the sound of his voice. She could listen to him talk about anything.

Once it gets dark and Dahlia begins to shiver as the wind hits her bare arms, James chuckles and kisses her softly.

"Let's go back inside."

He wraps an arm around her and kisses her just before they step back into the house. He pours them another glass of wine and sips it, leaning against the counter. Dahlia checks her phone. There are missed texts from Wanda.

[wands 🍃]: 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS?

[wands 🍃]: dahlia

[wands 🍃]: DAHLIA

[wands 🍃]: BRO


She texts her back.

It's real. I'll fill you in tomorrow. Staying with James tonight.

[wands 🍃]: are you getting dick? Right now? Tell me. Voice memo?


[wands 🍃]: YOU GO AWAY. ACTUALLY WAIT. can I eat the ice cream in the freezer?

Knock yourself out.

[wands 🍃]: ily. Enjoy your penis, don't die, and i'll see you at work tomorrow. How are you getting to work btw?

He's driving me 🥰

[wands 🍃]: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Dahlia laughs.

"Sorry. Just letting Wanda know where I am."

"Don't apologize," he says softly as she tucks her phone back into her bag. "I'll show you where Rebecca's stuff is and then where we'll be sleeping."

"We?" She asks.

James looks over his shoulder and raises a brow as he closes the kitchen door to keep Alpine out. She has a feeling she offended him. She was just surprised, is all. She's never been in this kind of situation before – she's slept over at a guy's house on the first date, but this is definitely nothing like those nights where she mostly laid awake in a twin bed while a guy she didn't even really like snored beside her.

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